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BTW Saint

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  1. Nice feature on Nigel in todays Guardian with some comments from Davis. Good to know the team get breakfast now. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/football-league-blog/2011/may/06/nigel-adkins-southampton-promotion Nigel Adkins puts celebrations on holdbut Southampton prepare to partyThe former S****horpe manager will guarantee his third promotion from League One on Saturday but is desperate not to tempt fate
  2. Rochdale were up for the game and started well. Evening was bright, cold wind. Pich seemed a little rucked and some water was applied before the game. Saints seemed uneasy and casual in the first half, not firing on all cylinders, similar to some recent home performances (MK, first half). First goal, Kelvin could have done more. Dale keeper made a few good saves. Dale also had other chances. Second goal was disapointing, Saints looking for a free kick just before, break away. Two nill down. Davies possibly could have done more again. Forte on, without immediate impact required before Half time came. Second half much better although still failed to get ball forward, however could not get the break we deserved, felt midfield passes were too often wayward. Some good runs in by Lambert and Hammond. More frustrating saves and punches from Dale keeper, just felt this was'nt going to be Saints night. Found lack of running by Forte frustrating for a spell, however he came into it more later on. Being 2, up then Dale have more men behind the ball and it seemed without another idea or a lucky break that getting a goal back was not not going to happen. This is one of those games we could have Won, like Walsall away, where we played quite well however could not apply the finisihing touch. One goal back and confidence would have been restored. Lallana had a positive impact and looks fit for Saturday. Progamme was from the 19th February with printed inset for Manager and Captains comments! Good saints contingent tonight, along one side of stadium. Must have been over 1,000, with fluctating noises arising from frustration. 4 nil on aggregate is a very nasty statistic and a contrast to the previous visit to Lancashire and that 6 nil at Oldham. Lets just move on.
  3. Saints travelled up on Monday and stayed at the Village Hotel in Bury, about 20 minutes west of Dale. They left the hotel at 17.40.
  4. At Deepdale last night, crowd only 14,622 We should be able todo much better. NB Tickets for group bookings (minimum booking 15 guests) at 50% discount, ie only £5 per adult and £2.50 per child (plus £3 booking fee)
  5. No expense spared then and a decent location for a few days away and a little more than just a pool to use. hopefully not to relaxed though, before tonight. Have been in Village Hotels/Holiday Inn type locations, when coming across other teams. Do most teams when visiting St Marys still use The DeVere or Mariott at Botley or other locations?
  6. This will take a few weeks for this to resolve itself, todays Guardian is not very optimistic. However I can see a local White Knight (or consortum) coming in to support them for the rest of the season. Starting next season in League 2 though not much of an attraction for longer term investment and they will struggle for a few years. "The notice of intention to appoint Brendan Guilfoyle as administrator does give Argyle 10 working days to complete the sale, since it legally prevents creditors such as HM Revenue & Customs – whose six-figure monthly PAYE demands cannot be serviced – from issuing a winding-up order. There may be the prospect of a request for a court order permitting a further 10 days' grace. That would give Argyle between a fortnight and four weeks to secure a takeover by one of three interested parties. Yet, if it fails, Guilfoyle would face the troublesome task of raising the working capital required to permit the club to see out the season. One well-placed source said that would amount to between £2m and £3m and there is almost no prospect of that being generated from the club's own resources without the support of a white-knight investor. If Guilfoyle is called in, liquidation would logically ensue, making Argyle the first Football League club to succumb since Maidstone United in 1992 and throwing the League One competition into chaos." Source http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/feb/21/plymouth-argyle-administration-points-deduction
  7. Has anybody ever stayed at a Hotel where Saints team were also staying before a game? Have ended up in Hotels with Millwall, Leicester and Charlton in recent years, usually on a Monday night ahead of a Tuesday fixture, however never found the Saints. I wondered where Saints had spent last 3 nights ahead of the Hartlepool game? Do they have a favourite Hotels to use in each region or do they just use the nearest 4/5 star hotel? 4 nights away and a 300 mile drive back on Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning is along time away from familes and must have an impact on the team ahead of the Swindon game.
