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BTW Saint

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  1. On X, from highways agency showing M42 works closure cancelled due to weather.
  2. Add to your list of issues, M42 closed all weekend Junctions 6-7!
  3. For those being brave and travelling to Villa Park, when on M42 last week, noted M42 is closed the entire weekend between junctions 6 (NEC/Airport) and 7 (M6) for HS2 infrastructure works. Weather not looking great either.
  4. For those being brave and travelling to Villa Park, when on M42 last week, noted M42 is closed the entire weekend between junctions 6 (NEC/Airport) and 7 (M6) for HS2 infrastructure works. See photos attached. Weather not looking great either. Still have 2 tickets available see Saints Away channel.
  5. After last nights self sabotage anyone now up for this one. Tickets still available. PM me if interested and can discuss delivery/post options.
  6. Going to bring the two Upper Tier Aston Villa away tickets to St Mary’s tonight in case of any late takers. Please PM if interested.
  7. I have two away adult tickets. Upper stand face value £30 each. Would rather sell as pair. Can meet pre Chelsea (or deliver in Chichester/Bognor area) PM me please
  8. I have two adult away tickets. Upper stand face value £30 each. Would rather sell as pair. Can meet pre Chelsea (or deliver in Chichester/Bognor area) PM me please.
  9. That’s it. How many times, Can’t hold a lead. Time to show some character.
  10. Trying to put a pair up on Exchange on my account. Both linked to same email account. I have listed one, however struggling to work out how to list the second ticket. I can see both tickets listed when using drop down names, however can’t get the option to list the second ticket. Anybody else experienced similar issues? BTW Saint
  11. Yes in a similar situation, with 2 tickets in block 31 with son about to go to University and was already having the same dilemma, however they hold my carried over funds.. No incentive to renew. Will email the club tickets@saintsfc.co.uk.
  12. Will those of us who decide not to renew or take am alternative seat, and generously did not demand a refund of last years ST back be able to obtain this now. Letter now includes prices for alterative seats in block 30 and 32 however until ST renewals sorted availability will be limited. I however expect a lot of fans will not renew at £999 for Kingsland Plus or £737 for the other blocks.
  13. Have prices been announced for blocks 30 or 32? Is £999 the most expensive, at St Mary’s £52.63 a game, £105 for a pair. Central blocks were always more expensive. No consultation or phasing in of premium plus prices. If full of corporate then atmosphere will change, most of the seats around me have until recently been occupied by long term ST holders who had the opportunity to choose seats when moving from the Dell. You would think that 20 years loyalty would gain some advantage.
  14. Have received my letters on two season tickets in block 31, I can’t see anybody around me taking this offer up. The seats were chosen when we left the Dell, friend choose them on the half way line and not looking into the sun. I took them on formally when he stopped going a few years ago as felt he was getting to old to continue. As they were such a great location, I was reluctant to let them go and have enjoyed taking friends and family for many years. Although no desire for a padded cushion, as my daughter says part of the fun is taking a fleece to sit on, I would have tolerated a small stepped increase as a long ST term holder, however not a hike of £250 in one season. The options for alternative seats is vague and like others I was generous and left my deposit with the club until the renewal. No comparison is offered to the proposed full price for the padded seats and no explanation as to the benefits of “the gasworks’ for an additional £29! I was planning to renew, however like other ST holders who were relocated a few years ago, looks like my protest will be not to renew.
  15. From 2014 http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/southampton-manager-search-steve-bruce-3671371
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