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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. Like I would care as I hardly know you.
  2. I don't know really. Will probably work in the worst place very. THE KIOSKS. I doubt i will be working in the Northam stand though. Would be happy to work at SMS if I could work in one of the suites. Ah well, 2 more months of this job then I quit. This is only an over christmas job to earn some extra cash for christmas and new years. I work full time already but need more cash. Ah well, if any of you lot see me, feel free to say hello.
  3. Today- I had work. but tonight, I am going to a house party Tomorrow- work. Might go down the pub afterwards. Sunday- CHILLLLLLLLLLLAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  4. Of course it was was going to backfire. That is why it took me a while to decide whether on paying five quid or not was worthit. The disadvantage of the board slow down is simple- The board has gone downhill in terms of posting quality. No one can be bothered to post on this board, due to the extremely negative feelings surrounding Saints. It just builds negativity. any one on this board can easily afford five quid but it's just not worth the price. Five pound system should have been indroduced before the start of the Saints season.
  5. Sarcasm is allowed in The Lounge?
  6. TMS AWARDS... Is there any point anymore when no members can take this thread seriously. It's really difficult to decide who to vote for because I dont like most of the posters on TMS
  7. Why are people obsessed with Stu... STU IS THE KING. PEOPLE KISS HIS FEET.
  8. Signs of getting old, I see
  9. WE COULLLLLLDNNNNT AFFORD HIM SO why bother having confidence in recruiting him as the new Saints mananager.
  10. What a weirdo! I used to think you were 'cool'!
  11. Ha so true. How easy are the girls there.
  12. I reckon you can pull. for godsake, I am an ugly bastard also uglier than you, yet I can pull. I will prove you wrong when we next go out on a friday and I will attempt to chat up the ladies and get you involved.
  13. Happy Birthday you old git;)
  14. I am up for football this sunday. count me in
  15. My distance will be a major problem as I am working in town.
  16. So many problems within SaintsFC
  17. I got work tomorrow from 6am till 4:30pm so a no from me.
  18. U wouldn't care to be honest. It would be nice to see a full stadium in a footballers eyes, but they are professionals at end of the day. They don't care about the atmosphere much.
  19. Well done Russell for bringing a little controversy back. British humour nowadays is just lame because people complain too much about controversial jokes. People over react too much, that is the main problem with humour nowadays. Russell knew what he was getting in to when he broadcast this joke. But he still did it. Thats the type of person Russell is It's the British way to complain i guess I find Brand quite funny. I aint a fan of Wossie though, but he is clearly a BBC legend as his show still gets millions of viewers. On the joke, I found it slightly funny. but it was a breach of privacy though! But I love controversy! Although it was a joke too far.
  20. Calvin


    Gosh! I've not drank cider for months. Will have to buy some cider soon. I miss the drink!
  21. Lucky bastard! Working seems more entertaining nowadays, than attending a Saints game!
  22. Luckily I can't afford to go. and plus I wouldn't go anyways.
  23. He will leave the when the going gets tough. just watch
  24. Redknapp leaving Spurs just makes me smile. He betrayed Pompey yet again!
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