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Everything posted by Hedgehog

  1. Bollux to this, don't they know people have to work and getting to a 7pm kick off is very difficult to do. Why change the game just in case it might be on telly! Proves yet again with the ticket fiasco from saturdays FA cup and not opening up the Kingsland etc. and now this, that they don't give a t*ss about the fans.
  2. Pricing not too good, but more so time of kick off will be a problem. Getting home from work and making a 7pm kick off will probablly mean i wont make it, the extra 30/45 mins makes all the difference for people finishing work gone 5pm
  3. When I questioned the fact there was no postal information, I was told it was due to time constraints and unable to produce forms for renewals. However surely they could have sent all on the database a note to this fact, and that you should ring or buy online. Feel that many outside Southampton could be unaware of the situation this year.
  4. Would have gone, but assumed my free tickets as a renewing season ticket holder would have been automatically sent, no one said you had to ask for it when buying season tickets. think they need to sort this out, as said before do the people who live outside the area, and don't get the Echo, or have computers know what's going on with regard to renewing season tickets etc. Doesn't take much to send to all past ticket holders what the arrangements were/are. Didn't need to produce the forms (time constraint etc.) but at least tell us the fact that no postal applications etc.
  5. Harsh, but true !!
  6. Thanks will try that, if not will pay for tickets if can't get for free.
  7. Oh dear, after ordering my season tickets by phone, and not realising i had to ask for free Ajax tickets. Plus not recieving S tickets, don't think i will be going tommorow.
  8. Not sure if posted elswhere but they are not allowing people to apply for season tickets by post!! tried on phone for ages, no joy. What about people who live outside the area and don't have pc's, how will they be obtaining any information about season tickets etc. to me this is complete maddness, had emailed couple of days back and got this reply today: No forms are going out this yr, due to time constraints, they are done in person, online or on 0800 2800 050. Regards Lee Hetherington Season Ticket Supervisor * Southampton Football Club Plus by phone you incur a £1.50 booking fee!
  9. Lets admit the fact, SFC no longer exists, spend your money on something else, season ticket holder for 20+ years, would rather give to charity the money i was holding back for season ticket. there is more to life than football, i hope!!
  10. cant see why stockport had their 10 points taken off last season, didn't affect them. ours added on this year. perhaps they dont like the fact that we used to beat the likes of manure, arse, and deaderpool, and worried that when we get back to the loads of money p'ship wud do the same again!! Still manure and co. can be 100's of millions in debt, but they make for good telly, but not on setanta (went bust bcause given crappy monday night games between nonenities).
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