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Everything posted by washsaint

  1. So long as the prices are more sensible this year than the last few then 1 for me and 1 for my daughter........
  2. Just been confirmed Andy Oldknow will be COO
  3. We deserved the 10 point penalty: morally if nothing else....why should we have been treated any differently from other sides that have gone into Administration? The club was alsonot done any favours with interviews given after we went into Administration.
  4. Anyone interested in a ticket for the Saturday of the first Ashes Test at cardiff? My wife won 2 Grandstand tickets but the person I was going with has let me down....so if anyone fancies going PM me. Not looking for any cash for the ticket....free to a good home. Only catch is, whoever goes will be sat next to me!
  5. Papa wrote: Come on, name names please! I would imagine FF is referring to the rumour that Andy oldknow might be on his way back.
  6. Despite concerns over MLT's alignment with the Pinnacle Group (for all the right reasons) the guy is an absolute legend. His interview on SSN just now but was superb.....Matt was humble, just thankful the club had been saved and offered to do anything if asked. Not just a playing legend but an absolute fan as well. Hopefully, our new owners will offer Matt some role at the club but not necessarily anything on the financial side!
  7. According to SSN, Mr Liebherr is not going to throw money at the club but build sensibly and similar to QPR. Right way to go IMO. Also, I'm delighted for Wotte that after his dignity and professionalism he looks likely to get a chance to move us forward. Just hope everyone will get behoind the new owners, manager and players.
  8. |Just confirmed on SSN!
  9. Oh dear.......... This post had nothing to do with Lowe et al. I'm glad Lowe has gone: I'm glad they're all gone and the club can have a fresh start. The reason Lowe was not mentioned is that Crouch and MLT helped to perpetuate the myth that was Pinnacle and could have so easily killed the club completely. If FF questioned Pinnacle and their backing, that's good enough for me: whilst not agreeing with all of FF's comments I respect the guy and it's possibel to have debate with him.
  10. Hopefully not counting too many chickens but........ Winners Saints fans - we all have a club to support (that looked dicey last week!), with, hopefully, a completely fresh start with none of the old faces Markus Liebherr - he will have an army of Saints supporters who will be so grateful to him for saving our club *****il the first rocky patch!) and has, potentially, a great investment Mark Wotte - whatever happens, the guy has shown great commitment and dignity in a very difficult time Losers All the old board - lost loads of money and between them all managed to massively divide the fanbase. Judgement of Crouch et al was also shown to be highly dubious (e.g. Wilde support then Pinnacle) Barclays - their stupidity in ensuring administration means that they will, hopefully, lose a lot of money Le Tiss - will always be a legend, no matter what, but his poor judgement in fronting Pinnacle without necessraily carrying out due diligence highlighted, once again, why having a fan in charge is not necessarily a good thing Tonight, am just breathing a huge sigh of relief we have a club left to support!
  11. Just because you want, doesn't mean you get! The whole thing will be a complex deal......and obviously not straightforward what with all the plc stuff to untangle, etc. Face it, before the Internet a group of fans would not be waiting with baited breath for what Fry had for lunch, etc. Darlington and Stockport (who went into Admin at about the same time and are at about the same stage as us. More pertinent question is how Fry got duped by Pinnacle
  12. What a star that lad is. His interview was excellent and the constant use of 'we' shows he will never lose his affinity for Saints. Came across as a level headed guy who's sad to leave but why would he turn down a Prem club to possibly play in League 1? I wish him every success and cannot understand the abuse he has received on here....obviously many on here are a better judge of a player than a Prem League team/scouts!
  13. Wotte has shown great dignity and should be applauded for his loyalty...especially when you had Pinnacle/MLT talking about how he would be replaced (mega unprofessional and counter productive). Saint Robbie - thank you. You continue to make me laugh out loud in these difficult times.
