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Everything posted by dellish

  1. terrace not on sale till after 3 today bit odd so ticket office chap says
  2. thanks will phone and get terrace
  3. any news about how seat sales, as i might have to buy seats if no terrace go on sale and as i live in bristol will be a big balls up if i miss out
  4. BNP without doubt ,the more you forget all the hype a lot is common sence
  5. doing a nick r we
  6. yes they are all fit for the final... funny that
  7. agreed they are also the same who moan they cant get a ticket, not enough money this month, ect ect
  8. just what i thought
  9. to the plastic saints fans ,will we see you again
  10. there will be plenty of them so you should have fun
  11. and for the record i would rather fans like them than babies like you ,get a life ffs
  12. thats it knock the saints again ,how is your horlicks tonight
  13. spot on mark.
  14. well it seems they do one block of the 44 pound tickets gone ,its prioritys it seems paint pot first for some ,maybe i am old school. just setting off hour glass for 4 and clubhouse for six
  15. 1900 and its our 2 nearest ground ,but i think a lot of saints fan have more intrest in paint tickets joke really .but thats me
  16. agreed .... wonder how many paint tickets went today, who wont go tues night ,thousands beggers belief ,,
  17. [QU OTE=Andy_Porter;622428]Anyone know what it's like for parking near the ground?[/QUa as it is on a industrial site lots of pay car parks from 4- 5 pound if you want quick getaway park in the first one you see ,,
  18. i am going in clubhouse dont fancy walk from hour glass
  19. snap .will be in there club house at six
  20. rubbish ,,, they will all be keen to splash out for the joke paint game ,, 44,000 to wembley 1,000 to norwich prob same to wycombe says it all ,
  21. be really really suprised if we dont sell out .
  22. bit late need mine sent out ,,
  23. i am bloody 50 and i am bloody buzzing
  24. my old home town cant wait .
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