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Everything posted by saintmatt

  1. Jan Poortvliet.
  2. Jan Poortvliet.
  3. Football is about moments, not the big picture.
  4. Football is about moments, not the big picture.
  5. I enjoyed hunger games but nothing more than 6/10 for me. ***spoilers*** I thought them going back into hunger games in second book was a poor decision. Wouldve been much better if katniss et al had made their way to district 13 themselves, imo. That way reader would get to explore what world was like outside the districts. I thought this was how it was going to go when katniss went outside district early in book 2 and met those two other characters in the house by the lake!
  6. Ok computer Definitely maybe Kid a The bends What's the story
  7. BBC Solent Sport ‏@solentsport 1m #saintsfc defender @DejanLovren05 has joined up with rest of squad for trip to Belgium
  8. What a game that was.
  9. Haha - I love anyone who hashtags their own surname!
  10. Was that not because some guy working at hotel where saints were taking their 'unveiling' pics took a pic himself and popped it on twitter, ie. saints' hand was forced
  11. not a fan of clattenburg was right tbh, think it will make us come across a bit bitter singing we can see you on the bench and the not for sale banner mentioned above would be good though i reckon
  12. this is probably the first time in about five years there's been any cause for concern about saints' direction what alpine doesn't seem to realise is because he fretted, ****ed and moaned his way through back-to-back promotions and a surge up the premier league, his credibility when expressing any concern now is completely shot maybe one day he'll take a step back and admit he's a tad too negative on occasion. maybe he'll learn from that and look at changing his outlook going forward. maybe.
  13. I just wish they'd stop their obsession with starting a new paragraph after every sentence ffs!
  14. No fifa wont recognise it as too many subs, pls do more research in future
  15. Tiss should do his own charity fly on the wall weight loss doc in lead up to socceraid 2015, id watch
  16. Can we have a before and after on this one please?
  17. i loved cortese but question people need to ask is do you really think we couldve made champions league even if he had stayed? if the answer's no then although we may have held onto poch and players for a bit longer, we'd still have lost them eventually. cortese faced a glass ceiling as well imo, he was just guilty of pushing expectations beyond that
  18. Is that kind of agreement legally enforceable? Party A (spurs/mopo) cant sign a contract with party B (saints) that restricts movement of party C (saints player), surely? Restrictive covenants in other industries only prevent party A approaching party C at party B's request. If party C approaches party A, however, there's nothing party B can do about it
  19. Not true - the "happy clappers" think this forum is dominated by "bedwetters" or "trolls" who in turn think it's dominated by the "happy clappers" The truth is somewhere in the middle, and would be indicated by likes/dislikes. What dislikes would do is reduce the number of attempts at wit by some posters and their sarcastic alter egos And for the record glasgow, i actually think you get an unfair reputation on here. Admittedly im not on here often the posts i see of yours are usually pretty funny/good natured
  20. wouldnt adding a like and dislike button to posts be a better bet? ive seen it on other forums and it seems to work in the sense posters are less willing to continue spouting nonsense if it continually gets disliked
  21. Lynn, I'm not driving a Mini Metro.
  22. Cant workout whether relegation battle going to be more or less exciting after today's results - fulham 5 adrift but relatively straightforward run in, everyone knows about norwich's last four as well. Cardiff down, not looking good for sunderland - they have 3 winnable home games but v difficult fixtures aside from those
  23. When will the media wake up to the shocking job harry has done at qpr? Had easily enough time/resources to keep them in prem and now comfortably biggest wage bill in champ, bmouth down to 10 men for last 20 today as well.. Love the way he sends k bond to do post match interviews when they lose as well
  24. http://www.northstandchat.com/showthread.php?t=242527 Brighton view on all things skate. Worth reading posts over last 24 hours, remarkably similar to here!
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