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Everything posted by Hedgehog

  1. If they bring that twitching **** anywhere near this club then they will lose my support. Fing judas with a dog that can handle things better than him. He doesn't even know how to use a computer etc. or so we are to believe
  2. Not really as most will still be having a drink. A bit like when they hand out player of the season whilst most people are still in the concourse eating and drinking Now make it 30 seconds before kick off and we will all be there!
  3. Would love it if NC just turned up and opened up a suitcase with £5 mil plus just to shut the C... up!
  4. Whatever happens, is he really worth all this money. For what we are expected to pay I would have liked to buy someone I had at least heard off. Why not just offer £10 million for Philips and be done with it all?
  5. As good as yesterdays performance was...................we aint bottom
  6. F me couldn't have got the timing of both posts 24hours apart if i tried, pure coincidence. Perhaps I will have a go at next weeks lottery, or should I try last weeks now I know the numbers?
  7. Well used my time machine last night and went forward by 24hours, has anything happened with regard to these transfers?
  8. Well me for one, what a wasted day switching between the Ramirez and Phillips thread and the OS, Only to be no better off than what I was 24hrs ago. I know this is the norm, but what started of as so promising ended up no better than a chocolate teapot
  9. Do we not have lights at St Marys, even the photograph of first class entertainment of the pitch is in darkness http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/article/first-class-entertainment-on-and-off-the-pitch-315640.aspx
  10. Christ with some people the club can do nothing right. We make a bid for a player and to some he is not the right one. We don't make an offer and we are not investing! At the moment prices for British players are over the top. Yes we all know we need to strengthen at the back, but then again you go on any message board for other clubs no doubt it is the same. There are only so many players available that don't require stupid money that the Man Citys etc. can afford. But no doubt the club will sort the CB problem, but we also need wingers/pace.
  11. Yes, but is NC seen as trigger happy by the media with regards to managers? Would be a mistake to do anything until at least 10 games in.
  12. Not a feeder club, but more of a dumping ground for us ?
  13. I think Holloway is a joke, he doesn't come across as fresh and interesting as some people think when he is interviewed, but just a stupid 'C word'. But hey that's just me.
  14. Someone quoted on their board that before we won the FA cup no one knew we had a football team. Well as far back as I can remember all Blackpool is noted for is a look a likey Eiffel tower, kiss me quick hats and sticks of boiled sugar that can break your F***ing teeth.
  15. Personally I don't like the home page, too dark and item at the top of page too large. If they were to make the homepage more like the layout when you go onto the news page, then perhaps more appealing to me, but just a personal choice of mine. Think that is what I will set as my default when logging on.
  16. Looks like they have just changed it on the official site, but makes me look like an idiot if you click on the link. It was definitely showing C and A the same when I posted, honestl!
  17. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/tickets/ticket-prices/ Is that correct or printing error by club?
  18. Yep sorry, as I said have I missed something and no one talking about match day ticket prices, I obviously did, but I would have thought there would have been a greater discussion still going on. Apologies.
  19. Looks like I have saved approx £100 by buying my season ticket.
  20. I know someone who sits in these so called premium seats in the Kingsland, think they sit in the front row. Not so premium when it rains as they get wet!
  21. How come there is nothing on the official Saints site? Does the reporter for that get sent to bed by his mum at 7pmish? Or is the official site so s+ite that it is 2 days behind the rest?
  22. Have you just come out of a comma? Surprised no one else has been thinking about this, slipped well under our radar this one!
  23. All I can say with 100% certainty is they have sold and taken the money for 1 (one). And I am ITK for this.
  24. This still doesn't look like a Saints kit! No matter how much i try to like it I just can't. Who decided that this was the design to have? We may be trying to go forward with a new image, but we should have at least kept with tradition for the first season back in the Prem.
  25. How can they say red and white army, surely this is red with very little white army. Have reflected on new kit for a few hours, and still hate it!
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