  8. Late kick off South and South West now on BBC I player from about 9 mins 45 seconds for about 5 mins. Worth watching if you failed to catch last night with highlights from the Mayflower. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00ycv9x/Late_Kick_Off_South_South_West_and_West_2011_Episode_4/
  9. 6 Goal Highlights now on BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_div_2/9359715.stm
  10. interestingly the Manchester Evening News has the report filed under Rugby scores! http://menmedia.co.uk/manchestereveningnews/sport/rugby_league/oldham/s/1405035_oldham_0_southampton_6
  11. (or just back at Hotel) Still can't believe we scored 6! and 6 different scorers!! Awesome display. Oldham could have got a goal back just before half time, which would have changed game, however we never gave up and kep pressing for the next goal. Glad this one was postponed and I could make a mid week fixture. Liked OXO opener and Lallana celebrations. Guly looked great and liked him coming back at the end to stop a challenge. When was the last time we scored 6 away and kept a clean sheet. Quick lets head to the bar.
  12. So in summary current situation. If Southampton want Atkins they have to agree compensation. Atkins is being honerable and wants compensation for S****horpe, not to resign and leave compenastion until later. He wanted to say goodbye to S****horpe and not be forced to take training in Soton this morning. That would against his principles. Soton and S****horpe continue to talk terms for compensation. I agree with Atkins stance.
  13. From S****horpe Telegraph at 16:15 today http://www.thisiss****horpe.co.uk/sport/Nigel-Adkins-installed-Southampton-weekend/article-2626577-detail/article.html "Nigel Adkins likely to be leaving S****horpe United NIGEL Adkins is finally close to being installed as Southampton's new manager. Tomorrow is expected to be the 45-year-old's final day in charge of the club. The Iron boss told a press conference this afternoon that he remains in discussions with the League One club. Adkins said he will not resign from his role at United - but hopes that the two clubs are close to agreeing a compensation package. And while he is still expected to be at Glanford Park tomorrow, he does not know where he will be come Saturday - at the Iron's game with Bristol City, or Swindon, where Southampton are in action." BBC Radio Humberside also reporting clubs still talking on compensation.
  14. and that Gaydamark is keen to meet him. Just reading deeper on on Independent links Indpendent has published accounts summary and has links for all clubs accounts except Portsmouth (as not available0 The EPL is being brought to account by papers The debt league: How much do clubs owe? Pompey entering administration has left other fans fretting about their team's safety. Ben Chu assesses the state of financial play in the top flight http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/the-debt-league-how-much-do-clubs-owe-1912244.html Premier League finances: the latest club accounts http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/premier-league-finances-the-latest-club-accounts-1904909.html
  15. Enjoy! Plenty of headlines today so choose your paper! (Warning! Not advising to read all unless you have plenty of time!) anyway we have a home game so need to be heading to St Marys soon. Portsmouth prepare to be 'cut to bone' after entering administration http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/feb/26/portsmouth-administration-andrew-andronikou some hope expressed here Portsmouth will rise again regardlessPompey embodies the passion, hopes and companionship of a working-class community and the fans will not let their club die http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2010/feb/26/portsmouth-football-club-future Not much here though!! Portsmouth order only delays decision on future !!! http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/portsmouth/article7043426.ece Any Finacial irregularities? Any money-laundering at Portsmouth and I will find it, vows administrator http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/article7043147.ece Portsmouth administrator vows to bring in police if financial irregularities are found http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/portsmouth/7327144/Portsmouth-administrator-vows-to-bring-in-police-if-financial-irregularities-are-found.html Portsmouth paupers’ crackpot plan for survival as south-coast club go into administration Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1254110/Portsmouth-paupers-crackpot-plan-survival-south-coast-club-administration.html#ixzz0giLdyTuC Relegation blues for Premier League Pompey as it enters administration http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/eaea0222-233e-11df-ba8f-00144feab49a.html Fans Fury in the red tops Fans’ fury at fall of Portsmouth http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2010/02/27/fans-fury-at-fall-of-portsmouth-115875-22072695/ Fans’ fury as club http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2870954/Fans-fury-as-Portsmouth-football-club-collapses-with-70m-debts.html Leading articles: Football's blind complacency http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/leading-articles/leading-article-footballs-blind-complacency-1912360.html http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2010/feb/26/portsmouth-administration-premier-league So plenty to digest and enjoy. also Football: Portsmouth go into administration (12 pictures) http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/gallery/2010/feb/26/portsmouth-administration?picture=359795936 Finally If you need a clip of "£1.2 million a year your having a laugh mate" This Times page has a video clip after the advert http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article7042415.ece Classic!!
