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Everything posted by Kev

  1. To be fair, it looks like it has two lazy eyes.
  2. It's never best to reply to your own posts Therefore, #HIJACK# Soon we'll need ID cards to visit there.
  3. Kev

    Lenny Henry

    I agree. Unfortunately he's been telling the same jokes for over 30 years now.
  4. They wouldn't print it if it wasn't true. ;-)
  5. #HIJACK# As I'm not allowed to start threads. Portsmouth's chief Alexandre Gaydamak nets fortune in arms sale The owner of Portsmouth football club, the FA Cup holders, received a joint share of at least £34m from allegedly illegal arms deals that fuelled a brutal civil war in Africa. Court documents seen by The Sunday Times show how profits from arms sales were paid into two bank accounts jointly controlled by Alexandre Gaydamak, 32, the owner of the Premier League club who is a French businessman of Russian descent. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article4969422.ece
  6. Some interweb links ... http://www.myp2p.eu/broadcast.php?matchid=18027&part=sports Sopcast and TVU are both virus/other sh1te free.
  7. As an unpaid Pleb on this forum, I also can't start new threads. I have to say this disappointed me when I heard about the Mick Channon accident, several hours before a ' paid up member' eventually posted it on here. etc.
  8. Kev

    great song

    I think this is better.
  9. Kev


    From a caption competition at pop***** ... "I thought the sign said Free Tibetan, and I want this one ok?") The video store reinstated his membership And he chose to get Aladdin.... Late arrival at Olympic village hopeful for shot-put success "I Love, You Love, Me Love You Long Time, Mr Gary" Faded Rock Star enjoys Chinese Take-away "Tesco: Every Little (one) Helps" "Me love you long haul" "When I said I was just nipping down the shops..." "All that's Glitter's is not old" "I picked this up at Thais R Us" Thai Rack shurely.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYa3UTyn2mE Clicky forward to 1:20.
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