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Everything posted by Hedgehog

  1. Not sure if this applies to the arguement or discussion but is the club allowed to have such details under the data protection act, are they allowed to keep photocopies of birth certificates, i don't know. perhaps someone can inform this thread.
  2. I can only assume that even though your children were with you, who is to say in the clubs eyes that they will be the ones trying to get in with those tickets on a match day (i am in no way saying that this isn't the case with you). This begs the question how will the stewards know if someone is using a concession ticket when entering on a match day. Will concession tickets be a completely different colour so as to alert them at the turnstile to pay more attention to the person trying to enter with such a ticket?
  3. As this is obviuosly a renewal, and if not asking for concessions, you should be on the database etc. and ID should not be required.
  4. The thing is, if the club are making people go to the ticket office to get their tickets, and not offer the chance on line to have them sent (although you could email ticket office to get them to do so) then no way should you be charged to park there!! You are not buying goods, but giving the club money in good faith, that the club will give you the goods by results on the pitch. (we hope)
  5. You can email the ticket office and they will send it by post, saves clogging the telephone lines.
  6. i am sure if you email the club and they find that it is a straight foward renewal they will post your ticket, i know a friend of mine did, and they said they would change the collection at a later date from ticket office to posting it.
  7. Well just get a job in the public sector then, take a job in nursing, teaching etc. as it loooks like anyone can get such a job. Yes your job may be hard/work long hours/work to 70. Why do it if you could get a cushy job in the public domain. Don't think your arguement holds much ground.
  8. I think people are reacting at the moment to the fact that teachers are on strike. Just wait until the health service is balloted. Everyone keeps going on about gold plated pensions, the Mail and the Sun are totally biased towards the conservatives arguement. Well let the government make it not worthwhile taking jobs in education and health, for which many go to university and obtain degrees etc. They will then go for the so called poorly paying private sector jobs, there will be no more nurses, doctors,teachers, then who will be doing those jobs? Also why have the government not been thinking of applying these changes to the police,armed forces and fire service, surely if we are all supposed to be in it together why not them? Whilst i agree that front line soldiers should not contribute to their pension, what about those generals, admirals etc. sat in whitehall get away scott free?
  9. Perhaps his idea of fairness is to drag all the public sector pensions in line with the private sector, then make it easier to privatise all those jobs, as there will be no difference anymore.
  10. Most in the public sector are paying for their pension, they are not being given it for nothing. They are saving up. What i think most are against is the fact that its not a choice of paying extra, another 3% of their salary for example,or the option of not paying more towards it but working longer to obtain it, but both. Also they are changing the goalposts for everyone. Why not introduce it for new people, but leave those who signed up for this years ago alone.
  11. Yes we may all agree that the private sector were shafted with their pensions, and people may say no one took any notice when such funds were being plundered. But the public sector are the ones who many years ago were not getting decent pay rises, on the pretence that they would have their money defferd until pension time. They accepted lower pay rises whilst the private sector boomed. Now they are expected to have those contracts they signed, in some cases a 40+ year commitment ripped up. How many people in the private sector provide teaching, health care, waste collection, policing, armed forces, fire services etc. and if they do you have to pay extra. People go into public sector jobs to serve those who do not wish to do such jobs. Why didn't more people go into such jobs? Was it low wages offered. If they were to change the pension for new enterants, oh sorry they already agreed that a couple of years back, then newcomers would know the score, although changing governments seem to change the goalposts, then that would seem fairer.
  12. Childcare for nothing! take a days annual leave from your job and look after your own kids. Teachers are not there to provide childcare at no cost to you, but to educate your kids. Think about all those people who don't have kids, why should they suffer with people who choose to have kids and expect maternity and paternity leave. Public sector worker or not, all people who work have to cover when those who have kids, their choice, have their time off.
  13. Are you worried about your childs education for one day, or the fact that you will have to provide child care yourself that day? The teachers haven't caused this stand off with the government. And as for removing NHS care past a certain age, should that not apply to those who have never bothered to get a job! The teacher still pays tax towards his/her health care, and also as a taxpayer towards their public pension as well.
  14. I think you will find those in the NHS have had their pay frozen, had their pensions reviewed only two years back, and would now be expected to find another 3% of their salary to pay towards their pension. Not an extra 3% contribution on top of what they pay now, but an extra 3% off their wage. So in fact this is equivalent to a 3% cut in wages. Plus they are still taxpayers too. Everyone seeems to think they are getting their pensions for nothing.
