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Everything posted by saint-luco

  1. time to go to the freezer for my half time ice cream thats under the fridge which is full of stella
  2. cant see why not
  3. celebratery pub crawl home for you then
  4. m3-m25-m40=a40 -a406 at hanger lane- lreft at ikea - wembley, by the way after 15 years in the drining game,i learnt yeats ago sae navs are total ****e
  5. link for you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3hSDODDNs4
  6. the ja stangtown anthemfor he8's yooof http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4tEX8tm6qw. and rhis clasic reminds me of growing up in east;eigh
  7. malandra burrows
  8. saint-luco


    agree or disagree with dogs humour his quotres are pure gold, well worth a fiver
  9. 106 then 32 wrong both times
  10. pound for pound thr gratest
  11. tell him to try herehttp://www.chatleys.co.uk/?gclid=CPPuzvicvqACFdlj4wodm31PqA
  12. its om;y a ,mile so 4 mins is plenty
  13. id ruin her
  14. squeaky botty time
  15. ooops wrong thread
  16. last of the summer wine- expats, pmsl
  17. thanks to sussex saint for this one http://www.ustream.tv/channel/testshow222
  18. cant make the game on saturday, gutted would love to watch us beat leeds again. daughter has to work so cant drive medown and cant make the trip on my own any more. so i will be listening to dave we need a second goal merrington on the player
  19. up niceNICE And early taxi arrives in 5 mins next stop o.nrneils in yythr land of the mickey mouser see you there
  20. up niceNICE And early taxi arrives in 5 mins next stop o.nrneils in yythr land of the mickey mouser see you there
  21. or johney ball
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