BTW Saint
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Not much new in todays papers other than the Times article linked last night by others http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/portsmouth/article7018363.ece Column from James in the Guardian/Obsesver James "So I gave up my contract. I'm no mercenary, but neither am I a saint" http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2010/feb/07/david-james-contract-portsmouth James says "apparently not all footballers are mercenaries. That was the conclusion last week as Mido signed a deal with West Ham for wages of £1,000 a week, and I renounced a clause in my own contract that guaranteed me a one-year extension next season. Does that make us altruistic? I'm concerned that might be the message – and the expectation – coming through in those reports." Didn't Pompey want Mido in the window? £1,000 far more realistic salary for a Premier Player, soon as all player salaries return to that level the more stable football will become. at least he accepts on joining Portsmouth from Man City "The wages offered were good, but not so good as to make you raise an eyebrow – and anyway most people assume that their employers can afford what they offer. In the months that followed our form on the pitch went from strength to strength, and we viewed plans for an impressive new stadium. All the while there was a certain underlying irony in that we rented our training facility, did most of our indoor work in Portakabins and played in the Premier League's ricketiest stadium. But as players you simply think: "The money must be there because they're paying me." **************************** On the other matter of the point deductions should this not be; -9 for Adminstration -15 for Financial irregularities -15 for the backhanders -1 for the Horton Heath incident +10 for the comedy value and keeping this thread running to over 11,000 posts! ******************************* Has Chainrai'sappointed a new Director with a legal background? The name of Ashok Patel of Balsara & Co was mentioned in a post on saturday. CV seems to suggest some experience in bankrupcy cases. http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=737389&sec=england&cc=5739 http://www.balsara.co.uk/?q=node/4
Portsmouth FC: Born 1898, died 2010? Financial meltdown could spell end for proud Fratton Park club after 112 years Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1249088/Portsmouth-FC-Born-1898-died-2010-Financial-meltdown-spell-end-proud-Fratton-Park-club-112-years.html#ixzz0enUcvDXx If a High Court judge grants a winding-up order on Wednesday, Portsmouth would go out of business immediately. Finito. Kaput. "Hated local rivals Southampton would progress unchallenged to the quarter-finals of the FA Cup because Saturday's derby would no longer take place" Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1249088/Portsmouth-FC-Born-1898-died-2010-Financial-meltdown-spell-end-proud-Fratton-Park-club-112-years.html#ixzz0enTfTDGp" Duke of Westminster is pushing Portsmouth to edge Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1249103/Duke-Westminster-pushing-Portsmouth-edge.html#ixzz0enUSB8h7 Only being sued for £90,000 so could easily be bourght off.
and todays bad news for Pompey Lens claim DIndane deal now permanent http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/Lens-claim-DIndane-deal-now.6047803.jp Another claim for Pompey to deny!!
Have checked London Gazette again today and just HMRC and Basingstoke Grosvenor Properties listed.
Cartoon in todays Times. Group of men, various clothing and headgear, sitting around table not playing the ticking game "pass the bomb" or the young childrens version "pass the potato", playing "pass the pompey", who is left holding the club when it explodes!!
http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/newshome/Pompey-have-fourth-new-owner.6042157.jp So was part of Storrie original rival consortium.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/feb/03/balram-chainrai-portsmouth-owner So another day in this soap opera. Chainrai can has a three days to agree a repayment or deferment with HMRC, was this not similar in the Notts County case where they agreed a delay while new funding was confirmed following late involvment of a new funding partner? The other WUO from Basingstoke Grosvenor cannot be millions and can probably be settled, if Chainrai can put some cash into the club today. Just checked and no further claims on the London Gazette website. The Sun story breaking with his name may be the final straw for Grant. We also await Gaydaymaks and the Premier League reaction. So do we now say goodbye to Mark Jacobs and Daniel Azougy from this story. How will Storrie Teller respond to this latest twist or was he connected with Chainrai funding last year? Going to be another busy day keeping up with whats going on down the M27. And must not forget to get some extra FA cup tickets when the box office opens. Can the lawyers cope and be paid for all these latest developments!