  16. Link for Portsmouth is latest and biggest casualty cannot find "What next at Fratton Park" http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/feb/26/portsmouth-premier-league-regulation
  17. Avram Grant and Portsmouth players consider pay cuts to save jobs http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/feb/26/avram-grant-portsmouth-players-pay-cut A little late!! Another article in printed Guardian Q&A What next at Fratton Park (sport page 5) asks the questions Who will be paid first and Where will the money come from? The answer to the second part says " Around £10m could be deducted from Chainrai's debt if a proposed deal on the sale and leaseback of the ground is concluded, while a further £5m in TV income is due before the end of the season. Any other money will have to be realised from the sale of the club" I believed the lease was already in place? Have serached for above on internet, however cannot find online When searching for above found this useful summary although expect may have posted on Wed. http://thepompeychimes.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=55761 Also article in Guardian by Owen Gibbons critical of PL and FA for failing to regulate debt and prevent issues at Portsmouth, West Ham etc
  18. sO no real news currently, looks like talks with 3 buyers continue and threat from Chanrai of withdrawing from these negotiations and opting from Admin held in abeyance. Looks to me, as if Chanrai is in talks with his co investors/personal contacts over additional funding, while Storrie Tellar is looking after the South African consortium. Its either a negotiation smoke screen until monday when they accept Winding up and Chanrai walks with Stadium to do deal with Gaydamak or Admin later this week with Chanrai having the rental income. Need to understand more about lease on FP as Chanrai would retain FH at end of lease. Figures at rents of £1-£1.4 million pa quoted. Do Pompey have break options or buy back clauses or does Chanrai have option to break. How is the rent geared. Has this expense been included in the SOA? Low initial rent then rising, making immediate overheads look better. Some paper links Portsmouth talks continue as administration looms. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/portsmouth/7292588/Portsmouth-talks-continue-as-administration-looms.html Sol Campbell's Portsmouth writ helped alert HMRC to image rights issue "Portsmouth's accounts break down how the club's £70.5m 2008 turnover was achieved. There was £49.2m from being in the Premier League. A further £12m from match-day revenues, £2m from winning the FA Cup and about £7.2m from retail and sponsorship. So to recap: only 10% of Portsmouth's income in 2008 was from commercial and sponsorship streams. Meanwhile Campbell was due to earn 50% or £1.5m of his income for image rights, meaning a fifth of all monies (not profits, mind) Pompey generated from these areas was allegedly contracted to go straight into his offshore account." http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/feb/23/portsmouth-sol-campbell-image-rights
  19. From The Times and Guardian "Preparations for calling in administrators are understood to have been made but Peter Storrie, the chief executive, is predicting that they will not be needed and that a South African consortium will step in today. " "Storrie has told The Times that Prosport International, who were interested in taking over the club two years ago, are not involved in the present group. “Fingers crossed, we can do a deal on Monday and I am very hopeful,” Storrie said. “The owner, Balram Chainrai, has stayed in the country to do a deal on Monday if we receive the documentation from them.” "Chainrai has taken over the freehold of Fratton Park in exchange for writing off £10 million of the debt, although he stands to get back more by leasing the ground back to the club at an annual rent of £1 million and could make a bigger profit if the club go out of business." Guardian "Portsmouth's owner, Balram Chainrai, has vowed to save the 112-year-old club and is prepared to use money from his family's trust fund to do so should a new buyer or fresh investment not be found" My thoughts £10 million for a stadium with a potential £1 million return is good business if you get your rent, however as a facility it is crap and has no potential growth and a poor covenant tenant. However it is a lot of money for a small PLOT as development land (£ per acre), when would require land around site to be developed around. If in with Gaydamark, small Stadium complex could be built on any other land around (with expansion options when funding exits) and would satisy planners with remainder being developed for housing/retail. Either South African and Trustee requirements (when were family trusts mentioned before) are a smokescreen and Chainrai transfer of FP is part of the bigger Gaydamark picture or South African deal is on and leasing stadium is Chainrai return and will be a noose around Pompey (Selhurst Park and Nodes). I still however cannot see why the SA consotium would be interested with Pompey being 8 points adrift. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/article7035570.ece http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/feb/22/portsmouth-balram-chanrai-administration
  20. Radio solent confirming rumour (during great Saints game) situation on Chanari taking Freehold of Fratton Park and possible land from Gaydarmark Await news from Fratton Park.
