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Everything posted by saintmatt

  1. When did we decide to stop wearing hats?
  2. Probably 2011-2013 followed by 2014-2016 to be honest! Was a great six year period. After that it'd probably be 1998-2000; the great escape, some successful football under Hoddle and, of course, The Dell. For context, my first match was in 1994, aged 7.
  3. I believe PAYE and NIC is due on the earlier of entitlement and payment. So as long as the players have only deferred payment (and not entitlement), Saints will still pay the government (and NHS) the tax due.
  4. Deppo cracked me up
  5. Now approaching a year in charge and I do sometimes wonder what our opinion would be if he'd been the man who followed Koeman, but then again he'd have inherited a far better team/setup in that situation I wouldn't say he's set the world alight here but the steady progress (with a few hiccups) is encouraging and, in many ways, is the best result for us given he shouldn't get poached (although I've heard a few whispers about Spurs...) Very happy with him all told
  6. Anyone willing to sell? In my defence I'd have qualified myself by now if this was any season from c2003/04 to c2014/15
  7. When did it change from 17th?
  8. http://www.sportbible.com/football/reactions-news-rivalries-the-top-five-rivals-of-each-premier-league-team-according-to-data-20190826? Pretty interesting
  9. Am I the only one who rates Lemina and would prefer he stayed? Has he been frozen out because he wants a move or does he want a move because he's been frozen out?
  10. Famous may be the wrong word, I probably mean most often used in place of our actual name. I saw something on Twitter yesterday ranking us third in the Premier League for this, behind Wolves (probably fair) and Blues (Chelsea- not quite sure that’s right). Tottenham were down as the Lilywhites for some reason, but otherwise I think they’d have ranked in the top 2 with Spurs. But it got me thinking; I always refer to us as Saints and I’m pretty sure opposition fans and the press do it much more often than not. Wonder why that it vs the frequency in the cases of other clubs. Not sure of the point of this thread, but it beats some of the other stuff written on here hands down
  11. saintmatt

    Che Adams

    I really don’t think it’s that big a step these days, certainly not when you just look at the bottom 14 of the prem
  12. saintmatt

    Che Adams

    We did that with Carrillo
  13. Thanks for sharing this, very interesting ^this was my first thought too!
  14. This is gold.
  15. My key take from the above is that the notice shouldn't be ignored as it could lead to credit rating and/or debt spiral issues So either contest through the proper channels (and I'd be interested to see how you get on) or just pay up I went for the latter given I can't imagine that contesting is an easy or quick process I did subsequently think they possibly wouldn't be able to attach my name to the car given the new GDPR landscape but, for the sake of the £60, I'll take peace of mind
  16. Thanks all Ended up paying for peace of mind Parked at my office in ocean village and spent about 4 times as long making my way home post match, suppose I’ll have to get used to that if I want to keep parking for free I think I’d have thrown myself off the bridge if I came back to a parking ticket after the Cardiff game!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Mike - I was a late arrival so ended up parking right at the back, in a row of spaces parallel to the bridge (if that's lead at all!). As far as I could see everyone in that row got a ticket but no-one else did, I only checked quickly though
  18. Thanks for the replies all I get free parking in Ocean Village because that's where my office is based, it's just an absolute nightmare to get home from there post match (and that's likely only to get worse if there's a mass relocation of cars from the trading estate I used to park at) On the charge itself, my research, for what it's worth, basically says that the issuer of the notice must be able to prove that: 1) There was a contract between them and you- presumably the sign in question must be clear and visible 2) They're entitled to receive the money- presumably no terms and conditions in the above contract are breached 3) It isn't a penalty notice (these are legally enforceable and can only be issued by local authorities/government in respect of parking on public land) and that what they've asked for is a genuine pre-estimated loss I think there's probably scope for wriggle room in point 3; as someone has already said, very few traders were open on the evening I was caught That all said, I'll probably suck it up and pay!!
  19. Hello I just wondered if anyone else parks in the trading estate just the other side of the northam bridge from st mary’s I, along with plenty of others, have been parking there pretty much every home game since the stadium was built and for the first time in those 18 years (and again along with plenty of others) received a parking charge notice after the palace game I’ve done a bit of research and it seems these aren’t strictly legally enforceable but I was just wondering if anyone else who posts on here was also caught- and what their plan is? The penalty is only £60-£100 so I may just pay it for peace of mine, but I fear that’s what they rely on Thanks and any comments appreciated Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Us helmets don't deserve this guy
  21. It's amazing how good players become when they lose their place in the team/leave. Cedric's improvement has been particularly breathtaking.
  22. That and Man City away August 2012 are the best defeats I've ever been to
  23. What happened to Deppo and Bearsy? They/he cracked me up. If banned, why so?
  24. I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave
  25. But he makes such great runs!!!
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