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Everything posted by BigShadow

  1. Saints v Brighton is indeed live on FoxSoccer.tv - think I will sign up on Friday - the one month trial membership should just about see me through to the Pompey game.
  2. Seems to be a couple links to Pompey to me. Grasping at straws maybe, and I don't expect anything to come of it, but I don't see how anyone can say these charges are not relevant to Pompey.
  3. Good point - it can and does go wrong - you need to be comfortable with the risks. I think it is something like 2-3% of surgeries don't go as planned. Some can be corrected with further surgery but others can never be resolved. I was at a point where my eyes were damaged by not taking care of my contact lenses properly and leaving them in too long etc. I was advised not to wear contacts anymore which is why I started looking into this. Do a google on 'Laser Eye Surgery gone wrong' and if you are still happy to go ahead after reading that lot then good luck. I want to think I was prepared for the worst, but ended up with fantastic results, so never had to find out how I would have felt had it gone wrong.
  4. Had it done 9 years ago - one of the best things I've ever done. Had it done in some place in Fulham - they were very good, but can't remember the name right now. They were one of the few places at the time that could correct astigmatism. I think today most places can do that and probably at about half the cost I paid.
  5. If these end up being live on FoxSoccer online - I think I might just give the trial a go for $10. Hate the delayed games - and the quality of FSP on verizon is poor - can't believe they still haven't found space for FSP HD. Anyone tried FoxSoccer.tv yet?
  6. Hope he's moving house then - can't see the good folks from the Peoples Republic of Hayling being too pleased.
  7. The thing is though - it will be UK, Germany and France largely paying the price too! We may get off lightly compared to the other two, but nonetheless there is a lot at stake. Even with my basic grasp of A-level economics - I could see the Euro was doomed to fail from Day One. The real goal is a Federal European State with significant centralised control over taxation and spending. That is the only way this could ever work and the politicians knew it would be almost impossible to get the voters to sign up for it. So, they have spent the last 25 years trying to get there by a series of compromises and backdoor legislation. They didn't learn from the ERM fiasco, and even right now they are desperately scrambling with a series of short term measures to keep the Euro going - but the end game is the same. A federal europe to make it work - or admit defeat and disband the EuroZone. That said, similar to oil price speculators driving oil to unsustainable levels, I can't help feeling the markets are almost pushing the Euro to breaking point in a desire to see it fail. Someone needs to come up with a plan for the Eurozone for the next 10 years - not temporary measures to get Italy/Greece/Portugal/Spain/Ireland through the next 12 months.
  8. Oh dear....Pugwash leaves the goal wide open and PFC scores. PFC123 1-0 Pugwash Thanks PFC - I laughed. Oops I almost forgot to call you a Dirty Thick Skate C*nt. Seems to be a requirement around here.
  9. I am a fan of the oil-filled radiators. Use them to supplement central heating in rooms where the house thermostat doesn't do any good. Don't know that I would want to use them instead of CH though.
  10. So you misrepresented the state of the car....you failed to notify DVLA of a change of address....any other offences you wish to have 'taken into consideration' In the OP's defence - he can't be a pikey because the reason he started this thread was so he could file the paperwork correctly. Hardly pikey behaviour.
  11. Doesn't the V5C include the previous keepers address? If so - he will know your address once he gets his copy.
  12. Such promising beginnings in the early 80's, but quickly downhill as they chased the commercial big bucks. Still listen to 'Signing Off' - but sadly when I hear the name UB40 the first song that comes to mind is 'Rat in Mi Kitchen' - and on that basis alone - bankruptcy is well deserved.
  13. Forest 1-0 Boro
  14. Brighton missed penalty
  15. Goals 4, 5 & 6 presumably.
  16. Short answer - you have to pay the £120 asap. Withholding it will only cause more problems and in any case, it was due before this event even happened. Longer answer - The landlords response seems quite reasonable at this stage. He is stating that he is making enquiries and will get back to you. Don't get into an argument about whether the plumber was or was not in the building. Keep it simple - your TV was fine when you left home, and when you returned it was damaged. Keep records of all correspondence, even times/dates of phone calls and what was said. Unfortunately, unless the plumber fronts up to the damage - the landlord is caught in the middle - and it is your word against the plumbers. I had a similar situation with a landlord a few years ago - only the damaged item was an £800 laptop which I believe the workmen dropped some heavy tools on. One thing I had in my favour was that I had someone with me when I returned to the house and discovered the damage, but of course the builders denied it. Long story short - I got nowhere with the landlord until I applied to the small claims court at which point he made me an offer - not admitting liability - but because 'he didn't have time to deal with the court'. At that point my relationship with the landlord had deteriorated so badly I felt I had to move out - which was another pain in the ass. Anyway, hopefully your plumber owns up but in the meantime, as much as it hurts, make the payment, then you are in the right and can pursue the landlord for the TV damage however you see fit.
  17. Lets hope they take their time finding a suitable replacement. That aside - if the Russkies did manage to get 250k compensation as is rumoured - they have gone up considerably in my estimation. Outstanding piece of business. As one Forest fan put it...."we could probably have got him for free at 5pm on Saturday"
  18. Clotts - "Its been an emotional morning, I had to take time to compose myself before I came out here to face you" Yeah, I understand Steve - it wouldn't seem right if the Phew had seen you doing the dance of joy in fits of laughter this morning. Clotts must think Oct 14 is the new Christmas.
  19. I suppose that is more than the creditors of the CVA will ever see.
  20. Well said - now has anyone at the FA got the balls to do it......and while they at it, leave that **** Terry at home too.
  21. Don't forget Derby v Saints is also being shown with 30 or so hours delay - 5pm Eastern Sun 16th Oct on FSP. Will almost certainly know the score already but worth a look to see how we play.
  22. Thats 5 mins of your life wasted.
  23. Will you feel the same way if we get denied a goal on the last day of the season which costs us promotion?
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