542 -
Everything posted by BigShadow
They should have been liquidated at the high court in Feb. They should have been liquidated at the high court in Aug. Third time lucky??? I doubt it, but hopeful - and this from someone who was sympathetic to their plight nine months ago, albeit amused by their struggles. But now, I am disgusted by the way they have continued to spend to attempt to fund a promotion push whilst writing off millions in debts to taxpayers, businesses and charities. PFC is an embarrassment to English football and it needs to die.
They should have been liquidated at the high court in Feb. They should have been liquidated at the high court in Aug. Third time lucky??? I doubt it, but hopeful - and this from someone who was sympathetic to their plight nine months ago, albeit amused by their struggles. But now, I am disgusted by the way they have continued to spend to attempt to fund a promotion push whilst writing off millions in debts to taxpayers, businesses and charities. PFC is an embarrassment to English football and it needs to die.
10 months on...nothings changed. Can't afford to pay existing players and they still want to sign more. Any player considering joining them should realise that the Football Creditors rule does not apply if a club ceases to exist.
My guess... the FL don't believe the CVA can be met with the existing cashflow projections so they are asking Chainrai to waive his right to his secured debt £15m? £21m? in order to ensure the creditors get what is due under the CVA. That would remove the sole reason Chainrai is actually interested in buying the cesspit of a club. Wrong again AA. It is nothing like the Liverpool situation. Liverpool are not in Administration (at time of writing) and have not tried to wriggle their way out of £100m of debt. The Royal Bank of Scotland are not buying Liverpool so why would they be required to waive £280m in order to pay creditors - the new owners will assume responsibility for that. RBS stands to make no additional gain other than receiving what it is owed. Chainrai on the other hand probably wants to get his money out before completing the CVA payments, and then flog the club for a profit asap. Seems the FL have sussed the AA/Chainrai plan for what it really appears to be. Now...who said this thread should be closed???
I'll have a go....
There must be more to this story - the article states the child has now been taken into local authority care. Well if that's all it takes to get a child put into care then my kids should probably have been taken off me a long time ago. This is not a case of a child having an accident - he opened a drawer and took a dump. Assuming the child is not somehow mentally disadvantaged, then the hose pipe treatment seems reasonable to me (although hitting him with it is not). Just seems everyone is quick to complain that kids have no discipline, and then equally quick to condemn parents who show a little invention in their discipline methods. Time outs and 1-2-3's don't work for ALL kids in the long term.
I hope that is not your daughters real age. How many 34 yr old women were working at the hotel last night? People lose their jobs for giving away info on hotel guests.
Percentages....... So if he was previously charging a token 0.5% interest while in administration, and he has now raised that to 5% - that would represent a 1000% increase. Seems reasonable to me.
Hmmm... more (potentially) dodgy stuff - Interesting connection between the Chairman of the FL and one of the directors involved in the new PFC. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/sep/03/portsmouth-ownership-proof-short-supply About time the PL and FL outlawed this ownership of clubs by holding companies in countries where secretive ownership and financial regulations are in place.
Mine too. Paid for the premium - video clips are fairly decent. Just another reason not to bother with SaintsPlayer.
The sacking is not surprising...the timing is. The goal for last season was play-offs....irrespective of what was stated publicly....Pardew failed to achieve that. So why wasn't he let go in May? Maybe no better candidate was available and willing to take the job. The decision was clearly made to allow Pardew to continue for this season - why else allow him to bring in new players? So, IMO, something has changed in the last 2 -3 weeks to force this decision. What? 1. We have new owners. They may have insisted a change was made to fulfil ML's wishes. 2. Off the field unrest. We, and the BBC, can speculate all day long and may never know the truth. 3. An outstanding managerial candidate has become available. Personally, I hope its 3 (or combination of 1 & 3) and I hope its MON. I think Cortese has made himself unpopular with some strange and unnecessary decisions regarding ticketing and the media, BUT I absolutely believe he is singularly focussed on fulfilling Markus' Legacy and I am prepared to have faith that he will take the club forward towards the PL. I cannot believe that he has decided to remove AP only to replace him with some untried Italian Div 2 manager or an up and coming lower league English manager. Therefore, I fully expect to be excited about the new appointment that will leave the club in an even better position than it was yesterday. Thanks Alan for the last 12 months, but I won't be shedding any tears over your departure. The Saints Go Marchin' ON, ON, ON!!
