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Everything posted by pressingon

  1. As Ken Bruce would say on Pop Master : "One Year Out!" 1987 (well in Hampshire anyway)
  2. "Back in the day" "Me personally"
  3. I wonder if this is a town in South Wales begining with B ? I've had 2 cousins from there who tried. One had split from partner and moved back in with his mother. One morning she found him hanging in the kitchen, wil never get over it. The other cut his throat, he was saved by paramedics and was in hospital (top floor) he tried again by jumping out the window but only broke a few bones. He eventually sued the NHS claiming he should have been under constant observation because they knew he was a suicide risk. He got a big settlement, enough to buy a 5 bed house without a mortgage and have the rest put in trust so it didn't stop him claiming beneifits.
  4. Smiley thing
  5. This is another wonderful show following on from the likes of The Sheild,The Wire,24,The Corner etc. I download the series once they are finished so please no spoilers on here for series 5.
  6. Don't think we should be aspiring to Premier League behaviour after this past season: Terry/Barton/Suarez etc.etc.
  7. Thanks for that-so many great memories. Didn't get many with his head though!!
  8. Best wishes and hope you get well soon
  9. Blimey you are easily pleased. Hate to have seen him have a bad tounament then.
  10. SSN reporting 3m to Blackburn
  11. Titus Bramble is an England International U21 with over 200 premiership games, I wouldn't want him here either.
  12. Thanks jasonb they look stunning, bought a motorhome recently and exploring locally to start but when the OH joins me in retirement next year definately looking to explore Europe. Don't forget to let us know how you get on.
  13. Which camp sites are you looking at?
  14. Jack White a chav ! FFS
  15. Pretty sure " the Liebherr family " don't attend every game and presume those closest to him would have his photo's around the house anyway. Whatever the reasons I think we should put the whole episode down to exprience and move on.
  16. I came on this thread to try and get away from Turkish!!
  17. I've never understood the view that Sgt Pepper was a prog record. IMHO it's a collection of vaudeville/music hall ditties-"Sgt Pepper" and "Mr Kite", nursery rhyme sing-along’s "Help for my Friends", "Lovely Rita", "When I'm 64" the typical Beatles pop songs "Getting Better", "Fixing a Hole" and "Good Morning" Harrison made much better Eastern/Sitar music than "Within You". The nonsensical drug fuelled "Lucy in the Sky" The standout tracks are the beautiful "She's leaving Home" and a groundbreaking "A Day in a Life". All in all a good pop album elevated to cult status thanks to the magic of George Martin and a multitude of sound effects. Don't get me wrong I'm a Beatles fan who was lucky enough to see them live twice, bought all their albums as released and still enjoy their music today. Masters of the pop single-absolutely, prog rock-never.
  18. I also read that they quite often "call your bluff" but if you do go through with the cancellation they often ring within a week or so asking why you cancelled and offering a deal to get you back.
  19. Thanks - of the many articles I've read about sat I think this is one of the best.
  20. Saints fit - hope for us all!
  21. Someone in front of me in Kingsland did the same with their ST during the Watford game (after their 3rd) I always felt that game was the low point for me, by the time we had the Donny game I was just resigned to the inevitable. Still no pain no gain-onwards and upwards.
  22. He said on Solent he high fived a 5 year old.
  23. We don't expect Frost v Nixon but I think Blackmore could be a bit more imaginative with the questions. Maybe they have to submit the questions first & it's more than their job's worth to ask something that would upset the club (NC) As others have said it's all about results and given the journey from when he arrived to where we are now who cares what cliches are flavour of the week.
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