  21. Radio Solent saying takeover immenient in next 24 hours. Madness that they peddle any hope other than admin or liquidation. How they take any bidder serously given timescales, finance and 1st March. Just also reposting Soldefending decison to Sue Portsmouth "Sol Campbell: I was right to take on Portsmouth" http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/article7034240.ece Longer interview with sol http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/arsenal/article7034448.ece
  22. Southampton looked like the premier side for the first 70 minutes. What hurts in addition to losing to the pain of losing to Pompey; 1 Losing unbeaten home record at St Marys to Pompey 2 Going out of the FA cup in year when Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool are already out 3 Losing to a team who if treated in the same way as Bourmenouth, would have been without the best two players on the pitch 4 Losing to a team with a goal scorer who has not be purchased for for in accordance with his contract and registration is questionable 5 That Pompey have the revenue from another cup game to help them survive despite being insolvent So if we may get a bye if Portsmouth go into liquidation, before the next round, who do we want them to be drawn against tomorrow?
  23. Pompey's fall is also a dreadful day for billion pound Premier League http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/portsmouth/7207854/Pompeys-fall-is-also-a-dreadful-day-for-billion-pound-Premier-League.html "The make-up of the Portsmouth delegation illustrated the chaos at Fratton Park this season. Daniel Azougy, the Israeli lawyer with fraud convictions who until recently ran the club’s finances, was there, though he declined to say why, or if he still had an interest in the club. His presence did not seem to please Mark Jacob, the lawyer appointed to the club board by erstwhile absentee owner Ali Al Faraj. Jacob was the only director present, with chief executive Peter Storrie, himself facing charges of tax evasion, minding the shop at Fratton Park. Tania Robbins, the former finance director ejected from the board by the Faraj regime, was present, and her latest witness statement — the third she has given to the court — formed the basis of the evidence that earned the club their brief reprieve. Of new owner Balram Chainrai there was no sign, only a brief reference to his being a man of “financial substance” committed to selling the club to someone “who wants to operate the business as a football club”, though not apparently to settle its liabilities. " Why was Azougy present and is Tania Roberts Finance Manager or back on the board as a Director? Expect the Accountants are arriving at Fratton Park now to start work on the statement of affairs. Will they demand payment up front?
  24. Pompey in a rush to snap up Nonda http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/Pompey-in-a-rush-to.6062836.jp Despite being insolvent can still add more wages to the excessive payroll
  25. Companies Court Winding Up List 10 February 2010 Posted by Moe Nawaz It is emphasised that the following list is provisional and subject to change until 4.30pm. Any alterations after this time will be telephoned or emailed direct to the parties or their legal representatives. THE DAILY LIST COMPANIES COURT Court 56 Fifth Floor Thomas More Building Before REGISTRAR DERRETT on Wednesday 10 February 2010 ROBED at 10:30 am Many listings and then........ Not before 11:30 am Many small listings then.... For a Company Credit Search Click This OR Search Companies House Data 22180 /2009 Portsmouth City Football Club Limited 313 /2010 Portsmouth City Football Club Limited 22181 /2009 Southend United Football Club Limited (The) 22182 /2009 Cardiff City Football Club Limited For a Company Credit Search Click This OR All three together.
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