LOL "They call me Superman" - That ain't what what they're calling you on the Pompey messageboards.
Hmmm - Slow, aging 34 year old Striker gets 3 year contract with championship club. If someone told you the above without mentioning names - somehow you'd instantly know it could only be our friends down the M27. Anyone want to open a book on how many minutes he actually plays during the season?
This is portsmuff we're taking about, ffs.
Absolutely stunned by this news. Very, very sad. Will always remember his face beaming with pride at the JPT final. Thank you Saint Markus.
Am I alone in thinking that 'buying' the club or rather taking ownership of the club won't cost Chainrai anything - perhaps a nominal £1 fee. That the whole thing is just a ruse to get the transfer embargo lifted. Remember, the FL league stated they wanted to see the CVA approved and then verify that new ownership was in place with the funds to take the club forward. So with no new owner stepping up to the plate, Chainrai assumes ownership and provides proof of funds to meet the clubs ongoing liabilities. He already has loaned £17m or something plus funded the administration period. He could easily convert some of that debt into equity ownership - he doesn't have to risk any more money. That is why he will 'buy' the club regardless of whether the HMRC challenge the CVA or not - either way Chainrai has the same financial risk as he does today. With the transfer embargo lifted, they get some freebies/loans in, offload the remaining high earners and he will be hoping they have a decent start to the season so he can look for a quick sale in the autumn. If that happens they might be OK, but if not, I just can't see Chainrai continuing to throw more money at PFC. (Unless of course, it isn't really Chainrais money keeping the sinking ship afloat).
Depends on wages though - might be a £5m player on reasonable wages, but only £2m with extortionate wages. The wages pumpey paid were always going to be a stumbling block in selling players.
For once, this Englishman is pleased to be abroad because I'd surely be feeling the pain much more if I was back home. American friends have been sympathetic albeit equally confused at just how poorly England performed during this tournament To sum up England's team - no urgency, no commitment, no passion, no desire, no clue, no pride. To sum up Capello - urgently needing goals he brings on Heskey, removes Defoe, leaves Crouch and Lennon on the bench - says it all. I can't help feeling there is a story to be told here - divisions in the England camp, disagreements with Capello, something....there has to be something to explain the abject performances. There may be some players who don't value the England shirt, but not the majority of them surely. In previous World Cups, I have experienced England's exit with a feeling of being robbed after the boys had done well, usually an individual error or lack of discipline had cost us. There is no such feeling this time. In fact, I am looking forward to enjoying the rest of the tournament without any emotional investment. Let the post-mortem begin...albeit without David Cameron needing to interview the players.
To be fair, most Americans don't even appreciate the difference. In a similar way, we like to call all Americans 'Yanks' but there is a large proportion of the American population that would take exception to that. I think the following from Wiki sums it up quite nicely: To foreigners, a Yankee is an American. To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner. To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner. To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander. To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter. And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast. I am surprised no-one is proclaiming themselves 'European' - there is usually one stick their head above the parapet.
Perhaps AA got confused....far more likely the late night phone calls are with Chainrai trying to explain why Plan A is not going as smoothly as hoped.
Therein lies the difference between an administrator doing what he is supposed to - acting in the best interests of the creditors - and Android's dodgy administration acting in the best interests of Chainrai at the expense of the creditors. Could be a very interesting 10 days...
Hmmmm - I wonder.....if the CVA gets approved - could HMRC apply to the court to have the CVA postponed pending the outcome of their case against the PL and FL football creditors rule? This would surely run beyond the start of the August and therefore PCFC have to accept -17 if they want to start the season. Wishful thinking????
My thoughts exactly - its one giant leap of faith to think that a 5 year payment plan is worth taking the risk that they will be around to meet those obligations with their £10m p.a. wages and matchday income on sub 10k attendances. Don't forget Chainrai trying to get his money out too. Madness if the CVA gets through on that basis.
No I will be well ****ed off....just like I was at Xmas when they were threatening action. BUT.....It won't be the end of the world and based on the last largely ineffective strike 2 out of every 3 flights to Boston operated as normal and I'm pretty sure I would get to travel within a day or two.