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Everything posted by aussiesaint20

  1. Cheers. That's the main list I've been working off already I was more hoping to get feedback of everyone's favourite moment/s from our recent era, rather than the footage. Although if anyone has a particular video in mind as well, let me know.
  2. Found one. The day we FINALLY got off the bottom of the third division: . Anyone there that day?
  3. I'm currently putting together a timeline of important articles, photos and (mainly) videos from the day of Markus Liebherr's arrival up until our European qualification. Seems like a good way to keep all our favourite moments in one public place. I've only recently begun, and as such, have stumbled across Lambert's equaliser against Pom*ey in 2010. I was lucky enough to be there that day, and it's definitely my favourite goal at St Mary's. Despite not winning a match that we dominated, it was a statement to the footballing world that Southampton Football Club was on the way back. Just five years on to the day, since , Southampton sat in the Premier League's top four, while Portsmouth were mid-table in the fourth division. WTFILN? Following all of that: As the title suggests, what's your favourite goal scored at St Marys and why? Also, as i've just started, and because the idea is to make it public, I thought it would be best to seek everyone's input: Which moments played an important role in our journey from League One -10 to European football? So far I have: - Swiss seals Southampton takeover (article) - Southampton sign Rickie Lambert (article) Rickie's goal (as linked above) Next up is the JPT footage (open to suggestions) and then the rest..
  4. Did you pick up any of the local dialect? There's actually a pretty active Vietnam Saints group on Facebook: Southampton F.C - Việt Nam A few young local lads took a liking to the Saints a couple of years ago and are now doing a fantastic job in promoting the Southampton message. Even matching up a Vietnamese translation with the club's motivational video from the start of the season SFC Vollywood style..
  5. A super six of Southampton translations for your reading and viewing pleasure: Finnish by Kimmo Hantikainen Swedish by Mickael Svensson Swahili by Brian Musyami Hindi by Abhimanyu Karandikar Traditional Chinese by Wong Kitson Korean by Eunsang Lee Kiitos paljon, Tack så mycket, Asante sana, Bahut shukriya, 非常感謝 and 감사합니다 Kimmo, Mickael, Brian, Abhimanyu, Wong and Eunsang! As a bonus feature today I'll thrown in SFCUSA: The Movie
  6. Ooooo I like this topic.. For those wanting more information on these numbers, just ask and you shall receive Here's how we currently stack up against other Premier League clubs, including those recently relegated/promoted: A couple of quick points: - At the start of this season we were still well behind the likes of Fulham, Hull and Swansea - we're now comfortably completing with the best of the rest outside the global 'Big 6' (pink). - If anyone's wondering why Sunderland are growing so quickly, this quote on their website should help to explain: Sunderland AFC’s commercial director, Gary Hutchinson said: “The club is continuing to grow globally and it’s important that we engage with fans in their native country and language." For those interested in how our numbers are split per country: The changing global landscape: - At the start of 2014, 59.6% (68,591) of our 'fans' were living outside the U.K. That figure has skyrocketed to the current total of 88.3% (912,370). IMO, the clubs who best connect, grow and capitalise on their global markets will be the ones who succeed in 5-10 years under the FFP umbrella. That's more a comment on teams outside the 'Big 6' who are already miles ahead of the rest of us globally. Some interesting quotes from clubs we should be competing with, and beating, in the global supporter race: Sunderland: We can't ask much more from the fans and businesses in our area. In order to keep pace with what is happening at other clubs, we have to make use of the international appeal of the Barclays Premier League. Aston Villa: Aston Villa’s Asian marketing executive, He Rongtian, does not see his club competing for share of voice with the likes of Manchester United and Arsenal, but with what he calls second tier clubs. In China, following multiple teams is not uncommon, and Aston Villa aim to be the biggest of the second tier clubs through localised marketing initiatives delivered through China focused channels. West Brom: Albion’s Sales and Marketing Director, Adrian Wright: “The club has a long-term plan in India and we hope to establish strong relationships with the ISL and its member clubs. “We recognise that the ISL has huge potential in so many areas – whether it be by expanding our own audience or identifying talent for the future.” A few other quotes from different sources: Tim Bridge, a consultant at football finance experts Deloitte, says: “There is an opportunity to engage with a global population – inexpensive access to potential customers – [and] to give the “club message” free of any subjective opinion from outsiders. And an opportunity to direct people to their merchandising or ticket sale portals. Dao Insights (The world's first Chinese social insights platform for global marketers): However for clubs other than Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester United, Manchester City and Chelsea, is there an opportunity to grow a fan base in China? Qumin’s research shows a rise in mentions for clubs performing successfully during the season, and with more interest in clubs competing in the top half of the table. Clubs such as Everton (have since added a Weibo account) and Southampton gained a large number of comments, yet neither has any owned Chinese social media channel. On field success in 2014 drove a large volume of posts, and there was a big opportunity to capitalise and develop a following. AC Milan: Head of web and new media, Giuliano Giorgetti: "Social media is really a fantastic tool for the process of internationalisation of an Italian football club." "It enables us to have direct communication with international fans, and we tweet in a number of languages," Ian Ayre (Liverpool): “Central to our international brand strategy is the Club’s revolutionised digital output, which is interactive, inclusive and localised to individual territories – delivering content which is tailored to specific markets and accessible in local languages.” “We can create added value for our corporate partners and maximise the international commercial opportunities that benefit everyone at the Club, including the players, coaching staff and the global community of fans across the world.”
