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Alucard's Achievements
I think it goes over your mong head that you don't pay £5 every time you post on the internet. Can you explain your point about not getting a ticket because it's lost on me
The same onnline system that the fans didn't get charged for in the previous 5 years of use. If it was costing that much per transaction wouldn't Lowe,Crouch, Wilde etc. have passed the cost on If we are being charged £1 per call we are being royally ripped off and should use another agency 10p max. These are the same staff that would serve somebody at the ticket offfice window where there is no extra charge for their services. There is no 2.5% surcharge on debit card purchases The majaority of the cost but 36p second class post and 2p for the envelope. That makes a charge of 75p to cover the transaction realistic. Now explain the other £2.25
The last reserve game I went to was free not £15 + ticket tax. I am just stunned that 2500 fans could be arsed to travel to Palace when a fixture containing the same players played at Palace's training ground as part of the old reserve league would have attracted 3 men and a dog
I'll show you what the club did for the fans to enjoy on the 125th anniversary http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2223453,00.html A chance to spend £125 (+ VAT) on a 2 course meal and a football match and to see some legends from the past (not including MLT, LM & FB) What a bargain for the average fan. At least the ex-players tried to do something for the people.
And you know for a fact that this is accurate??
No but what would it cost the club to make an anouncement over the tanoy at half time or display a quick advert on the stadium screens. Obviously advertising space in the program would cost real money and I can appreciate not wanting to be out of pocket but a 30 second slot from the inane pitchside idiot would cost nothing. The club issued a statement on TV distancing itself from the 125th anniversary bash at the Mayflower attended by many ex-players but what did the club do itself to mark the occasion apart from make a lot of money selling a one season kit.
Well it certainly wouldn't have led to less fans attending. The fact is that for years the club have supported ex-Saints events. Other clubs manage to support their ex-players charities as well as the clubs own charity. Why can't we? It seems very petty to spite a charity event because of feuds with a minority of the ex-players.
12 disciples are chosen, invited to eat at Nicolas table and then go forth and spread the gospel according to St Nicola.
And the people who already had foreign holidays booked between the 1st July and 15th July were meant to cancel them so they could queue up at SMS with proof of identity, age and inside leg measurement, and manually collect the tickets which couldn't be collected until weeks later anyway.
I think he said he was impressed that anybody had managed to buy a season ticket within the 2 week renewal period after all the other obstructive factors had been put in the way
Yes last season the OS were highlighting sales in excess of 13,000 as soaring. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2096359,00.html This year not a dickie bird from the Ministry of Truth. Can't really believe season ticket sales haven't exceeded 13K after promotion. Maybe we don't need a 60K seater stadium after all.
Excuse me for being stupid but why were some people waiting on the phone for hours to renew their season ticket when we've paid so heavily to get such a premium service. And if someone only buys one ticket they are charged an amount that is greater than the £2 that the club annouces would deter people buying on the day. Then again i suppose the deterrent factor does work because I have decided to watch the Leeds game on TV so the club trying to screw an extra £3 out of me has cost them £30 And for a similar cost Tescos allow me to order my shopping from my sofa, pack it neatly into bags,the credit card fee and a driver to deliver it personally to my door at a time of my choosing. I wonder which process is more labour intensive and who wants my business most
What sort of company outsources a small part of it's business at such a large cost that forces it's product prices to increase by over 10% I do know that it's the same online system we've had for over 5 years and no previous regime found the cost so great that they had to hike ticket prices by £3. Just because Ryanair, Ticketmaster etc get away with ridiculous overcharging because fools and their money are easily parted doesn't make it right. But then it wouldn't be hidden and people wouldn't be unfairly penalised because they can't get to SMS during working hours. And we wouldn't have the £2 detterent charge that doesn't actually deter very many people.
You'll be lucky not to have to pay a £10 reprint charge and a £2 surcharge for troubling the TO staff on the day of a match
You are trying to make it sound like we've just introduced some super swish state of the art system that's costing a fortune to run. We haven't we have the same crappy online booking system we've been using for the past 6 years or so which won't even let you pick specific seats. Why has the cost of running this suddenly rocketed to the point of costing £3 per transaction where up until last season a charge wasn't even made for postage? I believe we should have made a charge for postage but obviously all the previous regimes were willing to absorb the cost as part of the increase in revenue from selling more seats by making it easier for the customer to purchase. I know a lot of the telephone orders are now handled by an outside agency but what business in their right mind outsources a minor part of the business at such a cost that it has to increase their product price by over 10%