  14. Not ITK in any way shape or form. But from a feeling of despair a few days ago, for some inexplicable reason, I now feel we might still have a club next season. Wotte's comments about backroom appointments in due course and the like don't have the sound of someone who thinks we are going to the wall in a couple of days. Or hopefully not. I just really hope that, if we still have a club, everyone rallies around (whomever is in charge) and supports the team (and club) through what will, undoubtedly, be a really tough, tough season. If we have good news then I hope whoever takes over does not play the populist card (as chancers like Wilde and Lynam have) and just concentrates on rebuilding our once great club. Preferably we'll have people in the boardroom who make decisions based on realities and not what might make them, and fans, feel good. Also think MLT should not be made chairman (figurehead role maybe)....his judgement in Lynamgate has been shown to be seriously flawed (if for all the right reasons).
  15. who were ecstatic when we went into Administration? Are you still as ecstatic now?
  16. This -10 points debacle that is currently being played out....... Do you not think that having complete uncertainty with regards to players, coaches, etc is likely to result in more than the -10 points you are currently fighting over? Right now, pre-season should be starting, we should have a team in place (manager, coach, etc) but we don't. We have very dignified manager (Wotte) who knows he probably won't have ajob yet is still at the helm coaches like Svensson and players like Davis who are all turning up despite being able to get other jobs if they so desired. This club, and all it's shenanigans, make me despair!
  17. Bunch of ungrateful t***s! How many of you cyberwarriors has done anything to try and secure the future of our club? People should be grateful that there are others who are prepared to step in and try to keep the club going IF Pinnacle goes horribly wrong! Question for you moaners and groaners........would you rather there was no Plan B, meaning there would be no club IF Pinnacle falls through?
  18. Crabbie,,,, Car park refers to when one of the jobsworth stewards refused Keegan admission to the car park at the Dell (when he was a player here). Layby refers to when he came over from Spain, was tired and slept in his car in a layby and subsequently got robbed and beaten up.
  19. This all sounds extremely positive and, as Manji says, to the point and no 'we've got our club back'. Who knows what the future holds but the green shoots of recovery appear to be there. I hope we don't try and spend, spend, spend and build around the nucleus of the team from last season with 1 or 2 additions. Many thanks for posting Mr Lynam.
  20. Whjat a complete bunch of muppets and Walter Mitty's on here.....you know who you are......claiming to know this, that and the other. And never being anywhere close to the reality/truth. For those of you who seem to be completely thick as pigs***t and can't get it into their thick heads................ WE ARE IN ADMINISTRATION AND RIGHT NOW THERE APPEARS TO BE ONE GROUP WHO ARE PUTTING THEIR MONEY WHERE THEIR MOUTH IS. AND IT AIN'T BLOODY SALZ!!! If jackson comes through then I, for one, will applaud him and thank him for getting us to a position where our club could be saved. Anything else is just pure noise right now.
  21. Yet more instances of the blame game from the 3 of them, and continuing to fiddle whilst Rome burns.....Crouch and McMenemy can't keep their big mouths shut, Wilde is still Walter Mitty and Lowe continues to try and deflect blame. (Hopefully) the sooner we get a new Board in with no connections to the old Boards the better.
  22. Richmond.....was it Lowe that took over the club promising investment that never materialised? Was it him who sanctioned spending 7 million we did not have? And don't forget, any manager would have struggled this year.....even the mighty Pearson. lets face it, he kept us up by the skin of our teeth last season with a far superior squad to this time round. Still...as you say, 99.99% is down to him......................
  23. Pathetic.........our club is on the verge of going under and all some of you small-minded, petty individuals care about is Lowe. Yes Lowe was part of the reason we are where we are right now but don't forget people like Wilde, Hone, Hoos, Dulieu, Crouch and others all played their part. Still don't let facts get in the way of your petty, pathetic vendettas.
  24. ummm.....notice that the players other clubs are interested in are the ones that get a right slagging in here and I notice there was no mention of people being interested in the crap like Euell, Saganowski, Wotton, etc.
  25. So you're admitting hypo that your comments about Crouch bankrolling the club, paying leccy bills, etc was a lie? It's very commendable he's put money in - as it is with everyone else who has done likewise. But to portray him as some kind of semi-god on here is wide of the mark - almost every time he opens his mouth he comes across as a buffoon (bit like Strode-Gibbons when he was made to look a pratt on the radio as well)
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