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Everything posted by Crowds

  1. 11wins, 4 draws and 3 loses IMO should see second asking as those loses aren't against Bournemouth, Brighton and Charlton..
  2. I'm a block 42 ST holder I have to agree there are alot of tards here, but I cannot see short of an iq test on application how we can stop this? I think we have to realise our town is not full middle class football fans and we do have large council estates in the area providing a percentage of our support...
  3. Outspoken gob****e, what a shame.... Lol
  4. Haha I do have a sister called Jodie!! PaulSaint- I'm pretty anal when it comes to scratches so replaced it to sell! If I'm honest not sure how old it is and I'm pretty sure it will have no warranty!
  5. I've got it on eBay but I'd rather sell privately to avoid fees hassle Upgraded to a 4 so no need for it now. Phones in good working order, few scratches on the rear but the screen is unscratched as it's brand new, on O2 ready to go. Selling for 180-190 on eBay I'd take a good offer and I'm in Hedge End. With new headphones and charger ready to rock and roll Cheers Paul
  6. Couldnt book mine in block 42 so I'm in block 1 row x
  7. Parked a road away last year didn't pay **** all
  8. Was at box office about 3 and he sad over 24k so including walk up 26? Coyrs!!
  9. We are a different team with him (better). IMO spiderman is the lesser player all he offers for me is a diagonal ball to our Two 4 foot wingers.... No goals, no assists no attacking runs...'
  10. Is rather have Barnard running onto those guly through balls in behind the defence than lambert....
  11. Chaplow nuff said
  12. Crowds


    Immense today. Enough said!
  13. It must be just me that feels morgan is not good for saints? All he can do for me is spray a nice ball sideways... To our two 5 foot wingers. Offers nothing going forward no tasty through balls and he also lacks the killer instinct to throw a challenge in like hammond. IMO drop him and start do prada see how we fair attackin wise! Crowds
  14. Edit- already suggested
  15. Crowds


    Who wouldnt be sad to leave a club that's quite literally out of his league and a complete meal ticket..... IMO a non league player he's on par with Lancashire and the like..
  16. Crowds


    Total toss imo, hence that's why we sold him!!!
  17. ****ng hate people who make assumptions and have opinions when they don't even attend the game. Stop putting up crappy negative posts and enjoy the moment!!!
  18. Derek who? Who gives a **** Rickies the boy!
  19. ****ed off, recieved 34 quid ones when I ****ing ordered 44 quid ones ffs ticket office. I was there on the first day hour or too after they became available...
  20. 60 yards behave...15 maybe Didnt cost us win **** happens passion of the game. Why find a negative???
  21. Lol I got through first time last week when I rang
  22. Tidy WTF uve either on a lean period or have no standards...
  23. Haha
  24. In a unit behind the petrol station apparently... always thought it was an urban myth about a brothal there but I guess there must be.
  25. I think we really miss Hammond. You could see this from sneiderlin last week only prepared to go forward in the past 20mins whe. 2-0 up. As he clearly had no confidence in wotton. I thought spiderman was the best I've seen him In the last 10-15 this season.
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