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Everything posted by tisspahars

  1. ...the latest one "backed".
  2. A pleasing generalisation Hypo.....
  3. Apparently on Solent this morning TL said he would be "known to some" depending on what line of work you were in. This would seem to rule our your Rod Stewarts, Richard Bransons etc - but not my CD....
  4. I should also point out (and this is my final snippet) that CD is not necessarily a person.....
  5. It hadn't occurred to me that there may be more than one contender with those initials so no, it's not Craig David.
  6. CD - that's all i'm giving you... a) Because although i've been told it is fact, who really knows, and b) Because if he's going to save the Saints, if anonimity is what he wants, that's what he gets. c) You're only getting that much, so I can say I told you so!
  7. 1-10 for McGhee eh? Makes the 14-1 you can currently get on Betfair seem a bit generous. LOL.
  8. ...we might have got Billy Davies. Could one of the many who said we were crazy not to beg him to come here tell me if he is still the second coming please?
  9. I suggest you get yourself over to Betfair where the market makes it about 50/50 - i'm sure you know better though...
  10. Not a chance in hell.
  11. I thought i'd bring this up - it's from less than a month ago. There are several people who gushed about Saints on this thread who now claim we are the worst team ever with the worst manager who must go. How sad.....
  12. Just when I was beginning to dream again comes this from the OS.... "We want them to give 100% - more if possible". Ah well, it was nice while it lasted....
  13. For the first time in forever this week the whole forum has been united in the belief we are a team going places and everyone is behind them. Next game - booed off. Gotta love those Saints fans....
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