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Everything posted by saint-luco

  1. oh noooooo
  2. might well have been. ssn just said stoke and pompey agree on loan deal for david james
  3. told you i didnt have it
  4. i think he was asking the assistant why he hadnt flagged, not waving an imaginary yellow card, as the foul had'nt been given.there was 2 of our players doing that, not just spiderman
  5. is there any chance this game will be moved because of cup games. ive just bought a return from chatham to birkenhead for £28 from the trainline.com. and as its my birthday the ale will flow
  6. the hairy bikers on bbc2
  7. i havent got it, just got in from work and checked every where, definately not here
  8. once spent the night in a cell there, after a group of us went on a beano to bogner and got into a fight with some locals, back in 82
  9. was'nt going but am now, got £51.50 from chatham. looking forward to this as never been there. is anyone else from medway going?
  10. why is matt lucas on the reading bench
  11. and then drop the price of real ale
  12. catweazle, now ive forgotten how to add pictures
  13. nope still there http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/TeamHome/0,,10280,00.html
  14. 2 no 23s on os
  15. long drive to moorfields in east london
  16. thats my stella girl
  17. nah. bichons are better
  18. saint-luco


    yep i using nipper to describe other kids when i was young, but lost it when i moved to london, the other "nippers" at school(in london) thought i was welsh because of my accent FFS
  19. whilst i agree with this post is it not only the rich in japan that can afford this "delicacy". if it was part of the staple diet or survivle depended on it,as in eskimos and seals, then i could agree with it. but as it stands i cannot and will never agree with the slaughter of dolphines and whales for profit, which it seems to be. perdants please
  20. a very very wise man
  21. far better put than i ever could. i agree with this post
  22. i can see a new thread on this, can i suggest " kids have no respect anymore" and im not taking the p*** this subject really gets to me
  23. no!!!
  24. i'll get my coat then
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