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  1. The inferno has shown every saints game this season.
  2. its a shame that some tool resorts to calling a life long saints fan a skate because i have the nerve to voice my feelings on my teams/fans forum.
  3. so tell me then appy. what is your opion on NA history of apalling subs this season
  4. now i very rarely post on here, but i am a season tickcet holder and a regular away fan............. i have supported saints my entire life,seen great managers and some ****e ones, but i have never seen a manager who as inept as this one... yes he got us out of league 1 . ....and yes he got us out of the NPC. but come on.... you must agree he is no where near prem material. how many more times will he make bad subs. he took our two best best players of today to replace them with ,,,,,,,,well to be honest sub stantard quailty. i have now officialy joined the adkins out posse.!!!!
  5. shame we wern't at citeh aswell though.
  6. Arsenal tickets are only £25.50. really suprised.
  7. so what will miss money penny have to say about this new development, surely she will have to raise the issue in the house to the pm.
  8. i think you will find that we have an english team playing in the jockish league.
  9. great to see the mobility scooter on the echo website,
  10. try live-football-free.com
  11. 10 of us are heading for the hen and chicken, is anyone else or is there a better pub close by.????
  12. I was there that day and you are right, but did we really expect any better from them.??
  13. They claim to be "travelers" but want to live in a static caravan park. Does not make sense. This is a perfect example of "travelers,gypsies or pikies!" thinking that the law of the land does not aply. It is about time the law of of the land had the balls to deal with type of arogant disregard of the law.
  14. I bumped into some man u fans this weekend and they were loud and in my opinion arrogant about them selves. You know how pets are supposed to be like there owners..,....do you think football fans can be like there clubs managers???????
  15. this ia probably the most sensible post on this thread so far!!!
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