  15. I know someone in the public sector in the NHS, they have worked over about 30 years and when they started they signed a contract regarding their pension and posibility of retirement at 60. How can the employers rip up this agreement and add another 6 years on. Jobs are not so safe in the NHS as much as they were. Also are they not tax payers to, and are also contributing. Why in the past didn't more people work in the public sector or apply for jobs, was it because they could earn more in the private sector. Also if there is no chance of retirement at 60 you are going to have an ageing workforce with no jobs for youngsters. What do people in the private sector paying into a pension do, are they still able to draw their pension before the age that the state pension kicks in. could they leave employment at 60, not sure as have never looked into it
  16. Daily Echo Exclusive: Southampton FC have been closely following a thread on the Saints Web "Season Ticket Prices Released" and after careful consideration have decided they may be wrong with their ticketing policy this year, in particular for the Old age concessions, and have now decided not to go ahead with their plans of upping the age to 65. How will reading this thread change anything. As prevoiusly mentioned this thread is going round in circles, probably only having any input by a few people.
  17. Can we just lock this thread now? We all get the point that the rises were steep, not just for the 60 - 65 year olds. But this seems to be the only thing being discussed. Is anything going to change by us going on about it, probably not. It has got so boring, and no side of the arguement is going to win!
  18. Was going to keep out of this arguement after contributing, but again i will say, yes the sudden rise for those OAPs was steep and unexpected but whilst the retirement age for women is 60, it is by choice. For men not, and therefore they are not subsidising those in the cheaper seats, people choose to sit where they can afford. Saints have not banned these people! And again why should a 60 - 64 year old male (or female) in full time employment, earning the same wage as me get their seat cheaper!! Are these the same people moaning the fact that their free bus passes are not useable until after nine o'clock, but they can't take advantage of it because they have to start work at 08:30?
  19. Again, I appreciate that some rise have been worse than others, as I recall no one has mentioned the fact that the whole of the East and West stand centres charge the same, in the past those seated in the rows right on the half way line were charged more. With regards to the OAP concessions, men working to the age of 65 are still in employment and earning the same wage as an adult. Yes female retirement age, the age at which you could claim a pension was 60. Not wanting to get in the arguement of what age people shold be able to retire etc. but is it not the choice of an individual to retire, if a female was at 60, they are not forced to retire. However if you work out the cost of renewing spread over a year, and not the 23 games, £515 works out £10 a week.
  20. Have seen most of the threads regarding OAP concessions, and whilst I agree the hike in their season ticket percentage wise is the highest, I am not happy about my 30% increase or £122. But when I see people quoting that yes they may be retired, kids left home, but are still having to support such kids, that is not my problem or SFCs, surely the kids should be looking after their aged parents, I know I would. Do OAPs get consesins for Sky tv (i am not sure) If you can't afford a luxury such as football, then you don't subscribe. There are plenty of things I can't afford. Also perhaps as others have said they could move to the less expensive areas of the ground, but no doubt they will be moaning about the fact that as their eyesight is failing they must be sat plumb centre!
  21. What i am trying to get accross is yes they have paid their taxes, so have i, but i know people at my place of work over 60 who have not retired, are still earning the same wage as me (male and female) yet they get fuel allowance free bus passes etc,
  22. I know this is probably contreversial, but whilst i agree that many people at age 60 - 64 will see an increase in their season ticket at a percentage, way above the other people with a gripe, but how many people, my self included know people that are still in full time employment but are given free bus passes, heating allowance to name but two things, when they are still pulling in a full adult wage? If things could be mean tested ie. those above 60 who are in fact on a state pension only, and not still in employment, then they should be treated as a concescion. However even the government don't take this attitude, so how can a football club be expected to do this?
  23. When season tickets are available will we be able to buy online? the official site apparently only mentions by phone or by box office, unless i am reading it wrong. and by the way i think £122 increase for me a bit steep when people are having wage cuts forced on them, pay freezes etc. I expect the players (mostly the same ones we were watching last year) will all be on increased salaries though!!
  24. Surely if all that is needed was a load of ex premier league players, then each year the three teams relegated from the prem would always go back up as they are full of ex premier league players? The squad we have just needs a few additions. My main concern is up front, we need a good striker, not sure who, but that would be my top priority.
  25. What the F*** no season tickets. Well if that's the case they can do one!!! Comercial suicide. As a season ticket holder of many years, if they expect a match by match buy. i will not be going again!
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