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Everything posted by Bwanamakubwa

  1. At a wedding that weekend. Tis the season.
  2. 3 out of 4 I think. And I don't play football manager or FIFA!
  3. Statement of alleged intent. Perhaps. Maybe.
  4. The agent thing is an interesting angle given the figures released regarding our expenditure on their fees.
  5. Box to box midfielder in me yet smirks!
  6. I've just started HIIT, high intensity interval training. Famous for giving Andrew Marr a stroke and I can see why.
  7. It has been mentioned before, but Ever Banega is not an attacking midfielder - think Xavi Alonso, or Steven Gerrard in a deeper role.
  8. I know of a similar situation last year - with a well written letter to the club explaining the situation the chap was given a season ticket for free and the person who took him to games given a season ticket at concession prices. The club acted admirably. Not sure if he will get the same treatment this year but I hope you sort your situation out.
  9. If he jumps in the canal make sure you wash him off afterwards. It burns. Each member of the stag party can once during the weekend call "dying ant" at which point the stag has to get onto his back and wave his arms and legs around. This is one I have seen used in the past.
  10. I went through this around Xmas and was able to move to the seat on the very end of the row. My only advice would be that if it is wet, as it was when I was on crutches, the concourse is like an ice skating rink and only negotiable very slowly.
  11. I'm keen. Give me a focus before pre season.
  12. Given that we ruled in the wonder strike from Baj, can we count this strike in to the side netting as an equaliser?? I'm calling it a draw
  13. We should definitely have another go at it. Think a few of us looked rusty having not played for a while, something backed up by the legs complaining today.
  14. Yes mate, bwanamakubwa isn't practical on the football pitch
  15. Number 8 home team, having switched allegiance before kick off. I liked TT's quote when free on the edge of the box and asking for a pass "make an old man happy"
  16. More stats needed for the whole story! Like the9 had more shots than the away team! Good game and a laugh. Cheers lads
  17. I will rule myself back in as well! Attacking centre midfielder with no pace but an eye for a pass.
  18. I'm with lungs and happy with a watching brief. Will be on call if required!
  19. Nickname: peas Position: AM/RLC, DM at a push Preferred shirt number: 10 Playing Ability: western league 5 years ago Playing Style: rui Costa, valeron, Ramirez Fitness Level: double leg break 2 years ago. 2 ops. Back in training but getting on a bit Likelihood of turning up: High
  20. Count me in. Seems appropriate for my first game after 2 years and two operations on a leg break.
  21. Whereabouts are you going to be? I'm currently in Bangalore, there's enough going on and it's more than comfortable. There are places this is not the case however!
  22. Please do another one of these pompey, please
  23. I'm driving up from Salisbury via Bristol. Have a couple of spaces in the car the only issue is I wont be driving back until Sunday. That any good?
  24. This was my first thought when he talked about Guly and not being too disappointed about Coutinho going the way of Liverpool. I actually thought it was a club policy not to reveal these sort of things so either a)Adkins felt it better not to talk in that manner or b)club policy has changed
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