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Kaiser Soze

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Everything posted by Kaiser Soze

  1. Great thread - one of the best on on this forum by a mile. My thoughts: - No queue-jumping. Simple manners really. If you know someone has been waiting at the bar much longer than you, and you're served first, you point this out and go next in line. Nothing infuriates me more than if I have been waiting for ten minutes yet someone props up and is served before me. I have been known to lose my rag for this and consequently been removed from the premises... - No indecision. Once at the bar get your round in asap. It p1sses me off when people have to go to and fro as they don't know what their fellow drinkers are drinking. Work out your order, then get the round in ffs... - No card payments for small amounts. It p1sses me off when people hold up the queue by paying by plastic for a drink(s) less than a fiver. Even worse when the card is declined ffs... - No staring at strangers playing fruities, games machines etc. It p1sses me off when someone I don't know it watching me like a hawk when I play the fruitie. Again I have been known to lose my rag for this. F/ck off ffs... - If you're a couple and you're in a round, you buy two rounds not just the one as some couples think is acceptable to be the case... - Simple manners and courtesy. Some people think it's acceptable to get a round of cheep watered down beer in at weatherspoons, yet when it's other peoples round somewhere else they ask for a double vodka red bull etc at treble the cost, what the f/ck is that all about?? Even worse is getting involved in a round, then doing a runner before you've even got yours in, ffs.... - I don't have a problem with the nominated driver accepting free coke all night, it's the least I can do. Likewise when it's your mates birthdays, they should accept free drink all night. - No taking liberties in the cubicals, i.e five of you in there hoovering up lines for 15 minutes when I really need a dump...
  2. The stream thing is doing my head in and keeps causing my PC to crash. Anyway I can play the game without having to go through this sh1tty application? The whole thing clams up from time to time after I use the Shift + Tab to get rid of the annoying icon in the bottom right. Please don't tell me to re-install as I'm doing quite well with Saints and can't be fooked to start all over again.
  3. Rightly or wrongly I'll continue to puff away inside sms anyway.
  4. Never rated him, good attacking set peices but very questionable defensively.
  5. I'm a smoker and get away with at at least three fags from 3-5pm on matchday. A couple of sly ones during the game away from the ready-eye and one in the bogs or in the concourse at halftime. I've never been caught, just use your nous and you will be ok. The club must be aware of the crafty smokers as there is always a waft in the concourse and a cloud of smoke during the game, never mind the countless fag butts littered everywhere. They could quite easily allow smokers out for a puff at halftime, then let back in upon proof of entry (i.e a season ticket or ticket stub), it wouldn't cost them a penny to implement, just some common sense...
  6. There are too many people on here making damning judgements before waiting to see the facts. Thoughts go out to Robertson at a difficult time
  7. It's about copyright issues. Stewards, old bill etc SHOULD turn a blind eye when they can see photography is for personal use (i.e a mobile phone or digital cam), but some are jobsworth w@nkers who get a cheap thrill out of telling someone what to do. If they were going to stick to the letter of the law they would have to throw out 90,000 fans at a cup final in Wembley. There's rules and there's common sense, however when it comes to most stewards and old bill they don't know the difference between the two.
  8. Martin Jol appointed manager.
  9. The team that played us off the park last Saturday crumbled 4-2 against Doncaster Rovers today, yet more damning evidence how weak and fragile our side is. God help us...
  10. The team that played us off the park last Saturday crumbled 4-2 against Doncaster Rovers today, yet more damning evidence how weak and fragile our side is. God help us...
  11. Lowe got ride of Pearson for one reason and one reason only: his EGO. If Pearson had worked out Lowe couldn't stand up and take all the credit for it as he wasn't his own man, so he fired him off and replaced him. Stories about high salaries and cost-cutting are bullsh1t. Pearson was a real gent and a good manager, yet Lowe's ego has got in the way again. I genuinely hope Lowe dies of cancer as he is slowly killing this great football club.
  12. I got FM09 for Chrimbo but can't install it due to "Failed to set-up Graphics system". Any ideas??? Cheers in advance.
  13. Pile of vvank, happy to get rid.
  14. Boycot the Doncaster game on the 17th January. Actions speak louder than words and an empty stadium will speak volumes. A half empty stadium wouldn't prove anything, we need EVERYONE to boycott to make Lowe's position untenable. Under Lowe's chairmanship we are a sinking ship and unless we are to settle with League One next season with a minus ten point penalty something needs to be soon before it's too little too late. Luton Town are an example of a football club playing Championship football only two years ago, through mismanagement they will be dropping out of the football league come May, realistically we could follow suit unless something is done quick.
  15. Jan if it's consilation when I win the Euro Millions I will buy the club, boot Lowe and his cronies out for good, clear the debt, appoint Martin Jol as manager and invest millions into getting us back to where we belong... Chin up ;-)
  16. I was told to leave Reflex a year or so ago by undercover old bill. God knows what they were doing in there. Rightly or wrongly if a bouncer is heavyhanded with me I will give them a taste of their own medicine and generally they will back down when they know it's not going to be an easy ride. I'm not the biggest lad in the world but if you have a go rather just lie down and take a beating they're more incentivised to carry on. I hate bouncers and they hate me, I'm running out of venues to drink on a Saturday evening but rather that then let some tosser on the door throw his weight around as and when he pleases.
  17. If it's any consolation when I was queuing up to get in on Saturday one of the bouncers was given a statement to the old bill has he had just been given a hiding from one of the punters. I had no sympathy for the tosser as I had been queuing for ten minutes only for him to refuse me entry.
  18. Kaiser Soze


    I'd say about 95%.
  19. Jesus ****ing Christ
  20. I presume the Itchen Corner will be open for business??
  21. A waste of time IMO.
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