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Kaiser Soze

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Everything posted by Kaiser Soze

  1. I genuinely wish death on him, and a cruel and slow one at that...
  2. His own words after he left were "my heart was never in it"... I don't think he's a crap manager, but I hate him with every bone in my body because he took us down and he couldn't give a flying f*ck. He had the resources to dig us out of trouble but he couldn't give a sh*t and it's no coincidence we finished the league rooted to the bottom. He might say he was gutted but that is purely pride on his side. Even after he took us down Lowe gave him the opportunity to go, but in true Redknapp fashion he is only interested in a quick quid so decided to stay on and make more money for himself, whilst against not giving a sh*t for anyone elses wellbeing. Only when Mandaric come knocking again did he decide the time was right to f*ck off...by which time we were even iin further sh*t... Alot of people blame the boardroom for the position we are in at the moment and I agree to some extent, however at least their motives and intentions were in the main right. The same can't be said for Redknapp, he kickstarted the chain of events that saw a proud club who had been in the top flight for 27 years, to a side fielding its reserves, a half-empty stadium and a club fighting off administration and relegation to League One.
  3. I walked past a cashpoint once with this message flashing...happy ****ing days
  4. Heard on the grapevine that Pc P had been suspended....complete ******** as saw him on the highsteet on Saturday
  5. What a load of boll0cks.The police have no respect for the average football fan, and as such, I have no respect for them. At Swansea I was called a "C*NT" to my face when I was questioned why I was being held against my will during the game (it was 3-0 and I wanted to get out), and I've also had unpleasant experiences with other over-zealous forces, most notably Midlands, Manchester and Yorkshire. The bottom line there are peadophiles and rapists lacing our streets, yet they more concerned with concentrating their resources at a football match. They treat the average supporter like scum and their day is made all the brighter if they can make it as inconvenient experience for us as at all possible.
  6. I was one of the first on and last off so couldn't say how many, there was at least another four in my group that got on though.
  7. Amazing day. Spent the first half in the pub so can't comment on the first 45 minutes. We left the pub two minutes before they scored their second, had we stayed that extra two minutes and realised it had gone 2-0 it's fair to say we probably would have stayed in there. The timing was cruicial for witnessing one of the best Saints comebacks you are ever likely to see. Nice bloke at the gate didn't even charge me and the two others for getting in. Missed the first goal as was in the concourse having a beer but the second one was class and we always looked likely to get the winner. For the last half an hour I saw Surman ran the show. Cork and Schneiderlin were also class. Like a few others I got on the pitch which made the day. Celebrated the occasion by getting smashed in Blackpool last night, just got in and I am feeling rough as f*ck, but worth every minute of it.
  8. Terrible news. What the hell is this world coming to?? R.I.P Paula. Sincere condolences to her family and friends.
  9. Watching Saints has driven me to drink recently and I didn't even realise Skacel was playing until I was told otherwise after the game....
  10. Policing at football in this country is a joke, going to a football match these days warrants being treated by scum it seems. If they only channelled the same level of rescources into keeping peadophiles and rapists of our streets... I'm not ashamed to say I hate the police, it ****es me off that we're paying their wages as I see very little good in what they do.
  11. Policing was a farce. I left after the third goal but was refused exit from the stadium and we were penned in like dogs. They were heavyhanded and when I questioned their tactics I was labled a "c*nt" to my face. Football if you can call it that, was a shambles. Jan looked clueless, James and DMG aren't fit to wear the shirt. Atmosphere was very flat and when good numbers of our support who have made a 400 mile round trip only see half 30 minutes of it it speaks volumes.
  12. How much of that did you put yourself through? I somehow managed 70minutes before I retired back to the pub.
  13. How many tickets have Watford sold?
  14. Happy returns to a football god
  15. seconded...
  16. I despise the **** with a passion, when he snuffs it I'm going to make a point of ****ing on his grave
  17. From what I gather it was very small scale and it was a cautionable offence, and around 4/5 years ago......is he still ****ed? It's a couple of other minor details that have actually had him in front of a judge.... How detailed do the checks come back? Type, date, sentence etc etc? I'd like to say at this stage although the lad in question has had a questionable past, I am a responsible upstanding pillar of the community :-)
  18. A few questions as I know the lad in question: -if he was arrested for something, but was never charged, will that show? -will community service satisfied in 05/06 show? -if there is a combination of deception (small scale), football violence and assult, in the region of 3 to 6 years ago, is he ****ed?
  19. What if he has 'satisfied' his conviction and done the time so to speak?
  20. When's the last train back?
  21. I feel desperately for the lads parents....but I also feel for McCormick as well...he will serve a life sentence of guilt for a stupid mistake he will regret every day for the rest of his life.
  22. I can't stand him, sh1te player with an attitude issue.
  23. We've made QPR & Coventry look like world beaters. Luck played a big part in the games against Doncaster & Norwich, and the fact we kept consecutive clean sheets papered over the cracks....quite simply we can't defend, and as soon we go behind the side is so young is doesn't have the mental strength to come back. The team plays good football but their is no cutting adge to create clear cut chances and as soon as we lose possession it's like a knive cutting through butter. Coventry and QPR scored eight goals between them, but it could have quite easily been 15....and this is Coventry and QPR FFS.... Very worrying. I don't know the answer but playing a team full of powder puff, unproven teenagers it isn't. The fact Leicester are doing so well adds more to the believe Lowe made a monumental error replacing Pearson with an unproven, cheap option.
  24. Yes still in Swindon, done Coventry a couple of times by train and it's been a cab job everytime
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