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Everything posted by washsaint

  1. They now have McGoldrick, Blackstock, Gillett and Harding in their squad. nearly half their team are ex-Saints!
  2. Love this from the BBC.... BBC journalist Matt Roberts is no fan of what's on offer: At least Mo Farah can get 10K away from there in 27 and a half minutes This lot were not talented first time round and now is even worse...scragg end. World will be laughing at us after this s***e
  3. If this was a celebration of Brit music, why the hell have they not got New Order, Happy Mondays, Stone Roses, Blur (in person). Shocking, truly shocking. Last night of the Proms would have been better than this S***e.
  4. Good grief......after 2 weeks of absolute brilliance, this is what is has come to? Virtually no acts live, completely baffling and feels like a Saturday night at Butlins. Whoever has put on this "show" should be shot.....
  5. You been smoking crack pal?
  6. My understanding is that the rules were changed for the Olympics, making headshots more important. Supposedly, although I know nothing about this sport, talking heads have said Cooke would have scored less and been scored against more because of his lack of height. We'll never know but well done to the GB guy - bronze is great and GB mens first medal in the sport.
  7. Varney may have gone for 300K......but the Skates won't see a penny. They still owe Derby 300K from when they signed him so the money will go from Leeds direct to Derby. Interested to see if Varney had a compromise agreement with the Skates
  8. really looks like this is the end for them..........ST, tickets....everything has gone. Not a positive sign.
  9. I've been living in Northern Virginia for 2 years with the family. We love it - the opprotunities for the kids are amazing and some of the vacations we have had have been amazing (Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Zion, New York, Carolinas). Opportunity is definitely here and a great place to live - so long as you have a job and enough money for healthcare. As others have said, get into US sports and you will be laughing. Despite what Apline says, where we live in Virginia there is a great sense of community - far more than we enoucntered in the UK. Would seriously recommend anyone who gets the chance - go for it. If it doesn't work out you can always move back to the UK.
  10. the troll is back..........so bitter and twisted because he';s shown to be full of s***e. But you're right, 2 promotions back to back is terrible - I think Adkins should be sacked for being so rubbish.
  11. fair play 76er.......its a long old season and Philly could still go on a run (unlikely) but there is a changing of the guard. Being able to watch Harper, Strasburg, Gio and some of the other young guns like Lombardozzi and Moore is a real treat. Just hope they can keep it up but the future is bright and the biggest challenge will be keeping everyone happy as Davey could put out two strong first teams right now. This season seems so much more interesting than recent seasons......
  12. what a year this is turning out to be for the Nats.....crushing all who come before them. Saint76er...where are you, oh yeah,.........10 games back and the sniors at Philly falling apart! Nats with the second best record in MLB....who would have thought that?
  13. The US is incredibly difficult to get into. He has a number of options: 1) Work for a UK company with a US office. After 12 months he can go for an intracompany transfer 2) Get an H1B visa - he woudl need to find a US employer willing to pay for this (several thousand $) and the cap is now pretty much full meaning no more H1Bs until OCt 2013 3) Marry a US girl I went for option 1 and got a green card after 8 months of arriving in the US. Not an easy place to get into and not as cheap to live here as people might think
  14. Fantastic to see the Nats wipe the smile fo the smug, arrogant Philly fans. Nats are for real this season.....7 series win out of 8 and the big question is who will make way when Zimmerman, Morse, Chiang all come back. And Bryce Harper - reminds me so much of kevin Pietersen (including the terrible haircut!). Lets go Nats!
  15. Saints are going to need a new spine to the team when we get promoted. From the very limited amount I have seen this season, Fonte is a total liability, we will need a RB, a pacey RM and possibly LM and a replacement for Hammond. We're still in an incredibly strong position and it's in our hands......
  16. lmfao.........all this talk about Lowe ruining Saints finances. This was all done by WIlde and co (who 90%+ of our fanbase thought was a messiah) and by the time he came back to try and turn things round we were shot because of the amssive overspend by Wilde and his cronies. Relegation happens although it could have been perhaps avoided if we had gotten Hoddle back. Lets face it, Strachan took us as far as he could and as has been shown elsewhere he has a very limited shelf life. This shows we have to be sustainable......right now we're ok and looking good but, if something happened and there was no more money to subsidise us we would be right up the creek without a paddle.
  17. realistically, West ham have to get 2 wins and a draw to overatke us (superior goal difference is worth an extra point) whilst we get nothing from 3 games. With 7 games left this is not impossible but highly unrealistic. Each time we get a win, irrespective of what West ham and Reading do, we get even closer to promotion. Based on the above I reckon 9 more points will do it for automatic promotion............and maybe less if West ham beat Reading and so do we.
  18. Don't see it myself...would have thought that Fonte/Hooiveld will be the pairing for the rest of the season and if any injuries that Martin will come in (who seemed to do very well recently).
  19. Big difference (having served for 6 years) between the terrible losses in wars and a footballer. Servicemen and women are trianed to fight (and die) for their country. THis guy collapsed on the pitch and everyone could see what was going on. Add in, he seems like a genuinely fantastic individual and you have a story that people are interested in. Shame on all of you moaning about this.......
  20. For those saying we need to get promoted to keep hold of our players...........we have NEVER been able to keep our best players (the great MLT aside) even when in the Prem. If any of the bigger clubs want our players they will get them....think Walcott, BAle, AOC, etc. And there will be nothing we can do about it. I still hope we get promoted....but still feel the Premiership will not be as much fun/as entertaining/competitive as the Championship. Let's ask Norwich and Swansea fans in their 2nd season once the honeymoon period is over.
  21. Who on earth would take Dave Kitson on......he is utterly useless and hasn't scored for something like 3 years!
  22. Whilst now is a good time to be a Saints fan and chasing 2nd promotion in successive seasons I can't help feeling that promotion to the Prem will mean we are in the 'promised land'. The Premier League is not as exciting as the Championship (where anyone can beat anyone else on a given day) and despite not being able to see games now going into every game thinking we can win is a good feeling. That will disapear completely in the Prem. When living in the UK and being a season ticket holder for 15+ years I have to say most prem games bored me to tears and the prem is all style (money et al) over substance. PLus the prices to see games will go through the roof and price out families and lower paid and we'll end up with the missing 1,000s fighting over tickets just because we are in the Prem. To my mind, it's Hobsons choice.....whilst getting to the Prem is the goal of any team and its fans, the reality once there is unlikely to live up to the expectation......if we're safe the last half of the season will be meaningless and there is really no chance of us chalenging in the Prem. PLus teams are so scared of losing that games can be very defensive and not the most exciting to view. Anyone else feel the same?
  23. Pahhh....Nats owned Philly last year: home and away. And this year will be no different, be great to see the philly fans crying into their beer as they are owned by the master Nats! And quite right keeping the Philly hordes out..........even though it is a c****y part of DC it is still too upmarket for Philly (ever been to Chester?)! Bring it on! Philly must have been laughing their socks off after the Nats signed Werthless up to the mega contract last year..........
  24. sounds like we got a real steal in Lee....someone pacey and skilful. C'mon Saints!
  25. Now living just outside DC so a Nationals fan.......couold be an awesome year for the Nats with their pitching staff (starters and bull pen), young team looking hot and play off contenders. However, their new stadium is in a really s****y part of DC and is not particularly nice. Much prefer goign to Camden yards (Baltmiore Orioles) which is a fantastic stadium and really close to the Inner Harbor. Really looking forward to this season and hoping their dominance over Philadelphia continues!
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