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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. I would come back as a flying giraff. reason? would be funny stealing peoples food while pooing all over them ****ers!
  2. This weekend, What I want you do is buy the roughest ****tail in orange rooms, down it!. Buy loads of shots from a dodgy place in town, also down the beers. down 15-20 shots, 7 beers and a ****tail from orange rooms. Make sure you get the strongest ****tail down orange rooms, ask the bar man. you will feel good about it all the next day, I am sure
  3. Your missus fault probably.
  4. well, the best way is to compliment her if she is ugly. But if shes pretty, chat her up in a weird way without all the compliments as she is most likely used to people complimenting her. UGLIES ARE THE EASIEST.
  5. Happy Birthday scotty w00ty xXx
  6. Seems like a typical Saints deal to me
  7. What a waste of thread space. WOW RICHARD CHORLEY, How ****ing interesting. SOME RANDOM GUY WHO LIKES TO RANT GOT BANNED. THIS IS THE MOST INTERESTING NEWS ON HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. It's quite a big loss to Woolston. Woolston has clearly nothing to offer. Now the people from Woolston will have to travel to town to buy their music cds, dvds, games, mobile phones, and other electrical items. Woolston will suffer from this. as this store does get a fair amount of customers
  9. Or love Lucy Pinder. Either way. I am not afraid to give my opinion. I never will, never have.
  10. Tonight? Who Knows Tomorrow- 9am job hunting (last day) Christmas Eve- prepare for Christmas Christmas Day- Spend time with my Mum, step dad and my sister, have christmas meal. then go round my dads during the evening. Boxing Day- Go round my step Dads family, then maybe Oceana? Saturday- Christmas house party maybe Sunday- Oceana?? Will most likely drink loads during the week!
  11. I am going to have to watch BB in January now.
  12. What do you wear to bed?
  13. You cant blame him!
  14. Wilde has got work on that day
  15. You dirty bastard
  16. He is just a over****y bastard like the rest of the younglins!
  17. They probably aint used to a big crowd
  18. The training programme is okish. But it depends on how much the person can remember where everything is. The standards at Saints hospitality should be improved though. but it aint a hard job really. AS long as you have a decent eye sight and not a numpty, then you will do fine. (BTW I've worked at Saints hospitality)
  19. It's very difficult to talk about football at the moment.
  20. Why dont you just marry Lowe or have sex with him!
  21. Why not.:smt079
  22. Most fans have given up on being passionate as you because it's the same old, same old.
  23. It wouldn't shock me. Most of the decisions have been really controversial. SAME OLD SAME OLD. WOULDN'T SHOCK ME IF THEY EXTENDED PORTFLLEEETTTTTEIIEJFJDIOPDPO contract.
  24. I will ****ing speak english for you! I think you should set the mouse on fire for the fun of it!
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