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Everything posted by ToreSF

  1. Amateur hour.... Fu.cking terrible performance. No guts, no glory, no riots. Puncheon and lambert invisible the whole match. Terrible defending from fox and yoshida. God, I hate football.
  2. Even I'm writing Fox off. Useless. Has no abilities whatsoever.
  3. Why are you ashamed to be a saints supporter? Really has nothing to do with it.
  4. Forren is not in the squad today.
  5. Is there any similarities between Cortese and Ted Bates?
  6. Thats very unfair towards Alpine.
  7. Stupid question here, but will the new updates have any impact on my saved game from before the new patch?
  8. Good points, and I agree.
  9. It's a tactic that doesn't work without defenders that are quick, or extremely good at reading the game.
  10. Nope, it's classified information, for some reason.
  11. Mods, please ban this looser.
  12. Think it would look good with the aap sponsor if they could scale it sou it would fit on the white background. Something like a reverse version of the Ajax kit.
  13. Is there any difference apart from the sponsor?
  14. ToreSF

    Le God

    The day he saved us from going bust. The times he made money available for signing players like Cork, Lambert, Clyne, Ramirez, etc, etc. The time he turned the club around from being an unorganized mess to being a modern and professional driven FC. The time he invested in our training facility and academy. The day he hired Nigel Adkins, the manager few believed in, but turned out to promote us twice. Time will show if replacing Adkins with Pochettino will be included on the list.
  15. http://www.historicalkits.co.uk/Southampton/Southampton.htm
  16. Agree, think it would look good in red and white. Hope we get something like our 1983-84 kit.
  17. Brilliant, yet painful, read. After the first 45 minutes against Villa, I felt sure we would stay up. After the last 45, I felt equally sure we would go down.
  18. Nicola drives a wagon pulled by starving children. True story.
  19. Any recommendations? Preferably on players who played/managed for us from the mid nighties until today.
  20. He is the weirdest poster on here. Can't decide whether he is a WUM, or just 12 years old.
  21. This makes me even more sure we're going to win.
  22. He might turn out to not be good enough as well. But giving up on him now is just plain stupid.
  23. And sometimes some confuse current ability with potential. Take Jay Rod for instance. Clearly has potential, and could be a prolific premier league striker in a few years. Writing him off after 3/4 season in the premier league is clueless. As pointed out earlier in the thread, Beattie scored six times in his first 61 performances for the club.
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