http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/newshome/Pompey-staff-anger-as-club.6037231.jp The Premier League need to Act now in respect of the continued non payment and the Guardian article
Grant May Still Quit according to most papers http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/portsmouth/article7008984.ece and Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/grant-mulls-position-as-kaboul-quits-1883599.html "Grant yesterday cancelled his weekly press conference in the wake of the Kaboul fiasco. Portsmouth desperately need some of the money from the Kaboul deal, which will bring in around £6m, to cover the players' monthly wage bill of £1.8m, which was due yesterday. The funds, however, first have to go to the Premier League before they can be forwarded to Portsmouth" and Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/portsmouth/7104916/Avram-Grant-set-to-quit-as-Portsmouth-manager-after-clash-with-Manchester-City.html "In a further twist to Portsmouth's financial misery it emerged Arsenal manager Arsène Wenger is trying to gazump Tottenham in their pursuit of Begovic, delaying the Bosnian international's departure" and Mirror http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Avram-Grant-s-future-shrouded-in-doubt-after-he-refuses-to-guarantee-he-will-stay-at-Portsmouth-article305267.html Thats all for now BTW
This is not a new petition to wind uphowever a copy posted on the 29th Jan on the London Gazette website. http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/59321/notices/1030959/all=portsmouth+city+football Any ideas how much they owe Grosveor Basingstoke Properties. I can't understand the relationship bewteen these the club and the owners of Fesival Place in Basinsgtoke. Have Portsmouth had a shop in Basingstoke seems along way from Fratton or are Grosvenor Basingtoke involved in Fareham Shopping Centre. Portsmouth Cascades shopping centre is owned by another significant property co. Grosvenor are a significant retail, industrial, residential landlord however Gosenvor Basingstoke is pretty specific. My point is the amount is fairy low they may be able to satisfy this claim. However engaging on a winding up order is expensive, normally if a commercial tenant has not paid rent you just put a bailiff in. Winding up is used when you want to gain vacant possecion to protect your asset and also have some chance of recovery of lost pounds. also for good measure a copy of the HMRC link http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/59312/notices/1022207/all=portsmouth+city+football I would like to know if the good rate payers of Portsmouth (and Fareham) have a club who are up todate on Business Rates on the stadium and shops.
If they owe money to many you wonder if they can afford the flights to Manchester and Hotels. Do you believe they are up to date with Council business rates to the City Council, the rents on the shopping centre shops in Portsmouth and Fareham?, what about paying for policing at games? Some of these are significant monthly and quarterly outgoings.
From Telegraph tonight Telegraph Sport can also disclose that Grosvenor Basingstoke Properties Ltd has joined the winding-up petition that was lodged against Portsmouth last month by Her Majesty’s Revenue and customs http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/portsmouth/7096019/Portsmouth-crisis-deepens-as-talks-start-to-sell-players-to-Tottenham.html another nail!!
Now hitting the heavyweight websites http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/portsmouth/article7003072.ece Perhaps Man City will arrange a few loans to Pompey and subsidise a few more wages.... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/manchester_city/article7002404.ece
Telegraph article on timing of Sol Campbell summons as being as well timed as a William Gallas tackle. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/portsmouth/7046654/Sol-Campbell-should-be-helping-not-suing-desperate-Portsmouth.html "Campbell, it seems, signed a contract which guaranteed him a bonus should he complete a certain number of games in a season. In other words he was due extra for simply doing his job. It makes you wonder who those involved previously in the club thought they were... bankers? "
BBC Radio Stoke reporting David James move back on.
Very strange,would expect a Board Director to resign with a BIG PAY OFF!!
and all the legal fees (takeovers, appeals and HMRC dispute
Found the article http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/portsmouth/7028987/Sol-Campbell-sues-Portsmouth-for-1.7m-as-club-loses-tax-appeal.html
Todays telegraph (paper version) claims Campbell suing Portsmouth for £1.7 million in unpaid bonus payments and image rights. High court writ issued. Cannot find an interlink link for Telegraph website and need to check out now.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/s/stoke_city/8459698.stm "But BBC Stoke understands that the Potters were not prepared to pay the proportion of James's salary that Portsmouth wanted from them"
No news of new investment this morning just article on Why Pompey have defy the odds in order to survive http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/Why-Pompey-have-defy-the.5930287.jp Today's Vote (current voting) voting still open; Is Pompey's sparking win against Liverpool the start of another Great Escape? 19% Definitely, come May Pompey will still be in the Premier League 52% The spirit is there, but much will depend on who Pompey bring in in Janauary 20% Let's not get carried away by one result 9% No - the outlook still looks bleak at Fratton Park
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/portsmouth/6782796/Portsmouth-could-be-forced-to-sell-players-in-January-due-to-financial-problems.html I like these quotes "We inherited an absolute mess and we are trying to sort it out," "We have options over the stadium and redevelopment, we have options over naming rights and we will have TV receivables, and there are two or three banks competing for our business."
Portsmouth seek delay to exodus of African players http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/dec/10/portsmouth-africa-cup-of-nations More news in todays Guardian on Pompey seeking to delay release of players to Africa Cup of Nations, as National teams can call players up two weeks before tournament starts on the 10th Jan. Also where has this £2million come from to pay the inland revenue.
Marcus Saint Thanks. Have emailed contact details BTW. Sorted.
marcussaint yes still both available. Am going straight to Swindon would need to meet at ground. Can you PM without being a subscriber?