  7. The writing is well and truly on the wall. Within 5-10 years all Premier League clubs will be on Weibo, guaranteed. Because of FFP, the long-term Premier League performance and longevity of clubs will be heavily related to how well they embrace and capitalise on their overseas markets, especially China. The % of people outside the U.K who are 'fans' of the Official Southampton FB page is now more than 88%. Clubs like Aston Villa, Crystal Palace, Everton and West Brom are already making moves to connect and grow their overseas fan base.. Interestingly I read that 30% of football fans in China are women. That's MILES above the % in most other countries. Can't hurt with the handsome lot we currently have! The other interesting figure related to what you're saying, is that just as many people follow a (official) Premier League club account on Weibo than the amount who follow a PL club on Twitter: Weibo v Twitter. I've just sent you a reply on Weibo. I've been using recently to make sure i'm familiar with it's operation and to engage with our Saints family in China. Zoe actually helped out with the Chinese translation on the above link! She's co-admin of the page with another guy and it seems quite popular and has regular content, but it certainly needs a new logo! Trevor
  8. A little different today. FOUR translations and a bonus video. Must be your lucky linguistic day SW.. Dutch by Mattijs van Egdom Simplified Chinese by Alex Li Norwegian by Mari-ann Mehus and Odd Knoff Italian by Alessio Lanave Dankjewel, 谢谢, Tusen takk and Grazie mille Mattijs, Alex, Mari-ann, Odd and Alessio! During the 2012-13 season, a Nigerian by the name of Tayo Adetoye started following and engaging with our Aussie Saints group. Over recent years he's formed a very dedicated group of Southampton fans in a not-so-well off suburb in Lagos. Tayo's obvious passion for the Saints was soon noticed by fans in Southampton who decided to send Tayo and his group various Saints items. Here's the aforementioned video to tell the rest of the story: The Nigerian Saints!
  9. Not a Skate in sight! I've built friendships with Saints fans all over the world since the early days of social media and they've all been nice enough to spare their time to translate the club's message. Was only planning to do 24 in the lead up to our final game throughout May, but have been sent even more than expected. All translations have been double-checked, usually by another Saints fan as well. Still waiting for someone to volunteer a Skate version of ours, any takers? I'll get the ball rolling.. "We are the Skates We don't just buy success, we steal it We take heaps of shortcuts and never earn it"
  10. For all our lovers of French, Arabic and German language: French by Anthony Lenhard Arabic by Khaled Choubane German by Franz Kögler Merci beaucoup, شكرا جزيلا and Danke schön to Anthony, Khaled and Franz! A special mention this time to our THAI Saints. They drove from all over Thailand last weekend to a city in the north-west of the country, Tak, to meet up with a Saints fan for her birthday. Fair to say they picked a decent game for it. Loving their new banner as well! วันนี้รวมตัวกันได้เยอะที่สุดที่เคยจัดกันมา 6-1เป็นอะไรที่สุดยอด
  11. For those proficient in Japanese, Russian and Bengali: Japanese by Toshiya Aizawa Russian by Andrei Zhezlov Bengali by Tanzir Islam ありがとう, Cпа*ибо and ধন্যবাদ to Toshiya, Andrei and Tanzir! In other #GlobalSFC news, Saints fans from Australia, Belgium and Canada all had a brilliant day out against Villa!
