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Everything posted by BigShadow

  1. Hmmmm.....didn't know they made transparent brown paper envelopes.
  2. You'd better warn them first.
  3. Looks like Storrie-Teller has some tough negotiations ahead to offload his £38m worth of players. Something like this.... ST: Hey, Utaka. Great news - We have accepted a bid from Aston Villa of £2.5m. Utaka: What they payin? ST: They will make you a top-earner. Utaka: How much? ST: More than any other player at the club. They really want you. Its a great deal. Utaka: HOW MUCH??? ST: £30,000 per week plus bonuses. Utaka's agent: HaHaHa.......oh, you're serious? No thanks - we'll stay here and pick up double that until you go bust - then get a nice fat signing on fee as a free agent with a new club. Cheers, Peter. ST: But....but....you HAVE to go. Please.....pretty please. (Utaka walks off.) ST: Hi Belhadj. Great News - etc. etc. etc Fact is - PCFC would struggle to give half of their players away for free unless the players benefit financially.
  4. LOL....they couldn't even do that - they can't sign any new players - even ones willing to play for free.
  5. There is something very strange about Jacobs leaving Fuglers. I also thought that maybe they figured out he had done something and wanted to distance themselves from it. Either that, or Jacobs has been promised a prominent role in the post-admin PFC - but as that future is by no means certain something just doesn't make sense. Why leave a good job to join a sinking ship? Its got a fishy smell all over it.
  6. If new owners are miraculously found......I forsee the following press release from Mr Storrie..... 'In order to ensure a smooth transition, the new owners have requested I remain at PFC for the short term. I believe I owe it to the fans of this great club to make sure this new phase starts on the most positive footing. I have therefore agreed to continue in my position as Chief Executive until further notice. etc etc ' Anybody in his position with half an ounce of decency and/or integrity would have resigned this morning....not be clinging on to extract a few more £££ from the sinking ship.
  7. That's not a cutback - they should be taking National Express.
  8. IMO, the trading during insolvency thing is a non-runner. You would have to prove that a) the directors knew they were insolvent : b) they carried on regardless AND c) they knew there was no prospect of recovering the situation to the benefit of their creditors. Part C is a massive loophole. All the directors have to do is produce a few dodgy letters of intent/interest from parties interested in buying PCFC and they can argue that it was in the best interests of all creditors that they continued their normal business because they were confident of obtaining further investment. It is very difficult to prove otherwise unless someone on the inside breaks ranks and spills the beans. As much fun as it would be, I don't think we'll see the directors losing their homes etc over this.
  9. Given the possibilities - lack of CVA - no buyer - alleged financial irregularities - they might be counting themselves lucky if -20 pts is their only punishment.
  10. Normal service resumed - renewed hope quickly followed by disappointment. As it should be for Saints fans.
  11. Everyone should wear a black armband to mark the death of PCFC.
  12. Posted on 5th Feb I think St Marco beat you to that by a few days.
  13. Does wonders for their goal difference too! They are technically 8 pts from safety now.
  14. No - it doesn't. The odds on reaching the play-offs have lengthened but it was a long shot anyway. There is still a lot to play for - most of us accepted that a top 10 finish would have been a good season given the -10 handicap and lack of pre-season. Whilst there is still a mathematic possibility it would be foolish to give up. COYR!!
  15. Looks like I wasn't too far off the mark. I would not discount the possibility that Chainrai, Storrie, Al-Mirage and Jacobs have concocted this little plan to create the confusion necessary to buy them some time. Hopefully, HMRC says **** OFF.
  16. OK - Let's play 'What Happens Next?' - Heres my try..... Chainrai claims ownership of the club. Jacobs and Al-Mirage dispute this so Chainrai seeks an injunction to prevent the current directors from taking any significant action until the courts can rule on the ownership issue. PCFC apply for postponement of the HMRC hearing on the grounds that their directors are prevented from performing their duties by the injunction until the ownership issue is resolved. Plausible? Possible?
  17. You're gonna have to delete a lot of posts for that battle to happen
  18. I don't even want to ask how you found that.
  19. Lot of changes in this team recently - new faces, injuries - will take a few weeks for them to sort things out. The important thing is grinding out results over the next few games so gotta be happy with 2-0 today even if it wasn't the easiest victory some were expecting.
  20. I was going to mention them - I flew out of a small airport just north of New York a couple months back and there were a few aircraft hangars with 'Million Air' and a bunch of corporate jets parked outside. Thought it was a bit of a tacky name - but hey its America. Didn't see any fake sheiks hanging around though.
  21. It would be a nightmare if they put Niemi in goal against us - I would hate to see that.
  22. Re: my previous remark on the 10,000 gate - I now have the 'explanation' as posted by one of their cheerleaders over on their local rags site......this is genius.... _______________________________________________________________________ Posted by Lysander1 Read some of the posts on here and you'll see that a lot of Pompey fans are spread right around the world. You expect them to travel to Fratton Park on a Saturday? _______________________________________________________________________ Ah..that explains it then.
  23. I guess you deserve to enjoy the momentary respite from the doom and gloom but as much as I want to wish you luck for next week, I couldn't sincerely do it as I am enjoying the comedy saga far too much. I do hope PFC survives, and I do have my moments of sympathy (albeit brief), but come on...a 10,000 gate for an all Prem FA cup game when the club is fighting for its life....WTF!! 'Best fans in the land' .....comedy gold.
  24. I am going to have to assume you wrote this after a night on the ale.
  25. Surely even Poopey aren't so stupid to agree to sell-on clause where the player is being sold at a loss.......or is it not a sell-on clause, but just the fact that the outstanding money becomes immediately due? Strangely, I find myself in the unusual position of hoping they win tomorrow - would be a great time for a local derby in round 5 - HMRC and courts allowing that they make it that far.
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