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Everything posted by aussiesaint20

  1. Probably should re-post point 2 somewhere on page 2 in case it was missed. This is not about who can come up with the toughest sounding song, it's about trying to increase the positive noise towards players and team. Let's be honest 'pretty bubbles in the air' isn't proper hard but it seems to work for both players and fans. 2. If you see a chant/song you think could work quote it and say so. Please don't troll by quoting and being negative, if the song isn't popular noone will quote it and it will be forgotten, negativity will only lead to silence.
  2. A job for those going to Arsenal, get this started!
  3. Like it Saw this one elsewhere clearly to the tune of Walk The Line by Johnny Cash. As sure as night is dark and day is light I keep you on my mind both day and night And happiness I've known proves that it's right Because you're Clyne, Nathaniel Clyne.
  4. My favoutie from the Morgan thread. So here's to you Morgan Schneiderlin, we all love you more than you will know, oh oh oh, We'll fight for you Morgan Schneiderlin, Southampton boys are with you when you play, hey hey hey, NA NA NA NA, NA NA NA NA NA, NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA, OOOOOOH! To the tune of Mrs Robinson.
  5. It's a longshot but I thought we might try and do something useful on this board. After watching Morgan's recent interview, Billy's tweets and Rickies on field reactions to his chant it's clear to see that the positive noise made by our fans has a positive impact upon the players. Some on here appear to be focussed on chasing after a high quality, original chant that would make it on Broadway, the reality is that any song that's player based is infinitely better than nothing. On this thread we should try and come up for a song for three players who we expect to feature heavily this season. Morgan Schneiderlin, Nathaniel Clyne and Gaston Ramirez. The following is a possible model for picking the favourite song for each. 1. Make up your own lyrics & add which tune it's sung to/ or copy in one you've seen in another thread. 2. If you see a chant/song you think could work quote it and say so. Please don't troll by quoting and being negative, if the song isn't popular noone will quote it and it will be forgotten, negativity will only lead to silence. 3. The mods or a full member can pick out the top couple of songs for each player and have a poll where people can vote for their favourite. 4. Hopefully the eyes on here that go to games will be able to get the top song started like the SRL one was. May need to be a sticky for a couple of weeks. 5. Who knows it might be the difference between another season in the PL or relegation...
  6. Like it!
  7. Looks like he might be playing today against United. I'm of the impression that any noise/chant is better than nothing. Billy's song wasn't the greatest but he seemed to recognise it and enjoy it judging by his comments. I don't think the overtly negative views by some when discussing chants is constructive whatsoever. Those that may not be the most confident in making noise at the football will more than likely be less so reading all the negative feedback on here. After all the best result is to have as much positive noise towards the team as possible, it doesn't always need to be an orginal, hardcore supporters chant. Something catchy and relatively simple is perfect, from what I could tell when I was over there last season the Lambert song lifted not just the supporters but the players as well. In summary the more the merrier and fu#k the eternal cynics. Will be watching this match in a Melbourne pub at 1am with other mad saints so make a mountain of noise for 90 minutes and let's roll these cun*s. COYR!!
  8. I think we all are, besides the author of this fantastic blog and others that have to sit within earshot of them. This is still the only match review I read all the way through. Perfect mixture of reporting and humour, long may it continue!
  9. STOP THE PRESSES!! My first effort wasn't great but I think I may have something here. To the tune of the Addams Family... He’s quick as any sprinter, At the cup he was a winner, He’ll make defenders shiver Emmanuel Ma yu ka. His goals are all insane, He backflips every game, We all like saying his name, Emmanuel Ma yu ka
  10. Runs runs runs like Forteee Shoots shoots shoots like Rickie He's Zambian and he scores for fun Emmanuel Ma yu kaaaa, Emmanuel Ma yu kaaaa
  11. Why is there such a 'QPR' transfer mentality on here. The need to bring in seven or eight big names on big salaries with a vision only to the current season. I must say I'm pleased that it appears we have a longer term vision with our transfers. Emmanuel is 21, Rickie is 30 it doesn't read as Rickie being pushed out, it reads as adding young quality that will push for spots and ultimately replace Rickie's place in the side when age/retirement catches up to him. If we can sign Ramirez and a defender or two I think we've done very well in this window. Still keeping the base team from our previous two seasons while adding class in a few needed areas. Try not to forget the value that a settled squad adds.
