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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. Saints will walk this league!
  2. That wasn't the smartest things to say. Cat abuse will happen from now on because of your post about kicking cats about!!!!!!!11111
  3. It just wouldn't make any difference because of the state the club is in currently!!!
  4. Jan is the best damn manager for this league! He is doing a fantastic job despite the lack of funds, and of course mostly working with a group of reserve team players. WUV U JAN!!!!!!!!ZXXX
  5. Jan is hilarious at doing intervews!
  6. Doesn't Lowe make the signings as Jan doesn't have a clue about this league.
  7. I blame Kermit The Frog!
  8. So it is not Lowes fault based on his and the boards decision making Look at where we are now. look how things were in the premiership when Lowe was controlling the club... THERE WAS NO AMBITION. EVERYTHING is based on business, that is why we are in the position of a dying club. Lowe clearly doesn't have enough guts to take a risk. You just have to look at the answers how Saints could have been a top club, if ran correctly!
  9. There are far worst clubs in this league which are suffering from more debt. We will be safe from admin, unless we go down.
  10. I prefer a different approach towards my posts.
  11. I dont give a **** about what he saids. IF he wanted to stay with Saints then why didn't he? BECAUSE He wanted to go to a football club which will stay up Simple.
  12. crouch, come back my pretty!
  13. We're are going down WITH RUPERT AND WILDDDDDDEEEE
  14. Calvin

    Meeting Today

    I am your ******. you seem to force me to drink! (If I manage to get work from my agency this week, I will see you down Bedfords next weekend!)
  15. Calvin

    Meeting Today

    This board is turning into a witch hunt
  16. So you are admitting to reading the Muppet forum?
  17. Should we beat up Lowe and Wilde then?
  18. I will probably attend this game but I won't bother protesting. like it would make a difference..
  19. I don't know you. so I will 'respect' your opinion.
  20. Lets spend billions of pounds of a runway. shall we! Throwing money away is lovely.
  21. If you were 40 or 50, I would respect that opinion. I am hardly a 'youth'. You clearly don't know me off this message board.
  22. Well said Euell. I respect that he wants to play. It's shows the sort of passion in which Saints needs. I personally do not think that Euell is a bad player. I feel he has the ability and the determination to be a good player.. he just needs more games to prove himself, and to adapt more to the way Saints are currently playing. If I was him, I would be delighted to not play while earning a great wage.
  23. Very true, so are you shortie
  24. Perhaps he has potiential but aint ready for first team football. HE CAN make it at top level eventually. Just needs more time.
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