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Everything posted by dellish

  1. spoke to ticket office .they say at least 3 blocks of tickets left so no probs ,not me saying that ,got my orient plymout
  2. but you will expect to buy new players and expect the liebeers to cough, up not us supporters ,
  3. good prices for under 23/ and under 18 .
  4. just got mine, away ground guide says got clubhouse for away fans sounds good
  5. do you have a problem with all name calling .or just coz your black .if so the whole crowd should be banned
  6. looking forward to this ,the pubs near the ground sound good to. i assume you can pay on the day
  7. why ? ffs .grow up
  8. ****ing joke thread took till thursday for tranny build up ,plastic ****s
  9. i saw the bloke selling them , i laughed and said to my son who ffs would buy that .
  10. two more now going >
  11. going to get 4 will drive will have eaten and drunk to much .boxing day footie is best day
  12. they will be so get on down .
  13. i am enjoying my away days more than ever .seems the older i am the more away games i go to . just turned 50. looking forward to weekend .only prob got my other half as my son cant make it .
  14. good effort that man go in rugby club before game i will buy you a pint .
  15. yep i go with that .
  16. staying in windermere. bb treat for other half lol
  17. was meant as tongue in cheek ?
  18. let me no which pub your in so i can avoid. you sound a right barrel of laughs
  19. let me no which pub your in so i can avoid. you sound a right barrel of laughs
  20. got two tics making weekend of it .
  21. of course staying over will buy you a pint if you go >> head of steam 12 look for big fat guy
  22. rubbish amount .still wont be any moaning later in season when promo beckons ..or will there .....
  23. the comedy walk is good, walks round bath takin mick ,think its every night starts at 6 ish cost £8
  24. . top man was just finding where the slubbers was .and as i am fat and lazy did not want to walk lol so sportmans it is ,thanks
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