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Everything posted by washsaint

  1. washsaint


    It is an incredibly emotional, draining place......don't count on wanting to do anything else for the rest of the day after being there. Immensely upsetting place and until you have been to the Birkenau part of the camp (some way away from Auschwitz) you cannot contemplate the sheer size and scale of the camp. The camp at Auschwitz is most upsetting.....I lost it when looking at a cabinet full of clothing and shoes from people sent to the gas chambers....there were a little pair of red shoes and the girl who owned them could not have been more than 5 years old looking at the shoes. memory that will stay with me until the day that I die. Not a place I would choose to go back to - the sheer inhumanity of the place is quite incredible. There is also a 'punishment block' that has to be seen to be believed. There is a brick chimney with a tiny entrance: the Krauts used to make 8+ people stand in the chimney for days on end and many suffocated. Incredible place to visit but be prepared to be very upset after visiting. Would definitely stay in Cracow.....it's an hours bus journey from the bus station (I think that's right.,.it's been a long time since I was there)
  2. nickh - why are you so concerned about what will/will not happen to Pimply? At the end of the day they ARE toast. Sure they might escape liquidation but then what? No ground (leased back to them), no training ground, no parachute money, will have to get rid of most of the squad, certain relegation from the Premier League and likely relegation to follow from CCC. Whichever way you look at it, they will not come up smelling of roses - they are highly unlikely to get a rich sugar daddy come in - they would have to spend £100 million plus just to get decent facilities. Not quite sure why so many are obsessed with Pimply going out of business....have you already forgotten the build up to the last derby? Do you really want to miss that?
  3. HMRC don't blieve club owes Portpin £13 million! No evidence produced to back this up
  4. Wohhhhhhhh......this is going to get very nasty for PFC...HMRC want full enquiry into connections between the various owners and all transactions. Fraud, money laundering? -30 points for PFC anyone?
  5. ummmmm....wonder if this has anything to do with the SOA that Vantis prepared for the High Court. vantis were hugely critical of PFC in the SOA, by all accounts, and it could be that HMRC have enough evidence that Admin is a sham/something else is very wrong to go ahead with this expensive option.
  6. PES - I genuinely feel really sorry for you and the other decent Pompey fans. At first the train wreck that is now PFC was hilarious but now it is cringeworthy. It is also fascinating to watch some of my fellow Saints fans revelling in your demise and hoping you go pop.....many of these same people were the same ones who were doing as much bleating as some of your fellow fans. And lest we forget, Mike Wilde completely screwed our club over spending money we didn't have (not as bad as your crooks). It will be a sad day (from a rivalry perspective) when you go pop - however, PFC and the crooks that have run it into the ground, deserve all they are going to get. Basically the club cheated it's way to glory (?) and has screwed over local businesses that will struggle to overcome PFC's lying, cheating and non-paying ways. To the likes of you PES, you have my sympathy....to PFC: f**k them.....the people running it have been lying cheating scumbags for a long time and gotten away with it for way too long.
  7. They are stuffed.....of course they are insolvent but for HMRC to state that, they are screwed! Funny how they suddenly have 2 offers for the club (with no due diligence?).
  8. Oh my gawd.....HMRC have just told PFC are insolvent!
  9. Not to mention the extreme dodginess that the Grosvenor WUO relates to the football club acting as guarantor for a business that had absolutely nothing to do with the football club...other than it had the FD also backing it. Would have thought this would be investigated?
  10. Can't believe the fishy few are getting so excited by the rumours circulated by the crook Storieteller and his cronies. Jacob stated today that 2 or 3 interested parties have come forward in the last few days and are in 'preliminary' discussions. So, unless some idiot does no due diligence and just burns his money there is not a cat in hells chance of Pompey being bought by Wednesday. They seem to be pinning all their hopes in persuading HMRC to postpone the WUO (unlikely) or overturning the original judgement (unlikely). Any new owner will be buying a club with no assets and no team......they would have to spend 100s millions to clear the debt and put in place infrastructure. Somehow, I can't see even wealthy Arabs p*******g their money up against the wall like that.
  11. I don't understand.......surely they are now still trading whilst insolvent. If they can't afford to pay £200 (or some over lowly amount) why are they still getting loanees in (when they obviously can't pay them). If they are still trading whilst insolvent then the Directors are criminally liable.....maybe that is why their Finance Director resigned last week.
  12. Not at the game so can't comment, but...... for me, Pardew talks in soundbites but lacks any real substance and has compiled a long list of strikers and defenders but ignored our weak midfield. Why make so many changes after a good win against Ipswich? Why bemoan the lack of energy from midfield when he could have played Gillet there...and one thing you can't deny is that Gillet provides energy (and no coincidence that Doncaster have failed to win since he came back from the CCC to League 1). With the money that Pardew has spent, we should be doing an awful lot better than we are.
