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the saint in winchester

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Everything posted by the saint in winchester

  1. He who pays the piper calls the tune. If you don't like the tune, pay the piper.
  2. At the risk of making a serious comment, Tijuana Tim should write a formal letter/e-mail to the Club. It's a good suggestion, Tim.
  3. This point of view is growing and I tend to agree with it. The problem is : who would want to take us over? No-one. Word yesterday was that RL will ask Wotte to take over as coach. More of the same schexy Dutchhhh tippy-tappy then.
  4. The game was crying out for us to bring Paterson on - a target man that we could play balls to and pick up the pieces. Instead, JP preferred tippy-tappy until we lost possession. I'm sorry, I'm starting to lose confidence in this approach. I'm fed up reading "it will all come right soon if we keep playing like this." No it won't. It will keep going on like this. The odd point here and there. Could someone else do better with what we have? This has to be a coaching/style of play issue. Time for a change of direction? Going forward (not sideways and backwards) might help!
  5. You know what, Trousers, I read it and the same thought crossed my mind. Most, but not all. I think we all agree on who has excelled, who has done ok, and who seems a waste of our (very scarce) money. If Smith was supposed to backfill for Holmes, we sure won't want him when Holmes is back in harness.
  6. Last night Radio Hampshire (The Brothers) were going on about "you'll never guess who's on tomorrow - beans will be spilled". Is it Rupee Lowe that is coming on? 4pm in Bournemouth, 7pm in Southampton - seems achievable. Can someone record it to disk or transcribe here so we know who is said. Whoever the mystery guest is.
  7. I AM a member and go as often as funds allow. However, I'm on hols 14-21 Dec so not only will I miss the Nottm For match but now I won't be around to book my tickets as a member for the ManYoo game that I promised my lad we would go to. £30 for me plus £15 for him is flippin expensive. But I'm sure that as prices have to be agreed with ManYoo then it's the Glazers pricing structure we are respecting. If I am paying that much I expect to see Rooney, Ronaldo, Berbatov et al, not the second string! Looks like I'll be searching for an internet cafe in the Canaries to book tickets for this game then. Yours, Frustrated of Winchester
  8. They should be practicing corners, penalties, shooting at goal from 20 yards and defending set pieces. Get these areas sorted out and the season will be one of ascension.
  9. Certainly WASN'T flukish. It was well-deserved. We usually start games so slowly and are on the back foot, but the reverse was true this time. We knocked Reading back from the first whistle, and TBH should have been 4-0 up by half time. We were sat with the Reading fans and they couldn't believe what they were seeing. At HT they said they had never seen a visiting team come and play them off the park like that. If Jan said something special or put something in their drinks, he should do it every game.
  10. Might be £8 at the stadium, but £12 in town. As noted above, use the park and ride/walk. Or - honestly, get the train. Direct service, and no drinking and driving.
  11. There's a park n ride near the Stadium. Or come on the train and get the courtesy bus up.
  12. I'll be there. Hardly an away game for me, as I work on Green Park, so the car knows it's own way, although legally I should be behind the wheel. :-) Pre-game drinks at LSQ2. Who's in?
  13. Well, FWIW, I agree with GM. We have the stadium, Pompey have the money. Let's get in bed together. The future's bright, the future's ... (what colour do you get if you mix red, white and blue?)
  14. Realistically I'd have to predict 5-nil to Reading. As I work on Green Park, in the shade of the Madjeski, I kind of have to keep the guys n gals here sweet. I shall be there on Saturday. Hopefully I can park in the office car park, walk over, and see us get a draw or even ... no I can't even say it ...
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