It has always surprised me that football has gone to great lengths to ensure it makes money from moving footage of their players, but has had a laissez faire attitude to stills even though both Sky and newspapers are seeking to make a profit from the game. The same applies to radio coverage, where that has always been well controlled (assuming anyway was interested in broadcasting the game).
My only concern is the number of photographers at the game, not who will now make money from the images. I don't want one photographer and therefore one viewpoint. I would trust a comment about Saints from this Board before any newspaper article because I long ago gave up believing that there was any value in buying newspapers. If I actually had a care, it would be that Saints fans in the stadium were allowed to take as many pictures as they liked, as long as they were for private and non-commercial use e.g. putting them up on a dedicated part of this Board. The rest of the media jackals can cough up for Markus.