  12. Three more fan translations. Not quite as geographically split this time. Persian by Cameran Alavi Turkish by Berdi Can Greek by Lazaros Tatsopoulos متشکرم, Teşekkür ederim and ευχαριστώ to Cameran, Berdi and Lazaros! A special mention to our GREEK Saints who celebrated their 30th anniversary on Saturday. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1660[/ATTACH]
  13. Three more for your linguistic pleasure.. Bulgarian by Ilia Markov Polish by Maciek Walczak Yoruba by the one and only Tayo Adetoye! For those big on social media and milestones, the Saints reached ONE MILLION Facebook 'fans' yesterday. Making us the 11th English Football Club to reach the figure. Interestingly 88.1% of the 1million are living outside the U.K. Up from 59.6% at the start of 2014. Celebrating the efforts of our fans around the world:
  14. For those looking to expand their global Southampton vocabulary, a few of the #GlobalSFC translations have now been published: Portuguese by Marcelo Esteves Thai by Jingloyloy Nai Mathus Spanish by Francisco Fourcade Thanks again to everyone who's helped out with this!
  15. An excellent question. I'm actually driving from Melbourne to Canberra this weekend, so I'll drop a couple of the posters off at a few country pubs along the way and put a cash prize up for the best 'Strine' translation.
  16. Many thanks, The Saint. I haven't sent any of these through to the club as yet - I wanted to get them all double and triple checked first before passing them on. I will be featuring a translation a day in May, including a thank you and a picture of the Saints translator, on the Global Saints page. In regards to the acknowledgement, i'm not after any plaudits as such (I gave away all my Saints shirts on a recent South American trip), I just hope that those in positions of power at the Saints can realise how important this is to the future of the club. I want to see us remain competitive for years and decades to come, and with FFP in place we NEED to increase our global supporter base to do so. My hand is raised to help, getting a foot in the door is the hard part.. Over the last two years I've committed over 40 hours a week and thousands out of my own pocket, connecting and growing Southampton communities around the world, both online and offline. The current Premier League landscape we're in is completely different to what it was, even just a few short years ago: 861,000 fans (of the official SFC Facebook page) outside the U.K. compared to 35,000 at the start of the 2013/14 season, a 2360% increase!! A lot of clubs, including those outside the 'Big 6' are adapting accordingly. I've turned down attractive jobs in the industry (Social Media Management) to continue volunteering the work i've been doing for our fans around the world for as long as I can (just this year alone I've reached an audience of over 2.2million current and potential Saints fans). I'm putting my hand up to be our first ever 'Global Community Manager', but I can't exactly keep it up forever..I eventually have to eat
  17. Greetings from Oz As some of you may already know, i'm working on a project to translate our wonderful club message into 25+ different languages. Not just translated, but translated exclusively by Saints fans around the world. The idea was to call on a global network of Saints fans and friends, to help spread the unique message of what Southampton Football Club stands for, as far and as wide as possible. The response has been brilliant so far and it has blown me away. Not one person asked has turned the request down The message, pictured below, is now translated by Saints fans into the following languages (ordered by number of native speakers): Chinese (simplified), Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, German, Indonesian, Vietnamese, French, Persian, Turkish, Italian, Chinese (traditional), Thai, Polish, Yoruba, Swahili, Dutch, Greek, Bulgarian, Finnish and Norwegian. If you want a copy of any of these, just let me know and I'll copy it in a post below. If you speak a language that isn't on this list, even better! Please let me know Without going too much into the numbers side of things and the why, this takes our potential audience of native speakers up from around 360million people (6% of the world) to 3.1billion (42%). With almost every country in the world watching the Premier League in some capacity (broadcast in 212 countries and territories) that's a LOT of people looking for a team to follow. I know it's not a traditional look at football and football fans, but it's the reality of the current landscape. The less we put our name out there, the further we fall behind the "Big 6". With FFP it's even more important to spread the Southampton message globally. Here's a few early examples of how popular the translated messages have proven: Thai: An audience of over 175,000! Bengali: Heaps of Saints love from Bangladesh.. Vietnamese: Over 4,000 video views Portuguese The Charles Miller link lives on! Thanks for listening and COYS!! Trevor
  18. Hi guys, Any idea on how those of us from overseas can follow the final? Is it on the YouTube channel and/or covered on Saints Player? Cheers.
