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Everything posted by saint-luco

  1. crcrystalline
  2. was taken to the dell by my father when i was 5 it was against palace if i remember right boxing day 68 i think went a few more times but it was when the white alen ball boots came out that i really started my interest in the game. i just loved watching alen ball play and when he signed for saints i started to go to matches again. so to answer the question. a pair of white boots made me a football fan luved em
  3. the only place i could find those pictures was on facebook, may be real may not
  4. answer is here http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2052802,00.html
  5. had to treat this like any other away game , up at 7 breakfast done now a coffee then a 3 hour wait, walk to the pub, meet football fan to buy a ticket, then walk to the ground
  6. feck em hope it is a slow and painfull death bastards
  7. been waiting all season for this, at last ive got a game it will take mr 10 minutes to get to instead of a 2 hour drive or a 3 hour train journey, mates coming from woking and family from croydon to my house for a full english then onto chatham for a beer before heading to the will adams in gillingham for a few summer lightnings before the game
  8. thanks jack been living in medway too long have I
  9. as i live local for this one if you adn have any questions ie pubs, parking hotels etc feel free to pm me and i will do my best for you, 1 rule for gillingham girls is only buy them a drink if their tatoos are spelled corectly
  10. this is costa del medway
  11. oh well looks like i'll have to sit in the gorden road stand then if all saints tickets have gone
  12. just put this on facebook and tagged the mother in law
  13. luv em bake my own now, plenty of bakers round here sell em
  14. compared to lambert he is crap any way
  15. crowman
  16. for league 1 http://fansaward.givemefootball.com/roll-of-honour. much deserved. far far better than beckford
  17. the rupert lowe ****e house
  18. or "we're the lowe life over here"
  19. name the kingsland the rupert lowe stand then they can reply "we're the ruperts over here"
  20. ice cream float made with stella
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