  12. Runs runs runs like Forteee Shoots shoots shoots like Rickie He's Zambian and he scores for fun Emmanuel Ma yu kaaaa, Emmanuel Ma yu kaaaa
  13. Just had to log in to also voice my strong dislike at the new website. I'm sure the designers and overseers will see our responses as change phobic and they'll think we will get used to in time. That's just not going to happen. It appears uninviting, frustrating to navigate and like others I've no longer got it as my home page.
  14. Any links for those of us overseas?? Was hoping Saints Player would have a radio feed of the match but that doesn't look likely..
  15. I would put that down to it being past midnight more than anything. The spelling/singing would be the same, although I'm open to suggestions.
  16. Just driving home from work before trying to come up with one, hear me out people, I think it's a winner. He'll score on his left, he'll score on his right. It won't fuc*ing matter cos he'll score all night. Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Jay Rodriguez *3 beat pause/clap(proper musical) Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Jay Rodrigues *3 beat pause/clap and then back to the top. Only works if the first Jaaaay is stretched out and the Jay Rodriguez bit is sung quickly. Do an internal little chant with it in your head and tell me what you think.
  17. Would the club ever do something like this? In Aussie Rules a DVD is always released of a successful season, again I would buy multiple copies. I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.
  18. How does one add a poll to a thread? Options being: Very interested. Somewhat interested. Not interested.
  19. Surely the dramatic reversal of fortunes of the last three seasons from minus 10 in the third division to a Premier League club is a story worth telling. From the brink of extinction to a financial powerhouse on the south coast, the last three seasons and all that has happened in between is an extremely important part of the clubs history. It would only require clever editing, appropriate music selection and a few select interviews from past and present. Might be a job for some media students/graduates who are looking to improve their portfolio/CV. I'm sure most(all) Saints fans would love to watch a well constructed two or so hours review of the last three seasons. The best way to make this happen is for everyone, yes YOU to contact the club and suggest(demand) this idea. Could even be an idea to make it free with a season ticket renewal.
  20. Maybe try posting this date on the Facebook page as the number of members has doubled in the last six weeks. In Melbourne we are leaning towards a Sunday afternoon in late May for our promotion party so any Brisbane fans in Melbourne at the time feel free to drop in. I will update the date and venue on here as well as Facebook when it's confirmed. We're also looking at getting a website set up for next season as not everyone has/wants facebook. Would probably need someone that would be happy to update events/pictures for the Brisbane part of the site but we have months to work on that. O and one more thing..WE ARE PREMIER LEAGUE SAY WE ARE PREMIER LEAGUE!!
  21. Liebherr wonderland! Would be great to see/hear this get a long rendition on Saturday should we be in a winning position and after the game if all goes well. 5-10 minutes with the whole ground getting involved would sound incredible, it would show the Liebherr's who I'm sure will be there or at least watching, how much we acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of Markus in saving our club. Would much prefer to hear this repeated than anti-skate songs on what should be a day all about Southampton and our completion of a monumental reversal in the clubs fortunes. WIFM!
  22. On my way from York as I type, doc browns it is then! Anyone else heading back to York tonight? Went out last night there and loved it.
  23. oooooooooooooooooooo...HOOOOF!
  24. Just realised there's probably too much info in my original post.. Heading to M'boro from London but haven't worked out how as yet. Also the best place to go following the match? Will many Saints fans stay and drink in M'boro. So 1. How are people getting there from Southampton/London and 2. Where are Saints fans going post match.
  25. Thanks for the offer! Will more than help out with fuel, have already got a jerrycan waiting for me at Heathrow. Haven't finalised my plans yet but I'll more than likely need to get to Liverpool on the Sunday. Send me an email on trevf_101@hotmail.com so I can give you my UK number when I arrive. Cheers!
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