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Everything posted by saintmatt

  1. I was going to ask if someone could show what the silhouette would look like in just white - so thanks! Really like this and Crab Lungs' effort. For me: - the white only silhouette just shades it (pun intended) - I agree Markus' face should be central - "forever a saint" should be the writing (over the top maybe?) - I agree that there should be no logo (but if there is it should be all black and more subtle) All my opinion of course! Well done everyone, especially those who have contributed a design; this is going to be a great tribute!
  2. Sort of, but as others haves said, probably best to not have his suit etc in, just focus on his face a la the Benitez flag
  3. I thought a full colour pic of Markus might be too "busy" - we should definitely go for the Che Guevara-style option (like the benitez one pictured in this article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/mar/19/liverpool-rafael-benitez-contract-transfers )
  4. 1/4096 (I have a calculator)
  5. I know he didn't - the rule I was referencing was "most keepers do seem to be good guys"
  6. I always remember those goals which he thought were going over but didn't. Still a hero though.
  7. The exception to the rule? Stephen Bywater.
  8. This is my thinking. I've always been a glass half-full kind of guy; life's more enjoyable that way.
  9. Yes
  10. Poyet's a pundit for MK Dons-Pboro game; clearly wants CMS at Brighton next season. Good to see Wotsit again.
  11. True False Against Hartlepool and Carlisle, the two most northern clubs in the division (i.e. those likely to bring the least away fans), the attendance at St Mary's was 24,210 and 25,076 respectively. Stripping out the extra 3,000 away fans Bournemouth brought to St Mary's compared to these clubs, the attendance vs. Bournemouth was 23,289.
  12. http://www.oddschecker.com/football/football-specials/alex-oxlade-chamberlain-specials/club-after-summer-transfer-window We're not even quoted!
  13. This. Technically if I was to follow his rule, I should support Waltham Wolves.
  14. I forgot about that one - we were 5-1 up at Bristol Rovers, the away end was absolutely buzzing, and then that news filtered through..
  15. saintmatt


    Quality player. When he plays, the whole team plays better. Tremendous engine; tremendous motivator. People talk about MK Dons being the turning point in the season and I believe the comeback had a lot to do with Hammond. When they went 2-0 up I scanned the body language of each and every player - everybody's head had dropped bar Hammond's. He was there clapping his hands, shouting, forcing others to believe a win was still possible.
  16. 62nd minute? +1
  17. Are we not going for the Che Guevara style then? (ie http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.liverpoolbanter.co.uk/kop_flags_arsenal.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.liverpoolbanter.co.uk/2010/08/will-liverpool-football-club-r.html&usg=__ZzUWx4m6U2wcV9-y1xynK0QrooQ=&h=817&w=1225&sz=243&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=yGCsfWFKmQ2dWM:&tbnh=163&tbnw=210&ei=vI_BTbLgO4Wg8QPugqDqBQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dfootball%2Bflags%2Bliverpool%2Bbenitez%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D643%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=641&vpy=97&dur=97&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=121&ty=93&page=1&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0)
  18. Bruce Grobbelaar's mask (vs Leeds at The Dell in 94/95 season, we lost 3-1)
  19. I'll be in the home end along with 5 others.
  20. I've sat everywhere.* I am the best. *This includes the section usually reserved for away fans (I sat there for the pre-season friendly vs Chievo a few years back)
  21. If we're talking unfair offsides, how about the one at Charlton a few weeks back? N'Guessen (I think!) timed his run perfectly! We could be 2 points better off right now..
  22. I wish they'd change it such that the only permanently and significantly empty section of the ground isn't always shown on the TV highlights! Could even just move the camera to the Itchen stand!
  23. I can't believe this was allowed! Teams benefiting purely because the fixture list threw their match up later in the season?? Isn't this the situation for a lot of clubs that have had extended (albeit medicore) stays in the top flight? If so, I'd take finishing 10th in the top flight over being champions of the fourth tier any day!
  24. It's was done quite a while ago now, I think around early 2000s (which would explain the Spurs thing). I seem to remember reading (in this or a follow up study) that, for a fair few clubs, the fans were struggling to name a second and third rival and very low response rates were recorded in these areas (I think us/P*mpey and Norwich/Ipswich were the examples given).
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