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ST Randy

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Everything posted by ST Randy

  1. I sit miles away from the directors's box - certainly too far to try and recognise anyone. What I could see was the rows of empty seats and I wondered if the Administrator has told the tyre kickers to pay for their own seats. Maybe that is why the gate was 8,000 more than average :-) :-)
  2. You clearly do not know what you are talking about.
  3. It is patently obvious that Nineteen Canteen is not a Saints fan of many years standing as he likes to claim. Any Saints fan of his vintage would never talk about McMenemy the way that he does. He has no idea of what it means to be a saints supporter - if he did he would not continuously go on and on and on slagging off the fans who have had to endure such dross this season. I wonder if he ever found out what Justin Fashanu is doing these days.
  4. Saints fans demand success ?????? I don't think so. We have won 1 trophy in 120+ years. I think that the last thing that Saints fans can be accused of is demanding success. If you accuse Saints fans iof demanding success, how do you describe the likes of Spurs, Chelsea, Man City etc etc who sack their managers every season because they have not won the league ?? Saints fans are ecstatic with 2 successive victories!!! :-) :-)
  5. As Rod Liddle does not understand that dreams are what keep football suppiorters going, then I suggest that he stops writing about football and goes back to doing what he is most famous for: Editing the Today programme. Getting sacked by the BBC Sh***ing other men's wives.
  6. Sundance will buy it!!
  7. On facebook 506 people are confirmed as going and there are 473 people maybe attending with 855 people who havent replied yet
  8. wasnt Boa Morte a player we loaned
  9. He is injured at the moment and is not likely to be back in till chalton match
  10. On the radio the keep calling Gillet, jill-et
  11. Corn beef hash with a scotch egg washed down with kick
  12. May just be me but one of the nicest smells must be when you unzip a tent and stick your head out its even beeter in the summer if there has been a dew and the grass was recently cut. Worst smells must be damp clothes
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