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Everything posted by pressingon
To be fair he is a great panalist on 5 Live's "Fighting Talk" with some great anecdotes
Maybe it's beacause most of them don't actually go to SMS but make their judgements based on forums & radio & newspaper coverage
I had a thread on this last season that we seldom shoot from outside the box let alone score. We have scored 47 so far and I can only remember 2 from outside the penalty area, our 1st goal of the season Hammond against Leeds and Holmes against Watford, when the keeper dived over the ball. This is not a criticism just an observation I know a top corner screamer is worth the same as a scruffy mis hit but the winner last night came as a result of a long shot.
Agree completely with this post, loved Generation Kill as well.
Dark days indeed, when Watford's 3rd went in guy in front of me in Kingsland walked down to the pitch and threw his season ticket onto the pitch and walked out. I wonder if he ever came back.
For Lambert read the whole team. I had a thread on this last season We have scored 47 so far and I can only remember 2 from outside the penalty area, our 1st goal of the season Hammond against Leeds and Holmes against Watford. This is not a criticism just an observation I know a top corner screamer is worth the same as a scruffy mis hit
They didn't put the team up or discuss selection/tatics before game. Second half showed the teams but not the subs, awful coverage
I was yelling at the director as well BUT if you watch sky you should know they all do the same. Forever showing replays, sometimes of meaningless incidents when the ball is in play and having to cut back to the live action quickly when the crowd noise tells them that something is happening. After a goal is scored you hardly ever see the following kick off, sometimes they don't show throw ins etc-just too busy showing off all the angles for replays. My new year wish (after promotion) to telivised football-show the ball whenever it is in play please
Obviously you haven't been suppoting Saints for very long!
Even the "big boys" get it wrong occasionally, witness Liverpool's first v Chelsea last w/e
Posted a similar thread towards the end of last season http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?29573-Long-Range-Shooting
Great memories shame about that fat scouser though - wouldn't want him in the "red & white"
I would love to see that too, went to the first game but was on a school trip in Paris for the replay at WHL Also remember George head butting someone he took a dislike to in the Milton Road penalty area-maybe just as well there were no cameras
This is why a big part of me would love to come fouth this year
If only this could be true.
Yes I think you are flying solo on this one
Salisbury Crown Court because he wouldn't get a fair trial in Southampton http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/9295973.Saints_star_on_trial_accused_of_violent_assault/?ref=la
To be fair to the tribe down the road the PA at Fratton is superb, Bose speakers everywhere
Trouble is once you allow even one how do you differentiate between our past heroes I'm sure some of my age group would vote for Big Ron,Paine, Sydenham,Williams,Channon etc above Franny,Dodd & Case-of course we would all say MLT At the end of the day I think they should all pay unless in an official capacity.
Given yet another reference to the freebie culture in the NC interview today reminded me that when LMac was manager a friend of mine's father worked with him & the players. He told me that the club gave LMac an interest free loan to buy his house, a free car and basically paid for everything-utility bills/petrol/food shop/laundry etc. meaning his wages were just spending money. I don't know if any of this is true or if it is how common it was/still is but if people work in that sort of bubble I can imagine continued "freebies" could be an expectation and it would be a shock to be brought back to "our world"
Shame you can't do the match reports for the Echo would do wonders for their circulation
Thanks for the stats must say I was suprised with 2006/7, thought it was more As you say if we continue this start & with the derby games we will buck the trend Onwards and upwards