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Everything posted by BigShadow

  1. Don't know about suicidal defending......lack of any form of defensive midfield in the 1st half meant the defence was getting pulled all over the place. Oh well, even when Everton were sh!t, a trip to Goodison usually meant Nil points - so business as usual.
  2. Not looking forward to the Portsea Sisterwives version.
  3. Loving my iPhone 5. Just watched the 2nd Half of the Villa game streamed over LTE - flawless - and the result wasn't bad either.
  4. He did well, but can't give him MoM as I think he should have come for the ball before Bent nipped in for the goal. Maybe NA for MoM 'cos whatever he injected into those half-time oranges worked a treat. As for the second half, the most impressive aspect was Ramirez' class and work rate. He will cut many defences wide open this season.
  5. Actually the statement was 'We are prepared to convert a materially significant amount of Portpin’s debt into equity'. So the debt has not fallen by 18 million as Chinny will undoubtedly carry forward the alleged 5 million or so that the FL will allow. Nonetheless, your point is valid. Birch now has an easy way out with the Portpin bid, or he might face a costly legal battle over the valuation of FP.
  6. Ask Nicola to put in the 5 year plan.
  7. Schoolboy error there......down in pompeyland - it is not the attendance that matters, but the number of empty seats. Therefore, using your example above, their support is bestest because they only had 8,000 empty seats compared to our 10,000. Errrrrrr......simples, innit mush.
  8. Well, they've packed the subs bench so that boost the attendance.
  9. PKF not made their revenue targets this quarter then? That'll be more creditors money drifting away.
  10. AFAIK, the iPhone 5 uses a completely new sim card so you would at least need an new sim to transfer the contract to. Anyway - a non-contract 5 is going to cost you about £450 more than a contract phone. So you may be better off taking the higher contract for a couple years.
  11. I've broken the habit of a lifetime and ordered a new product on release day - the reason - Apple stuff just works. I was a relatively late convert to the Apple Party - only at iPhone4 did they finally get me and I've been very happy with my phone and subsequent iPad ever since. What disappoints others about iPhone 5 is in some way impressive to me. Apple has resisted the urge to try and do everything better than the S3 - they have resisted the urge to come up with that one 'must-have' wow factor that will compel everyone to buy one. In doing so, they have taken a lot of things that the iPhone 4S does well and they have made them a little bit better. Throw in the 4" screen (don't want something as big as S3), and the addition of LTE and they have a great product...and coming from iPhone4, it will be massively better. With this iPhone, Apple has confirmed its focus on developing a functional, easy-to-use aid to our everyday lives and refused to get into a p155 ing contest over who has the biggest d!ck, flashiest car or whatever. For the millions of consumers out there who are not technogeeks, I suspect this iPhone 5 will do very nicely.
  12. Ok - found a couple of articles about it. Thanks for the tip. The delayed showing fits perfectly with my plans for Sat. Think we might get something from this game.
  13. Where did you get this info? Is it on all providers - will be great if so.
  14. And what is the 'justice' that is sought? A fall guy? I struggle to see that one person will be held responsible for a sequence of poor decisions that resulted in, and to some extent, perpetuated this tragedy. I hope the families feel at least some comfort in these findings, and I appreciate there are more answers needed - but a witch-hunt for those one or two individuals to be hung out to dry would not be right.
  15. It all seems so simple when put like that - obvious even. They claim that the primary goal is to save the club, yet as they have done for years, time after time they continue to focus on a competitive team - a gamble on promotion solving their financial problems - whilst they neglect everything else that is wrong with the club and rob it of a future.
  16. Fonte was brilliant in L1 - average in the Champ - and not good enough for the Prem. We better hope Yoshi is the real deal.
  17. TBF, that is about 2,500 more than I would have expected them to be averaging this year. We'll see how long it lasts if the wins don't start coming.
  18. Given our record on TV - no seemed like a good decision. Shame for Stevenage tho.
  19. Hmmm, whilst I admit that poopeys ownership strutcure has been somewhat complex, I think you may have pulled up the wrong chart........that is quite obviously the internal process map for ensuring creditors get paid on time.
  20. I have Verizon which provides FS in HD gloriousness, but FS+ only in SD which is almost unwatchable by comparison. So I am going to perservere with FoxSoccer2go (streamed to my 46" TV) for the availablity of live games and wait to see if verizon ever provide FS+ in HD - it has supposedly been near the top of their list for 18 months. Not worried about the Wigan game though.....I'll watch at St. Mary's.
  21. Peter Storrie got one thing right in that interview...... :lol:
  22. You are not alone. If you take a few minutes to read the first few pages of this thread - the overwhelming sentiment is 'I hope they suffer points deductions/relegations but I don't want to see them die'. Three years of failing to learn from their mistakes and blaming everyone but themselves, and for many supporters, not just PTS nutjobs, that sentiment has changed and it is time to put the rotten corpse out of its misery. Even now, we hear that they are offering promises of contracts that are way above the average for the division. And the saddest part.....they still think we want them gone because we are jealous of their success and history. The Peoples Republic of Portsea should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
  23. Not as simple as that. Trev probably has pleaded with just about every club to take them off his hands - I'm sure he would give them away if he could. BUT - take Kitson for example - rumoured to be on £17k per week I think. It might be that some other club is prepared to offer him a contract for £7k per week - so that would leave Kitson £10k per week out of pocket on his current deal - so he says 'Oi, Birchy - I'll go if you pay me up the extra £10k/week on my current deal'. There is the sticking point. They can't give their players away because they offered way over market price to get them to Krap Nottarf in the first place....and in the case of Kitson/Lawrence/Norris/Husselkrap etc...that was AFTER they should have learned their lesson from the first admin. How many clubs have they shafted over the past few years by stealing players through offering contracts no one else could match and PFC couldn't afford? Which clubs were denied a place in the PL/FA Cup Final/Europe because of this policy? I think the whole FL should close ranks and not offer to sign any of their players. They'll be free soon enough.
  24. Not wishing to rain on anyone's parade - but those creditors belong to Oldco, so there is no reason for Newco or PKF to have the contact details for them. Baker Tilly will have the list, it would not surprise me if there is even a copy knocking around Krap Nottarf somewhere, but Birch would probably have to get permission from Baker Tilly before he could use it. Desperate waste of time anyway.
  25. This..100%. They knew that a federal Europe would not get through the electorate....so in typical Eurocrat sneaky fashion, they tried the backdoor route - The Euro was a means to an end - they expected it to run into difficulties, but they assumed imminent Euro failure would convince the electorate that a federal Europe was the best solution and hence their goal would be achieved. However, they did not expect the Euro to run into the massive difficulties they now face. Quite frankly, it is beyond belief that they have any credibility left at all. The years are passing by and still they insist on putting Band Aids on gaping wounds. Short term fixes with no long term strategy to solve the crisis. The Euro is effectively dead, just waiting for someone to unplug the life support.
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