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Everything posted by lumuah

  1. What would Ken Clarke say about this?
  2. We should, but we can't. We can't really afford the two wars we are currently fighting. Most of the ships we could have used to do this have just been scrapped. And the planes. No many 'friendly' airfields to base our planes in that region - what we really need is an aircraft carrier with ground attack aircraft (and not just a bodged Apaches on a helicopter carrier solution) . Do you think they can hold on for another 10-15 years while we sort ourselves out??
  3. That would be me......
  4. So is Lampitt now out of a job? What is the chance he gets a job with his former employer?
  5. And now look at the Portsmouth FC Wikipedia current squad..... and laugh your tits off!!!!!
  6. Everyone SHOULD be given a chance. But if you keep getting locked up after being let out, then I would suggest that rehabilitation and second/third chances hasn't worked for you, so its probably not worth persisting with. Then make it so unpleasant you wouldn't want to go back - find out what it would take to motivate them to stop breaking the law. Start nice, finish nasty. Bring back electric shock therapy I say..... (Joking!.... maybe) As for punishment not continuing beyond their prison sentence, surely that is parole? I'm not suggesting that disfiguring someone for life is the way ahead here - as I said above the punishment has to be proportionate to the crime - but in some countries it is the way it has to be.
  7. There is a lot more in the way of rehabilitation now than there ever was in the past. Some people just don't want to be rehabilitated (career criminals) then they should be punished. The Secret Millionaire the other week went into a prison to do some 'voluntary' stuff, and there he met some characters who if given a genuine chance could be rehabilitated and become a positive contributor to society. These tend to be generally good people who have made bad choices. Then there are the rotten to the core types that no rehabilitation will work on - lock them up in the worst hole there is, and they may not want to go back.
  8. OK... so now back to the original subject of this thread.... People have to bear in mind that people in the middle east are a different breed to us westerners. Arabs have to generally have a pretty short leash, and be punished hard when they get it wrong. Look at what happened to Iraq after Saddam was toppled. As naughty as Saddam was, he could keep order in his country. The same will happen when Gaddaffi goes - the country will become a cesspit of terrorists one body of water from the west. As soon as the western world invaded it all fell apart - generally speaking democracy doesn't work well with arabs - they need a dictator (preferably not too evil to stop the USA bombing you.) There are a lot of very reasonable people in the middle east, who are quite sensible. And then there are idiots as well - every country has got them, including us. However, the laws of the land say 'an eye for an eye' or words to that effect, and that is that. If most people in that country thought it was wrong, it wouldn't happen. The recent execution of that woman in Iran was changed from stoning to hanging. If nobody in the country saw anything wrong, it wouldn't have changed. We shouldn't be interfering with a country's own laws - if the people don't like them they should change them themselves. It's a big problem that we all think the west's way is the right way. There are some aspects of sharia law that could actually be a good idea. Would we have had the banking crisis if all of our banking system was 'sharia friendly'? The financial greed that has ruined this country wouldn't have been allowed to happen. Eye for an eye is certainly a concept that I struggle to disagree with. I think the problem comes when the punishment is disproportionate to the original offence (stoning for adultery springs to mind). However, a rape victim's family being allowed to be the firing squad for a death sentence, whilst extreme to us would seem reasonable over there. Would I like to smack a burglars hand with a hammer as punishment? Seems reasonable. Cut his hands off - excessive. I think that the public in this country want to see justice done. The prison system generally is good at what it does, however where it falls down is in the sentencing by judges and magistrates. 'Community service' and 'Community supervision orders' are regular punishments dished out, but to the general public they don't know what they mean. Community service = let off. And to be honest, when was the last time you saw anyone doing community service? They tried to make people wear bibs to show the public that sentences were being carried out, but the practice had to stop because it infringed their 'human rights'. Burglar that are regularly in front of the judge, but never get sentenced to prison - sometimes we have to accept that these people don't need rehabilitating, they need punishing. But judges/magistrates don't do what the public think is reasonable- they only do what the law tells them to - the same as the Iranians.
  9. Or have a cinema style ticket collection point
  10. ^ This It would be a great shame if they went pop before we could take revenge, and rightfully take the title of undisputed best team on the south coast
  11. One new set of pants please.....
  12. Huddersfield are making inroads into the goal difference!
  13. Isn't it amazing what the Americans can do when the Playstation network is down?
  14. We've all got used to 'Doing a Leeds'. Now lets 'Do a Norwich'!!!!!!! COYR
  15. The annoying thing is that when it refreshes on my PC , it refreshes to the lineups, and not the text commentary. Apart from that, good.
  16. We're down to third. Booooooooooooo!!!!
  17. Didn't we have to stop using that ball design because it was someone else's trademark (Mitre?)
  18. I thought Drogba was going to join us, but couldn't get a work permit? Then along comes another premier league club with a higher profile, and it suddenly wasn't a problem. Or am I thinking of someone else?
  19. The article does say there are a number of proposals, all of which after the 6-8 year point would be back on annual inspection. I think it is reasonable that newer cars don't need quite as much in the way of MoTs as they need to be maintained at the correct intervals to maintain the warranty. This maintainance would be more thorough than the MoT anyway, and if a fault is found it is fixed. Only an idiot would buy a car and not want to keep the warranty valid.
  20. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/news/8441028/MoTs-every-two-years-under-proposed-changes-to-system.html Seems like a good idea to me....
  21. Brighton away?
  22. According to telegraph, the officer was shot dead during an armed guard changeover. Apparently the mayor of southampton (or one of his party) helped disarm the shooter. RIP
  23. I'm having the same thoughts going through my head. If I volunteer for the first tranche of redundancies, i'd be 40 days short of the 18 year point (put that into the calculator, and for a level 7 higher PO it's quite an attractive sum) I'd be 37 when I leave, and as a fairly intelligent chap i'd hope to get a decent job when I go, and someone would consider me to be fairly employable. I'd like to do something completely different to what i've been doing in the mob, but have no idea what I can do that will pay a decent enough wage to pay the mortgage. Ideally redundancy in the second trance for the IP (but a much reduced payout) would suit me better.
  24. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/mar/28/coventry-ken-dulieu-ray-ranson
  25. I did the same. Just worried a precedence has been set.
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