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Justin C

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Everything posted by Justin C

  1. I agree these kits are not for me. However my 13yr old said the blue kit is the best ever, so it’s probably not aimed at me. To be fair as a mid 40 yr old bloke I should not be wearing the kit. So maybe we’ll played Saints!
  2. I don’t see how this is linked to a Spitfire. I had it from a very good source that it was linked to Spitfire. The other two were bang on from the source. Not sure I can get PMs but if I can message me and I can tell you who it is.
  3. Guys I am going to milk my first ever in the know! I am now looking forward to the Spitfire element one now!
  4. This was my first ever bit of inside info. As this bit was correct our other two kits will be, One based on a design with Waves. Designed by a Japanese artist. One will have some sort of reference to the Spitfire.
  5. Really random but from a very good source. The home kit is a reverse of the Keagan kit, ie red and white stripes reversed. Away kit has been designed by a Japanese artist based on waves with the Solent in mind. Third kit has the RAF crest involved because the spitfire was associated with Southampton. But we will see. This my only inside info I have ever had!
  6. I am after a single too please!
  7. Cheers I will have a look
  8. In after a spare if poss my mate has randomly come down. Thanks
  9. Really! You think he went there for money, wow! Not to move his family home after moving them all over the place or to play for his boyhood club. I bet he would have gone there on a massive pay cut or even for free if need be. I still want us to win and him not score but I don't think he left for greed. Just my view. Maybe I took ur bait!
  10. It was offside, it one of their players on the head who was on the ground.
  11. Is anyone watching the Palace game in Hong Kong? If so is it Trafalgar?
  12. I think that is the case but I thought I would ask. Shame really.
  13. I am struggling to find a pub that will be showing the game in and around the local area. I know there are a few that show Prem games but I have called a couple and they are not showing it. Any ideas?
  14. Are likely to be any pubs showing it around Southampton
  15. Are we staying with Adidas for next year?
  16. I still require 1 customer number if anyone would be so kind. You only need to have been to 1 away game now. Please could you email if you are willing to let me use it. justincousins@hotmail.co.uk Thanks
  17. I have been given one customer number (thanks Paul) does anyone have another that I could use? Please PM me Or I could give you my email address. Thanks
  18. I was not trying to debate the fairness of the policy. I think it is fair to be honest. I have a ST but can rarely make away games. Normally a couple a season. I was trying to see if anyone will let me use their customer number for any of the stages before they go on sale to ST holders.
  19. The loyalty thing is strange. I went to the Yeovil game but can't see the worth of those 'points'. Well if anyone does here of any tickets or willing to buy them for me or let me use their numbers that would be great. Thanks
  20. So its not likely to go to general sale. Will anyone get me a couple of tickets or let me use their customer numbers?
  21. I am hoping to go to Palace away so much so that I have hotel booked in the lovely Croydon. However I have not been to any away games this year. What are the chances of the tickets making it to general sale? Would anyone be willing to let me use their customer number or buy 2 tickets for me? Of course I would give you the money first.
  22. Justin C

    Lee Mason

    He could have easily sent off Osvaldo. Sometimes our fans don't know the laws. The offside would have been the lino. We could have had a few more bookings. Wanyama hacked one of them to stop them attacking and Clyne pulled a shirt to slow them down. Both could have been yellows. However Mason was not great but he won't be the worst we see.
  23. One Adult and one U11 ticket for sale £30 if anyone is interested please send me a message or put details below.
  24. I have one Adult and one U11 ticket available for £30 if anyone would like it is in the family stand. Drop e a message or put your details below.
  25. Thanks, I think that's what I will do.
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