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Everything posted by Arizona

  1. Manky, soggy, tasteless, revolting little b*stards.
  2. Ramirez and Puncheon ripped them to pieces. Lallana and Clyne were also quality. Lambert was everywhere, Morgan and Davis brilliant, Yoshida won everything... What a choice, but Gaston edges it for me. World class!!
  3. Well, don't expect to see anything of Mike on matchdays. He is usually propping up the bar in town from midday onwards.
  4. So you were stalking me when I was at school.
  5. You'll have your work cut out. Make sure you do your homework when it comes to cramp:lol: 2 legs and you're a shoe in. For me the highlight of last years game was this (off camera) gem.
  6. W000000T!! Did we ever get those missing pictures up from last years game?
  7. I've always wanted a trip to Vauxhall Motors.
  8. That's about the ballpark I ended up in with my post A Levels training. No guaranteed job on the end of it either. No student loan either. It's harsh, but I've never moaned about it. I fully support people doing a useful degree like medicine, law, accountancy, physics, chemisty, mathematics etc. It's people doing courses like art, transport management studies, mdeia studies, sociology with no idea what job they're hoping to get on the end of it that bug me. They're only doing it because uni seems like the next natural step and they're going with the flow.
  9. No, I was answering your question.
  10. Bit of polage. I voted DH and RC, but I wouldn't be unhappy with any combination of the three TBH.
  11. 20 years ago nobody in the UK gave a crap about Afghanistan. Infact at one point the US was flogging weapons to support what was basically the Taliban to fight against the Soviets. We can only make educated guesses as to the threats the UK might face in the future. I'd personally want to be prepared for the worst case scenario in order to prevent it. Remeber Neville Chamberlain, walking off the plane... "Peace in our time". I'm just guessing hypothetical enemies here, but there are plenty of people out there who don't like us. I know you're probably being tongue in cheek with the "armies massed in Calais" comment, but in 20 or 30 years technology will probably have moved on so far that you don't have to go places to start a war. Kim Jong Il could launce nuclear missiles from his back yard and have them land in a smiley face pattern on Southern England. Just to reiterate. I'm not saying these things WILL happen. The threat of nuclear war doesn't keep me awake at night, but I do want to be prepared incase it becomes a threat one day. It seems like a high cost, but when the steaks are THAT high, it's worth taking IMO. It's like paying car insurance. I'd wager most middle aged people have been driving 20 years without an accident. I'd also wager most of them go the extra cash for fully comp. insurance, even though they haven't had any accidents and aren't expecting any in the future.
  12. I'm fully in support of intelligent students going to good universities to do useful degrees. I left school 4 years ago and I'd say 90% of people in my year went to uni. The problem I found was it just seemed to be the norm. It was just assumed you would go to uni. All the teachers were completely obsessed with UCAS applications and getting everyone in somewhere. It didn't matter whether it was scratch-your-arse-ology or piece of wood studies, it was just taken for granted that all their students would go to uni. Some of them looked possitively disgusted when I told them I wasn't going, but ironically I ended up with a job when most of my year was barely half way through their course. In some ways I don't think there should be any school help at all with uni applications. I think it should be purposely difficult to get in, so that only those who are really committed and passionate about a certain subject go to uni. I'd say a fair chunk of those at uni are just going with the flow.
  13. How is nuclear war not a deterrent? You don't get it. Nobody wants to use nukes, that's exactly why you have them. To DETER people from attacking you. The way you're painting it, Britain needs nukes so we can go and blow the crap out of countries bigger than us. That's not the point at all. We need them so that if in 20 or 30 years Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran or otherwise decide they don't like us, we can put them off attacking. What if Iran develops nuclear warheads and we haven't got any? That's a terrible scenario. Name two nuclear powers who have ever gone to war. Nukes are the main reason the cold war stayed cold. Both sides knew if there was an escallation in any conflict it could lead to worldwide annihalation. Not a risk either side wanted to take. The closest it ever got was the Cuban Missile Crisis and even then both sides were desperate for an excuse to back down, without losing face.
  14. I don't get why people are so keen to cut trident. It's THE deterant. If someone like Russia or China decided they don't like us, 90 F2 Typhoons isn't going to keep them out. I know it's a paranoid view on the world, but we need a deterant incase the worst case scenarios unfold. I certainly wouldn't chuck it away so a few a few more students can go to uni.
  15. What's it like to experience 'laughing your arse off' in full surround sound?
  16. He got 4 assists in the cup final. I know he made a decent contribution and I certainly wouldn't agree with Gemmel's assesment, but I'd have a fully fit Delgado, Pahars, Phillips, Jones, Camara or Crouch ahead of him any day.
  17. So is Delap. Irrespective of where they are now, it was the right time for them to move on. They weren't doing it at Saints and needed a fresh start. You can rave all you want about Ormerod's work rate, and I did like him for it too, but the fact of the matter is he was always at the bottom of the pecking order. Behind Beattie, Delgado, Pahars, Camara, Phillips, Crouch, Jones and Fuller. He only really got into the team because of injuries to others.
  18. That failure looked very similar to the one with Rosberg later on in the race, where the wheel seemed to just seperate. Any idea if the two were similar failures? I guess Suzuka must be fairly unique as the only circuit which puts an equal load on the tyres on both sides of the car (being a figure of 8 ).
  19. I sort of collect Scalextric F1 cars. Yes, everyone have a good laugh about that. Never drive them at the mo because my flat is way to small to have a track, but one day I will. I've also saved the tickets from every Saints game I've ever been to. My ticket from the JPT game seems to have gone walkies, but I'm sure I've still got it somewhere. Definitely haven't thrown that one out.
  20. Not sure if anyone else was hardcore enough like me to get up and watch it at 7am, having stayed up till 3am watching qualy. Anyway, by now you've seen the re-run if you were going to watch it. Thoughts? It looks like a 3 horse race now, McLaren just don't have the pace to even match Red Bull, let alone make up a sizeable chunk of points over 3 races. Was gutted when Kubica retired. Not only because he's one of my favourite drivers, but having him in between the Red Bulls would really have thrown a spanner in the works. LOVED watching Kobayashi's race though. That man is just an overtaking machine. Would be great to see him in a competitive car one day. P.S. Ponty. Martin Brundle is right, Petrov is the most expensive pay driver out there. With a decent driver in that seat you would probably be above Merc in the WDC.
  21. Yeah, they're all test flights to determine crosswind performance. I think they were done at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Our X-wind limit is 33kts.
  22. Over there ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------> How about this for Epic Fail: and this for epic success Anyway, we're going off topic.
  23. Not really a big deal I'm afraid.
  24. Sorry, say that again? I can't hear you sat all the way up there.
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