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About Calvin

  • Birthday 19 March

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  1. Mixed reaction... Im still disappointed at our current chairmans ambition. Nigel was building a squad for future up, as well as good progress in the premiership. Ya can't have high expectations in this league. If Porch (what ever his name is) manages to save us from going down.. All respect for him for coming in fairly late, and managing under pressure Guess we will see how we progress!
  2. I would embarass you all. (joking) I better not.. I haven't touched a football for 3 years 0-o
  3. Great news for the club in general. Its what we need for a further boost for the squad, due to the progression that he has made at Premiership level, despite his age.
  4. I know, right.. shocked my account survived all these years. Such weird changes
  5. Thanks for that. Although some images are rather strange, I won't be coming back to that website. Ha ha. (BTW I am now a full member of this Forum.£5 donation.. It's been an extremely long time since i logged in ):0
  6. I know. I don't know what this football thing is. My mind can't compute. ARg
  7. This forum format takes getting used to..
  8. This is what I was told after an extremely drunken night.. It starts off with me and my mate walking down derby road getting home to Bitterne.. was f*ked out my head. I tripped over a bin and then pushed a bin over, then a policeman approaches me asking what are you doing around here at this time, then I reply,' Im gunna die, drive me home! lol he was like to my mate, you better look after him. I would give him a lift if I had my police car with me for his safety.. Bad times.. Not a proud moment at all
  9. cash my fAcking gooooooooolllllllllldd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. haha these air attendants earn more than a soldier, Plus the lovely extras STIKE STRIKE STRIKEEEE
  11. I love the fact that the BA staff (on strike) are killing their own airline company.. It's priceless!. Bye bye British airways.. more job cuts
  12. Good game, despite 5 vs 4. I am a bit dead from 3 days in a row of partying, then having to play football. Was a good laugh
  13. Mike, lift please And Jill, nah, I didn't respond as it was going to be a no anyways, very sorry..
  14. Ya Know Im there mike loL
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