  19. Blackpool from memory. It was live on TV and I think we were also going for a club record number of home wins.. From all reports he's only improved since he's left, which is what you'd normally expect from a keeper of his age playing regularly.
  20. aussiesaint20


    G'day Saints fans, If you could spare 45-60 seconds we'd appreciate if you could nominate Southampton Australian Supporters for 'Supporters Club of the Year' at ffduawards.com.au. Voting closes at midnight Oz time, so just under 5 hours left. It would be appreciated by all of us Down Under! If you want more info, or weren't aware that we existed, these links should be helpful: Details about the award Our Facebook and Twitter pages. Thanks again
  21. Hi stpedro, Certainly a big topic to cover! Hopefully I can help in some way. I run both our Argentinian and Brazilian supporter groups in partnership with some of the local fans. Francisco Fourcade, who runs the SFC Argentina Facebook page would be an excellent guy to speak to. His English is very good and he's extremely knowledgeable about everything Southampton, including the game you mention. You can also find him on Twitter under @sirvoodoo and @SaintsArg. In regards to other links in South America - Charles Miller is probably the obvious one. Here's a link to a PDF doc on the club's historical links with Brazil: SFC v Exeter programme. You might find the link to the SFCBrasil page useful as well. An excellent book for you to read would be "God is Brazilian" by Josh Lacey. He uses the Charles Miller/Southampton story to talk about the early stages of football in Brasil. Plenty of discussion in there about political and social issues and how they related to the early days of football in the country. Charles Miller patron Saint of Brazil AND Charles Miller introduced football to Brazil are a few articles you might find interesting. Let me know if you have any other questions, buena suerte! Trevor
  22. Nice one KS, cheers! I haven't used that account in quite some time, i'm just on the @AussieSaintsSAS Twitter account. Feel free to contact me through their, or on our 'Southampton Australian Supporters' Facebook page. We've just updated the main cover photo, which now lists all our live venues around Oz. The Imperial Hotel, in Melbourne, consistently has over 20 Saints fans, regardless of kick-off times. COYR!!
  23. Some of the guys at SFC USA may be able to help you out with any questions and will definitely like to hear about your trip! There's also a separate group for Saints fans in New York - they often meet up at Legends Bar on 33rd street. Hope that helps and enjoy your trip! We had a guy over from Oz earlier in the season and his first match was the 8-0 win over Sunderland. Beat that.. Trev
  24. Hi guys, Your best bet could be to ask the guys at SFC USA Over a 1000 on there now, so one would assume a few from Houston. We have a great group of 20-30 who consistently meet up to watch Saints matches - hopefully you guys can get something similar happening over there Trev
  25. I hear what you're saying, ericb and I agree. What i've done when setting up these groups is firstly connect the already existing supporters with each other - most of which are thrilled to know they're not the "only ones". The idea is then to build on our supporter base from there - that's not done through chasing global fans just for numbers - it's done by continually providing Saints content and engaging with the fan base in a local voice/language in a non-formal and light-hearted way. Basically to get the Southampton message out there, so it's not lost in the pack of chasing teams. FFP Rules basically mean that clubs need to go abroad to find revenue streams and those that don't will lose out massively to those that do. That has a direct influence on what we see on the pitch. Basically the whole world is watching Premier League these days and they all want their own team, if someone is following Southampton over the "big 6" it's probably because they're genuinely interested in the club, it's history and fellow supporters - different from the plastic success chasers of other sides. Check out the depth of knowledge about Southampton from our Thai page: Thai Saints school Also from the Indian Saints group 'Praise for SFC principles'. Add in the Brasil link from post 51 and it's clear to see there's a lot of genuine support for us from abroad. The idea is to organise the genuine support into one place. In Melbourne, through being organised, we're now the 2nd biggest supporter group behind Liverpool. A massive achievement, but it shows what possible. Again, the main objective is to connect genuine Southampton fans and then build the Saints from there. In the current landscape, to be competitive over a long period, it's essential. It's not ideal, but that's the Premier League in 2014..hope that helped more than it confused
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