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Broadstone Saint

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Broadstone Saint's Achievements

  1. From what little I know he took matters into his own hands pre season (perhaps the "Pep" talk did sink in) and did extra fitness training prior to linking up with the team. From the very start of this season he has looked our best player, quicker, sharper and willing to run with the ball at defenders. His attitude has also markedly changed, no longer whinging to other team members. "Hats off" he has made a remarkable come back from a very poor last season and the appointment of Ralph has allowed this resurgence to flourish. Long may it continue, he is a talent.
  2. If anyone wants to re live the whole game, I haven't needed to do that for a while!, see this link https://www.footballorgin.net/southampton-vs-arsenal-full-match-premier-league/
  3. Try Reddit.com search soccer streams, you'll find Leicester v Saints towards the bottom of the page, currently 4 streams
  4. Jimmy Armfield... brilliant at describing, over the radio, the shape of each team and pattern of play.
  5. We need a goalkeeper!
  6. Matt on Sky seething...dusgusted by lino decision
  7. Really worth watching, open, honest but sensible answers, lets hope he signs a new contract and totally agree with his comments on Shane.
  8. Ricky first up, scores Adam second up, scores Lovren, Fifth blasts over Fitting to my mind
  9. Made Garth Crooks's Team of the Week How Good Is He? Better than Antti Niemi?
  10. All you need is sopcast (http://download.easetuner.com/download/SopCast.zip) I also couldn’t get wiziwig to work properly (this despite reading and re reading the detailed instructions) and downloading the sopcast program, I found that sopcast still wouldn't play the requested feed. For what it’s worth the way I resolved my particular issue was before clicking the “play now!” button on the selected feed, right click and copy the link address, then click "play now!" and paste that link into the address box at the top of the sopcast box, then click the blue play button. By the way I agree with the majority, bloodzeed is excellent. Hope that helps
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