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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. * - In the Echo so probably ********
  2. It might be because i'm not there and i'm old but i was underwhelmed and switched over to watch Chic who were great.
  3. swannymere


    Cat's new pyjamas, nothing new, move on.
  4. Was at the site on Friday, a few changes (tweaks really) to the layout noticeably around the main meeting point and where the Leftfield stage used to be, it's moved to near Rose & Crown? (near to where the Orange recharge tent used to be). They've gone health and safety mental so be prepared for all the site workers to be ****ed off and all the stewards to be jumped up little Hitlers. Ground was rock hard and even had cracks forming in the backstage area between The Pyramid and The Other stage, so the ground will absorb any rain but might take a while to drain. Sorry for the lack of photos but i honestly couldn't be arsed. Anyone going have a great time and if you get in serious trouble and nobody else can help PM me here and i might be able to arrange help.
  5. I love my Speedmaster, but every Tom, **** and Harry seems to have them these days.
  6. Sorry, none for sale, we're actually short some tickets. I usually work for one of the wholesalers on site, not doing it this year but i'm going down this Friday to set up our caravans and work area and then returning the Monday after the festival for the staff parties. Ghost Chilli Vodka is ready after maturing for 6 months
  7. I'd visit a garage first, exhaust are a pain in the arse to fit DIY.
  8. Didn't they learn anything form arming the Afghans against the Soviets, absolute lunacy.
  9. Kind of like Frank Turner et al. Not bad though.
  10. I'd imagine it would be expensive, its usually a dashboard out job although i'm not sure 100%, the compressor will be £300+ for a new one. I reckon about £600+ all in easily. Join an Audi forum as they'll put you in touch with a local specialist who will probably know any shortcuts to fitting which will save you money. With regards tot he stereo/satnav do you have any map discs?
  11. I'd ask for a quote from a official VW garage, also might be worth tapping up VW UK for a contribution if the cars under 4 years old.
  12. Attempt for the Darwin Award?
  13. I think he had a steady last half of the season, i rate him quite highly and hope he continues to develop at the same pace.
  14. They've offered him a job behind the scenes when he retires, hardly harsh.
  15. What size engine?
  16. Because as a nation we're seen as cold, calculating and up ourselves. Have to say its fairly accurate.
  17. Absolutely shocking. Condolences to the victims family.
  18. Try Detailing World most of the pro's seem to use it and no doubt will point you in the right direction.
  19. Change UKIP to the Tea Party and that could be a quote from Sarah Palin and her loons. Calling people who question you 'clever people' and 'media elite' just shows how shallow UKIP are when challenged.
  20. I get the feeling we're going to get shat on from a great height.
  21. Not a man i'd want anywhere near a position of authority, judging from his lack of 'cool' he's not a man to be trusted. Showed his true self today.
  22. Never liked the Audi A3, always seemed poor compared to the Golf it's based on, trying to be flash whilst having no substance.
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