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Everything posted by grezz

  1. This lack of ambition is ****ing me off. Koeman had the temerity to say that we only 'maybe' will do better than last year. What about The Dream. What about CL? Where are all the other signings?
  2. Move along please. Nothing here to see........
  3. You mean these people over-reacting all over the shop are guys?
  4. So she's calling her hubby weak for wanting revenge because The Dream is dead? Married a wrong'un there he did.
  5. I'm still carrying out my tribute to Rik Mayall
  6. Yeah, if you buy something of equivalent worth for market value. The jury is waiting to see how it goes with that but until then my sabre is staying in my pocket.
  7. The fact it knocked back a £20M bid for Lovren. The fact it hired a manager with an international reputation. The fact it received £55M for 2 players worth half that amount in the real world. That's enough to satisfy me for now before i start screaming that the end of the world is coming.
  8. The club does have ambition Dejan. That's why it knocked back a £20M bid for you.
  9. This
  10. OK, time to stop this. It's been way more than 3 minutes
  11. 'oefenmeester' means someone who is brilliant at making omelette surely?
  12. Personally I enjoy the 'negative' posters (not in a sexual way you understand) as much as the positive posters, the rational posters and the posters who are outright bonkers. Alpine, for example, truly cracks me up. I don't care if people have a different opinion to me about the state of our club. I know what I think and I think it's interesting to hear how other people think, even if they have polar opposite opinions and personalities to me. I come here to catch up with everyone's 'inside' info which I don't have and to kick back and chill out a bit. I don't see too much wrong with the forum in that respect to be honest. Let the 'negative' guys carry on. It would be boring as hell if everyone was only bigging us up in every post.
  13. My feelings aren't that precious. He could have shown a bit more respect but he didn't. Hey ho. I'm sure his feelings won't be that precious when he gets a load of stick for it. That's just the way the game is played. We'll show our righteous indignation at him when comes back to SMS and he'll kiss his new badge and run to the away end if he scores. Everyone's a winner. No tissues required and not a sock in sight. The drama class is down the hall and to the left. Adam, you're a cock
  14. So a German then? :-) Tadic-Schmidt?
  15. May his arse itch and his arms be too short. That is all.
  16. You (and his agent) might be right but I must confess I'm struggling with the logic of him choosing us based on the fact 'we are/were going somewhere' over choosing another club were he could earn more money and which is already 'there'. Personally, I would assume he felt more confident of a regular starting spot for us in the year before the World Cup started and that's what swung it for us. Now that has worked out for him he's using the 'vision' against us and wants away so he can earn more corn. I think he also safer in the knowledge he'll get a regular starting spot for a bigger club than us now too.
  17. Not a Cruyff turn in sight and he has a normal haircut. Also, I signed him for Doncaster in my FM game for 10 minutes and he didn't go to the press and agitate for a move once. He's a rubbish replacement AL.
  18. Morgan conducts himself with more class than our other "stars" have in their left toes. Chuffed to bits for him. He won't look out of place
  19. If you hold back on braking news then it means you are accelerating on spilling the beans doesn't it?
  20. Better hope we get Romulan Lukaku then
  21. Clyne all day long. He adds an extra dimension to our game and I can't see that Chambers will ever overtake him.
  22. I've a got a tenner on the wind being next goal scorer at 9/4
  23. grezz


    An eagerness to justify his reputation, fit in, his price-tag, please the fans.....causing him to do things he would not ordinarily do if he was in a more relaxed frame of mind. He had a bad game but it wasn't his poor execution which was the key point for me. It was his poor decision making caused, I believe, by some of those things I mentioned at the start. I think he put extra pressure on himself after his early miss and he went downhill from there. That is trying too hard.
  24. He's a quality player but he had a bad game today. He seems to be trying to hard and from all we know about him it's clear that he's a sensitive soul. He just needs time and a bit less expectation and it will come. He oozed quality against Denmark in midweek and his strike rate in Italy was very good. He's not turned into a bad player overnight and i'm sure we'll be raving about a performance of his pretty soon. Anyway, we just took the **** out of Utd on their own patch and trampled over their midfield. The only disappointing thing about that is their plastic fans are so plastic they probably don't even care. Lallana and Lovren were absolute quality!
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