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Mouldy Coat

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Everything posted by Mouldy Coat

  1. Hi, I have first hand knowledge of how wealthy Mr Fialka is. He has at least 2 fish and chip shops in Witney, Oxfordhire, and my mate recons he's got a kebab van in Banbury too. He's obviously not as skint as everyone thinks. He has fingers in lots of pies ;-)
  2. why bother? The 10 point deduction is based on ethical grounds not legal grounds, we will not win. It will be a painful battle
  3. The football league have deducted 10 points for ethical reasons, not legal grounds. We want to appeal based on legal grounds. Why are we bothering?? the Footbal League will always win. If Pinnacle wont sign the agreement to agree that we wont appeal, then the FL will withhold our registration. The stand off will be to the point that Pinnacle will soon realise we wont have a club unless FL accept our registration and Pinnacle will eventually give in before it's too late for them to buy the club.......why can't they see this?? Just take the punishment and lets get on with it. This is not a legal matter, this is an ethical situation.
  4. correction, Madonna giving Gordon Brown a blow job I would say there is every chance, she's a dirty old slut. I would rephrase that to 'there is more chance of Maradonna giving Gordon Brown a blow job'...or shoudl I say 'hand job'?
  5. yes not renewed my season ticket this year so will be in the home end with 3 mates
  6. would it not be possible to continue with the save our saints campaign. Everyone pledge money into an account and an agreement is struck that if we don't hit a certain level of funds, the funds are returned and the bank keeps a retainer i.e. 5% for admin....i know sod all but just a high level thought. This would encourage people to put their money where their mouth is. Online transfers etc
  7. I agree, good choice of subject matter. The question of 'is it a gay act?', largely depends on if you are thinking of another man at the same time. My personal view is this: If your purpose is to remove the odd cling on or prevent shat rash, then that's ok. If you actually pull the starfish open and think of another man then you are probably bent. I hope this helps you clear up a few concerns? ;-) pun intended
  8. The sad fact is that people are staying away because of Lowe. Rightly or wrongly, the very fact Lowe has come back has knocked the stuffing and passion out of a lot of fans, that some now prefer to play than watching at weekends, or doing something different all together. I also believe the Itchen Corner closure has another small part to play in declining attendances. It was an area of the ground where lads could congregate and have a good drink pre-match, half time, after etc but the fact that the first blocks have been shut has stopped 40-50 non renewals and the occasional non regular crowd that would follow because of the social side of it. That said, the lads are playing some tidy football and I can imagine it is eating into a lot of fans not being there, but some really have made the stand. They'll be back one day, if the debt can go, we will rise again. Support the lads
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