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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. The officer in question stated on 5Live on Friday that he smashed the window and then proceeded to remove the rest of the glass with his baton so that when he leaned in to grab the keys he wouldn't be cut if the driver tried to drive off AGAIN. The age of the driver is irrelevant, he had already driven off from a Police stop and had driven for 25 mins. whilst being chased by Police vehicles with their blues & twos on, if he thought they had finished dealing with him why didn't he pull over to let them past? Obstructing a Police vehicle must be an offence, and if he didn't notice them maybe it's time to stop driving. The real 'crime' is the fact the driver got any compensation. Some people will always have it in for the Police for whatever personal reason they think justifies it in their head, fact is 99% of coppers do a good job and a job 99% of the public don't want to do.
  2. PR spin so Dave & Co. come out on top.
  3. £200M plus £50M for the next 10 seasons and fans that don't panic or over react. So that's not going to happen then.
  4. Think Micah Richards could move in this window if Man City sign that Porto CB, would be worth a look.
  5. On loan until the end of the season and then a permanent transfer, who'll be the target of the hate mob now?
  6. Why is every ****er on here so keep to jump on the bad things happening at the club at the moment whilst shouting 'I told you so'? 1. First up are the Le Tissier/Benali cheerleaders who think that they can do no wrong (you know who you are), that Cortese is Dr.Evil but won't explain why, instead choosing to hide behind half truths and innuendo. 2. Next up are the ****ers who complain about everything the club do, we sign a player - its the wrong one, We sell the wrong beer, the food isn't good enough, the club have not promised good weather etc. 3. Then there's the 'no matter what is happening i'll take the contrary view just to get some attention because nobody loves me' knobbers. Will you all wind your bloody necks in and get behind the club, players and other fans. We're having a great season, we've had a dodgy run of late but it's unlikely we'll get relegated. What more do you ****s want? Rant over. Now you can all dismantle this and whinge, whine and moan abut what i've written, i no longer give a ****.
  7. As a percentage of Labour Vs. ukip councillors i would imagine it about 0.01% Vs. 10%, but as an aside, you are all mental, right?
  8. I'm not Manji but thanks anyway Please tell me what are the facts, everybody alludes to them but all seem a bit shy about revealing them.
  9. As much as i love what MLT and Benali did for the club whilst they were playing their behaviour since Cortese arrived was ill advised at best, better to keep your council and let the facts come out by themselves. And anyone stating that MLT can do no wrong are being childish, there was wrong in both camps. As for the 'If you knew what Cortese really did' brigade, put up or shut up, don't hide behind innuendo, if you're 100% sure of the story you've been told then behave like men rather than gossiping old women.
  10. I see MLT couldn't resist a dig in the Daily Nazi this morning, only time will tell if Cortese was an asset or a liability.
  11. This is beneath you Duncan, why stoop to this level.
  12. Is that a good thing?
  13. There's no point in him leaving until the end of the season when he'll have a bigger choice of clubs to choose from if he does decide to leave. I hope he stays however unlikely.
  14. Slide Away - Always thought the treble was too high and the bass too low on Definitely Maybe. Remember picking it up from Or Price in Fareham on cassette on release day and then driving to Barcelona that night in my Fiesta with it on constantly.
  15. Another 'No' vote for Kasabian.
  16. Its a rip-off of the BBC Show Hustle.
  17. The Bridge has started well, was expecting a drop off in quality but have been surprised. Longmire is a nice slow paced cop show, Major Crimes restarts midseason next week and will no doubt be up to the usual high standards. Very disappointed with Sherlock its trying way too hard but failing miserably IMHO.
  18. I'm finding it hard to feel any sympathy for them, can they say they didn't know what he was involved with? Did they try and get justice for the victims of his gang? Smacks of double standards to me, lets blame the Police because we let our son, brother and friend carry on with complete disregard for the law.
  19. Probably inappropriate at the moment, but hey when isn't it? Nominate your 5. Rev. Ian Paisley Silvio Berlusconi Alex Ferguson Duke of Edinburgh Ian Brady
  20. Kelvin is Club Captain and Adam is Team Captain, usually if the Club Captain is on the pitch they're captain.
  21. My sister-in-law had £16k removed from her bank after my brother had used a few different sites to watch Saints, it may be a coincidence but i won't risk it. She got the money back from the bank in the end.
  22. Now you see i know Larry David, Peter Kay and Harry Hill are good at what they do but they don't appeal to me, it must be a taste thing. I like Stewart Lee, Stephen Hughes and Bill Cosby but i also like Jo Brand, Lenny Henry and Micky Flanagan.
  23. Depends on your standards i suppose, his are particularly low; a) Fined two weeks wages for drunkenly mocking American tourists in Heathrow Airport in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. b) Charged with assault and affray after a confrontation with a nightclub bouncer in January 2002, Terry was suspended from England duty and subsequently missed out on the 2002 World Cup. He was later cleared of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, unlawful wounding, possessing a bottle as an offensive weapon and affray. c) In February 2002 Terry was caught on CCTV urinating into a beer glass and dropping it on the floor of an Essex nightclub. d)Fined £60 for parking his Bentley in a disabled bay. e) Sent off against Tottenham in November 2006 at White Hart Lane, and accused of racially abusing Ledley King. Questioned the integrity of referee Graham Poll, and was later fined £10,000 for inappropriate conduct. f) Before marrying Toni Poole in 2007, admitted to cheating on his partner up to eight times. Jenny Barker, 17, claims that Terry cheated on Poole with her in a public car park. g) Investigated by Chelsea and the FA for reportedly accepting a £10,000 bribe to show a reporter around the London club’s training ground without permission in 2009. Not on there own a demonstration of a bad person but added up together they make him naive at best and a complete moron at worst.
  24. As usual you are wrong, name me a funny comedian?
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