  13. Very, very disappointed if true. I ahve real reservations about Pardew: the fact he rates rubbish like ANtonio above Gillet is quite concerning as is the fact we are about to bring in Pericard. Pardew has moaned about lack of quality at the club but appears to be bringing in quite a few mediocre players himself. The fact that Donny have gone on a winning run since he joined (at Championship level, not League 1) is no coincidence.
  14. Chez - I would say that better holding midfielder than Wotton could be Gillett. He might not be Pardew's cup of tea but since he went to Doncaster (a league above Saints) they have started winning games and moving up the table. No chance of that happening though...... Have to say I thought Hammond was crap today.....Morgan is an unbelievable player for the ;league we are in and I'm not surprised Arsenal were/are looking at him.
  15. Interesting stuff....having been a few times and my brother having lived there for 3 years, my observations have been: A lot of ex-pats are chavs with no sensibility to the local culture or respect for the local culture Dubai is an obscene place driven by greed and money, totally false and with no soul The locals (Emiratis) treat the Asian workers like scum: forcing taxis off the road, etc Outside of Dubai there are some wonderful places where the locals are amazingly hospitable and kind (specifically Oman) There are areas of real, rugged beauty Dubai has never been 'cheap'....everything seems to be pricey with the exception of booze at Barracuda It's a very false place...where money appears more important than anything else Emiratis have fantastic, free healthcare The cheap labour don't have an easy life but their life is no harder than back home and the money is better Deffo not a place I would like to live in a million years!
  16. My god there are some bitter, twisted morons on here. What's up - are you all jealous that you never made it as a pro footballer? Lancashire is a Saints player and yet for, some, he is the latest in a long range of scapegoats. Rather than support and encourage him, snidey remarks appear the order of the day...well I hope your bosses are as unsupportive of you for any little mistake. Pathetically unbelievable.
  17. http://aawsat.com/english/news.asp?section=1&id=18579 Oh dear, oh dear...poor old Skates! Looks like the interview was real! Just visiting my brother in Dubai who works for a large bank and deals with the Saudis a lot....no-one has ever heard of Ali al-Faraj in business circles and nothing exists officially about him in normal business circles/checks. Out of the frying pan into the fire...........
  18. Unbelievable......the guy has been given absolutely no chance by pardew and played out of position when he has played (typically 5 minutes here or there) and gets slagged off by the expert coaches on here. Are none of you questioning why a team at a higher level than Saints has taken him on (for 2 months not as an emergency loan)? For those of you saying he is not good enough for Saints, here is a reality check: we are bottom of League 1 and he will be playing for a mid table Championship side.
  19. What - read and action comments for a tiny minority of Saints supporters (no more than 1-200 regular posters....and we get 19K crowds)? I would certainly hope not - look where that got us before with Wilde!
  20. I was on a course yesterday with a journo from the news and what he told me (that they have dared not print yet) is: The takeover has not gone through yet despite protestations to the contrary Gaydemak/gayboy LOANED Al Fahim money to try and secure the takeover (the good Dr has no money) The good Dr is not around right now but has promised to be back for the Everton game (which coincidentally happens to be live on Sky) Any takeover has been leveraged against future Sky monies In his view, the blue few are absolutely screwed - yet most fans they have spoken to were quite happy to swap financial security (living within thier means) for the FA Cup win and stupid overspending that bought that.
  21. Pathetic, idiotic, moronic post. The lad is learning his trade - do you go as OTT with Lambert or Saganowski? Perhaps Pardew's baffling (or lack of) tactics might have something to do with the inability of ANY of our strikers to score.
  22. Very, very disappointing if true. Not given any chance by pardew and the fact that a Championship side wants to sign him shows he can play at a higher level than where we are at. A shame because he was our best midfielder last season.
  23. mack rill - I know education in Portsmouth is really bad and most of the population is illiterate (as well as illegitimate) but could someone translate what you wrote?
  24. Perhaps we can get the tannoy announcer to play 'Substitute' by the Who whenever we feel sus are needed and Pardew might take the hint.
  25. TDD..,...is it not obvious to you?..Pinnacle never had any substantial funds. Look at that clown Fialka: still living at home with mummy and daddy yet he was the front person for the consortium and many on here said they were impressed with him!!!!! We had no real pre-season and are paying the price. Bringing in a new team a week or two before the start of the season will do us no good. Norwich brought in 7 new players and look what is happening to them! Pinnacle were chancers and beacuse they had MLT as a figurehead everyone swooned and forgave them. You would have thought people on here would have thought twice before thanking Lynam for constantly posting on here. Seem to remember another chancer doing that and look where we got to. And MLT should have done at least some due diligence before throwing his weight behind Pinnacle. Because MLT was involved people were not prepared to ask tough questions. Long, long season ahead.......
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