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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. Coldplay, Stone Roses & Adele
  2. Do you leave the bumper things on?
  3. BBC reporting he's had a medical. Good luck to him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. True Detective, is it me or is it over-reaching? It's trying too hard for me and not succeeding so far.
  5. I don't do winky faces, they lower the tone.
  6. I was being sarcastic.
  7. I'm with one of the wholesalers on site.
  8. I'd ban the flags as well, lowers the tone.
  9. I worked this year, camped backstage between the Pyramid and the behemoth that is the new Other Stage. Highlights were meeting old friends, drinking scrumpy and having The Who in one ear and the Chemical Brothers in the other when i couldn't be arsed to leave the compound. Lowlights were being limited to one hot shower a day and only being to scrounge one full English a day from backstage catering, couldn't go as a punter again. See you next year.
  10. So slowly running out of 60's and 70's legends and genuine Pyramid worthy artists any guesses for headliners 2016? Foo Fighters - A formality? Roxy Music The Chemical Brothers/Fatboy Slim Duran Duran Led Zeppelin Rhianna The Cure Pearl Jam
  11. Is anyone else watching Banshee on SKY? Its got to be the most brutal tv around at the moment, great cast, decent storylines, and some very, very hot women who seem to spend their time being naked or extremely violent. Now on Series 3 but definitely worth a catch up from the start.
  12. Bands finish between 11.15 to Midnight on the main stages otherwise it can be a 24 hours a day (or)deal. Newbies underestimate the size of the site and the sheer volume of traffic when negotiating the site, i think its just over a thousand acres now. It takes a good 30 mins getting from the Pyramid to the Other stage and probably the same for most others except The Park which is at least 45 mins from the Pyramid. When camping take into account how knackered you'll be from walking all day, if its wet there is nowhere to sit (no joke) so pick an area close to where most of the action you want to see is, and if camping with mates keep your tents as close together as possible and don't put any guide lines up as they'll be trip hazards for everyone. Don't camp within 50m of any toilets/food outlets/stages as you'll never get to sleep. The essential items are a large necked bottle to wee in (queues for the toilets can be huge in the mornings), wet wipes, earplugs and cash. It can be daunting the first time but avoid hanging round the stages and get your arse into the areas around and above the railway line for the best of Glastonbury. PS The best time to use the toilets is at night as they'll be at their coldest and will smell the least.
  13. Becoming more and more MOR so maybe you were right about Kasabian.
  14. I don't think the Eavis's have made any attempts to keep Glastonbury cool, it wouldn't have lasted as long as it has if it was as 'cool' is a very short lived idea.
  15. Kasabian are the last thing Glastonbury are about.
  16. I know he's a prize nugget but if the BBC 606 Twitter feed is to be believed Terry has named Bertrand, Fonte, Clyne and Mane in his team JT PFA TOTY
  17. The exchange rate is almost at its best for the last 6 years, when i went 6 years ago it was down to AUS$1.38 to the £, three years ago it was around AUS$1.70 to the £ and when i was there this Christmas it hit AUS$2.01 to the £ currently its around AUS$1.85 so almost the best its been in years.
  18. True, i remember we used to lose and were ****e though, so a step in the right direction.
  19. Tea is for mugs, drugs is for truffles.
  20. Better late than never Post 242 - Oh The Irony
  21. What location?
  22. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times - The Beach Boys
  23. Oh the irony
  24. Foo Fighters confirmed for Friday night, not my cup of tea but a decent band Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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